Page 4

3 Gilbert Williams Original Paintings
individually for Sale:

Prices range from US $10,667 to $14,000

View  2 originals
in Banning, California, USA 50% off the original asking prices
due to critical medical expenses.
View  1 original
in Thousand Oaks, California, USA  


2 Gilbert Williams Original Paintings
for sale in Banning, California
(half-way between Los Angeles and Palm Springs)


"Visiting the Temple"
Original Painting by Gilbert Williams
Price US $14,000 or best offer

This is 50% off the original asking-price
due to critical medical expenses


Title Visiting the Temple
Year created 1980 or 1981

Dimensions of the ouside of the frame

14  x 17     inches

Dimensions of the painting visible inside the frame 11  x 14     inches
Medium Air-brushed Acrylic
Selling Price $14,000 or best offer       (US dollars) 
This is 50% off the original asking price
due to critical medical expenses.
Condition of the painting Very Good
Condition of the frame Good condition with some wear.
Rose gold wooden frame with golden inner moulding, by the Bluebird Gallery in Oregon.

Size Reference:

Commentary by the Owner:
Gilbert painted “Visiting the Temple ” expressly for his friend, the owner of this painting, in Mount Shasta , California , USA . A one-of-a-kind, original collectible, this piece has been kept in the owner's private collection until now. Gilbert Williams, the foremost visionary artist in the world, is well-known for his “Illuminations” and “Celestial Visitations” art books, and his association with the spiritual teacher, Lazaris.
Framing is by the Bluebird Gallery in Oregon, USA.


"Rainbow Star"
Original Painting by Gilbert Williams
Price US $10,667 or best offer

This is 50% off the original asking-price
due to critical medical expenses


Title Rainbow Star
Year created 1980 or 1981

Dimensions of the ouside of the frame

14  x 17     inches

Dimensions of the painting visible inside the frame 11  x 14     inches
Medium Air-brushed Acrylic
Selling Price $10,667 or best offer       (US dollars) 
This is 50% off the original asking price
due to critical medical expenses.
Condition of the painting Very Good
Condition of the frame Good condition with some wear.
Rose gold wooden frame with golden inner moulding, by the Bluebird Gallery in Oregon.


Size Reference:

Commentary by the Owner:

Gilbert painted this piece specifically for the current owner of this painting, in the presence of the owner and Gilbert's then-wife, in Mount Shasta , California, USA.
This painting is a depiction of the seller's 100-acre Rainbow Star commune around the time he co-founded the Rainbow gatherings.
The commune was later sold to the Tibetan Buddhists who built America 's largest temple center there.


Interested Buyers:

If seriously interested in purchasing either of these 2 paintings, contact Iasos.

You then have the option to view this original painting
Banning, California, USA
(half-way between Los Angeles and Palm Springs)
before deciding whether to purchase it. 



All Rights to these 2 images are of course Reserved by Gilbert Williams.


1 Gilbert Williams Original Painting
for sale in Thousand Oaks, California
(just north-east of Los Angeles)

"Bubble Castle"
Price $12,000 or best offer

(US dollars)

"Bubble Castle"
by Gilbert Williams
© Gilbert Williams

Title Bubble Castle   (actual title is unknown)

Dimensions of the ouside of the frame

18 3/8  x 18 5/8    inches

Dimensions of the painting visible inside the frame 10.5     x 10.5       inches
Medium Acrylic on Artist Board
Selling Price $12,000 or best offer       (US dollars) 
Condition of the painting Like new
Condition of the matte


Condition of the frame There are some subtle imperfections.
                    (see frame below)
Year created unknown




Size Reference:

Interested Buyers:

If seriously interested in purchasing this painting, contact Iasos.

You then have the option to view this original painting
Thousand Oaks, California, USA
(just north-east of Los Angeles)
before deciding whether to purchase it. 



Museum-Grade Crystals
to enhance Palaces, Hotels, & Mansions

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Earth/Gaia - 3rd Dimension
Sol, Milky Way Galaxy