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Side view If you were above it and looking down, it would |
These are Iasos' condensed summary-notes on Drunvalo's "Merkaba Breathing" Technique, and are based on watching 36 hours of Drunvalo's teachings on video, plus watching 2 video interviews of Drunvalo, plus studying 2 versions of Drunvalo's own notes on how to do his "Merkaba Breathing" Technique. The intention here is to simply make this technique as clearly understandable as possible.
For further information, go right to the source:
own personal website.
online community and webzine - "The
Spirit of Ma'at"
the truth and integrity of spiritual wisdom and human potential to co-create
a healthy and peaceful world"
1. Connect fingers: 1 (thumb) + 2 (pointing finger) + 3 (biggest finger).
2. Fingers 2 + 3 of both hands point towards the 3rd eye. Visualize a ray of energy extending from these fingers to your 3rd eye.
3. Position hands, so that you create an equilateral triangle (3 sides of equal length) with your 3rd eye & 2 hands. This solidly locks your psychic body, and charges your 3rd eye.
4. Repeat this process for the other chakras in the following order:
8 } 8
= the chakra 1 hand-length above the crown
7 7
} 7 = crown chakra
6 6 6 } 6
= 3rd eye chakra
5 5 } 5
= throat chakra
4 4 } 4
= heart chakra
3 3 } 3
= solar plexus chakra
2 2 } 2
= sex chakra
1 1 } 1
= root-base chakra
0 } 0
= the chakra 1 hand-length below the feet
This charges the chakras and removes blocks in the chakras, except for
major blocks.
Preliminary preparations: 1. Relax. 2. Make your spine straight. 3. Open your heart chakra. Feel LOVE for all life everywhere. BE very LOVING. A loving heart is an essential prerequisite for this Merkabah methodology to work. This is not a philosophical prerequisite but a mechanical prerequisite.
Defining the spatial positioning of the 2 tetrahedrons, for men & women:
A tetrahedron is a 3-sided pyramid, which, with the base, makes 4 (tetra) sides. Each of these 4 surfaces are identical equilateral triangles.
is an upward-pointing electrical male tetrahedron, and also
downward-pointing magnetic female tetrahedron.
two share the same space, passing through each other, forming a double-tetrahedron,
also known as a star tetrahedron.
you are a man or a woman, you have 3 sets of double (male & female)
tetrahedron: one for the physical body, one for the mental body, and one
for the emotional body.
The double tetrahedron for the physical body is neutral in nature and remains stationary - locked in place at the base of the spine, oriented according to whether you are male or female. It normally never changes its orientation.
Male The double tetrahedron for the mental body
- your mind - (electrical, male) |
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Female The double tetrahedron for the emotional
body - your feelings - (magnetic, female) |
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FEMALE TETRAHEDRON: Pointing downwards, towards the center of the earth. Used during the exhalation. Magnetic. The flat upper surface is at the level of the sternum, or nipples, or heart. The downward tip is about one hand's length below the feet, when standing. In women: One of the 3 points of the top surface faces directly to the front. In men: One of the 3 points of the top surface faces directly to the back. |
MALE TETRAHEDRON: Pointing upwards, towards the sun. Used during the inhalation. Electric. The base is at about knee-level, when standing. The upper tip is about one hand's length above the head. In men: One of the 3 points of the base faces directly to the front. In women: One of the 3 points of the base faces directly to the back. |
Top View Front Back |
Top View Front Back |
MALE ORIENTATION Top View - Looking Down. The upward male tetrahedron (blue) has one of its bottom points pointing forward. The downward female tetrahedron (pink) has one of its top points pointing backward. |
Side view
of the Mental/Electrical double-tetrahedron.
If you were above it and looking down, it would
appear to be rotating counter-clockwise.
Breaths 1-6:
For balancing of the polarities within your 8 electrical circuits. And
also for the cleansing of these 8 electrical circuits. The mudra used determines
which electrical circuit gets cleansed.
Breaths 7-13:
To re-establish the proper pranic flow through your body. And to re-create
spherical breathing within your body.
Breath 14:
To change the balance of pranic energy within your body from 3rd dimensional
to 4th dimensional awareness.
Breaths 15-17:
To re-create the counter-rotating fields of the Mer-Ka-Ba within and around
your body.
Breath 18:
This breath will be given to you by your own Higher Self, when you
are ready, and it takes you - even physically - through the speed of light
into the 4th dimension.
PURPOSE: For balancing of the polarities within your 8 electrical circuits. And also for the cleansing of these 8 electrical circuits.
Heart: Feel LOVE for all life.
Repeat the following cycle 6 times, for breaths 1-6:
(Switching the visualizations of the 2 tetrahedrons from inhale to exhale, should not be gradual cross-fades, but a sudden switch, like turning a light switch.)
Breaths 1-6
BEGIN CYCLE *************************************************************
Do the appropriate MUDRA for each breath: (The mudra used determines which electrical circuit gets cleansed.)
Palms upward. Fingers not touching each other or anything else, except for those indicated:
(1= thumb, 2 = pointing finger, etc., 5 = little finger)
The Mudras for each breath (Fingers connected for each breath):
Breath #1: 1 +
Breath #2: 1 + 3
Breath #3: 1 + 4
Breath #4: 1 + 5(little finger)
Breath #5: 1 + 2
Breath #6: 1 + 3
Breath through the nostrils, except when indicated otherwise.
INHALE about 7 seconds visualizing your male tetrahedron (pointing up) filled with brilliant light, electric light, like the concentrated life/light essence within lightning.
No pause or hesitation from inhale to exhale.
EXHALE about 7 seconds visualizing your female tetrahedron (pointing down) filled with brilliant light, electric light, like the concentrated life/light essence within lightning.
HOLD BREATH about 5 seconds, or until you "feel a pressure to breathe again".
(The timing on the breath can be adjusted after you familiarize with it, so you can find your own rhythm or time duration per breath.)
SUDDEN QUICK EYE MOVEMENT & DOWN-BREATH-PULSE: Your closed eyes move from the sides, closer towards the center, and then upwards, as if looking up to the top of your head towards your 3rd eye, and then a very sudden quick intense downward movement, as if looking below you, while simultaneously suddenly exhaling your remaining breath. This crosses the left & right brain hemispheres and you feel an electrical sensation moving down your spine, as this sends an electrical impulse down the spine. Simultaneously also visualize your female tetrahedron quickly emptying-downwards of its life force, as if its energy contents were a liquid leaking out the bottom tip, in a split second. All this creates a downward pulse through your visualization and pranic pulse and breath pulse. This pushes the negative energy of your electrical system for that mudra out through the bottom tip of your downward female tetrahedron, and into the center of the earth. This cleans out negative thoughts and feelings from that part of your electrical system that is associated with each mudra.
(Immediately repeat this cycle, unless it's the 6th breath, at which time
you continue to the next step, by changing mudras & inhaling.)
BREATHS 7-13: The PRANA TUBE along the spine.
PURPOSE: To re-establish the proper pranic flow through your body, and to re-create spherical breathing.
MUDRA: For breaths 7-13, maintain the mudra of connecting fingers 1 + 2 + 3 (thumb and next 2 fingers), with palms upward.
VISUALIZE: For these breaths, forget about visualizing the 2 tetrahedrons, and instead, focus on the clear tube of prana through your spine. This tube is perfectly straight, like a fluorescent white tube and has the same width as a hole formed by your own thumb and middle finger. It has a crystalline tip at each end that fits into the apex of each tetrahedron, and it vertically extends from the upper tip of your male tetrahedron (one hand length above your head) to the lower tip of your female tetrahedron (one hand length below your feet).
Pure male prana, as brilliant white light, coming down the spine from above, going half-way down the tube, to your navel.
Pure female prana, as brilliant white light, coming up the spine, from below, going half-way up the tube, to your navel.
The downward male prana and the upward female prana meet, along this tube, at your navel, or solar-plexus. You direct the 2 beams of prana to meet at your navel, inside this tube.
There is no holding breath - just inhaling and exhaling. You inhale for about 7 seconds, and then you exhale for about 7 seconds, and then you immediately continue to the next breath, without holding your breath. The flow of prana inward from the 2 poles continues uninterrupted, as you switch between inhaling and exhaling. Remember to maintain this one mudra of connecting fingers 1 + 2 + 3 (thumb and next 2 fingers), with palms upward, while doing breaths 7-13.
Inhale about 7 seconds while visualizing these 2 streams of prana meeting along your tube, at the navel. This meeting instantly starts producing a little sphere (about grapefruit size), and this sphere starts growing.
Exhale about 7 seconds while continuing this visualization, with the sphere continuing to grow, until it's 8-9 inches in diameter.
Just continue the same breathing and visualizing, as the sphere continues increasing in size and continues to concentrate life force energy. By the end of the 8th breath, the sphere reaches maximum size and can not grow any larger. (the sphere is now around our body). This is called the "Moon Sphere".
Continue. The sphere can not grow any bigger, so the prana continues to concentrate within the sphere, and consequently the sphere grows brighter.
About half-way through this inhale, the sphere prana reaches maximum concentration (critical mass) and the sphere ignites into a brilliant blinding sphere of golden-white light, with a diameter of 2 hand-lengths. By the end of the inhalation, this golden sphere of light is "ready" and "ripe" for a transformation.
On the exhale, make a tiny hole with your mouth and exhale forcefully within 1 second through this tiny mouth hole.
This sudden mouth exhale causes the sphere to suddenly expand into a huge ball of brilliant sun golden light. (The outer perimeter of this sphere is reached by your out-stretched fingers of your out-stretched arms, if your arms stretch out slightly higher than horizontal, at the 10:00 o'clock and 2:00 o'clock positions.)
This sphere is not yet stable.
BREATHS #11, 12, & 13:
These 3 breaths stabilize this huge sphere of light. Just relax and feel the flow of prana flowing in from the 2 poles, meeting at the navel, and then expanding out to the large sphere. By the end of the 13th breath, this sphere has become stable. The original small sphere is still there inside the larger sphere - brighter and more concentrated than the larger sphere. It is from this inner sphere that prana is drawn for various purposes such as healing.
Shift from navel to heart.
"Sternum-centered breathing"
PURPOSE: To change the balance of pranic energy within your body from 3rd dimensional to 4th dimensional awareness.
Heart: Feel LOVE for all life.
Mudra: For men: Left hand rests on top of right hand, with thumbs touching, palms upward. For women: Right hand rests on top of left hand, with thumbs touching, palms upward. This is a mudra that relaxes. You will maintain this mudra for all the remaining breaths.
As you inhale, move the sphere center (male/female meeting point along the tube) up from the solar plexus (navel) up to the heart (actually about 1" above the sternum - the 4th dimensional chakra). As you do this, the entire large outer sphere moves upward and slightly contracts. (The outer perimeter of the sphere is now the size of your out-stretched hands, if your arms are horizontal.) (9:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock position) The smaller inner sphere simultaneously also moves its center identically.
We hereby shift from 3rd dimensional awareness (solar plexus--centered earth consciousness) to 4th dimensional awareness (heart-sternum-centered Christ consciousness).
EASY BREATHING - Between Breaths 14 & 15
These intermediate breaths are a recommended step - until you have made contact with your Higher Self. After that, you can skip these intermediate breaths and proceed directly to Breath #15.
We now shift from the masculine emphasis on intricate mental details to the feminine emphasis on feeling. Access your feminine self - to just be, breathe, and feel.
We now relax into easy breathing - less deep, more shallow breathing. Simultaneously focus on feeling love and feeling the 2 energy currents meeting in the heart (the sternum), and radiating outward to create a sphere.
This is called "Christ consciousness spherical breathing" and "dolphin breathing" and "whale breathing". Do this easy breathing 15-60 minutes, at least for 15 minutes. Do it until you feel very deep and very centered.
BREATHS #15-17
NOTE: It is recommended that you do not proceed with Breaths #15-17, until you have contacted your Higher Self and it has given you permission to proceed. These breaths generate tremendous power.
PURPOSE: To re-create the counter-rotating fields of the Mer-Ka-Ba within and around your body.
Mudra for all 3 of these breaths is the same mudra as for Breath #14. This is a mudra that relaxes. For men: Left hand rests on top of right hand, with thumbs touching, palms upward. For women: Right hand rests on top of left hand, with thumbs touching, palms upward.
The 3 whole-star tetrahedrons: Whether you are a man or a woman, you have 3 sets of double (male & female) tetrahedron: one for the physical body, one for the mental body, and one for the emotional body.
The double tetrahedron for the physical body is neutral in nature and remains stationary - locked in place at the base of the spine, according to whether you are male or female. It normally never changes its orientation.
The double tetrahedron for the mental body - your mind - (electrical, male) rotates front to the left (counter-clockwise as you look down).
The double tetrahedron for the emotional body - your feelings - (magnetic, female) rotates to the right (clockwise as you look down).
"Turning on the merkabah
"Equal speed - at 1/3rd the speed of Light"
PURPOSE: To re-create the counter-rotating fields of the Merkabah within and around your body.
Feel Unconditional Love for all Life.
Remember: Feeling this LOVE is a "mechanical pre-requisite",
for this to work.
On the inhale, give your mind the code "EQUAL SPEED".
On the exhale, make a tiny hole through your mouth and exhale forcefully and quickly through this tiny hole: Almost instantly, the mental and emotional double-tetrahedrons begin rotating, at exactly the same speed, at 1/3rd THE SPEED OF LIGHT, at their outer tips. Now the merkabah engine is turned on and rotating, in neutral gear.
"34 / 21 ===> 2/3rds the speed of Light"
On the inhale, give your mind the code "34 21".
This means the mental double tetrahedron will rotate counter-clockwise 34 times during the same time that the emotional double tetrahedron will rotate clockwise 21 times. The two will maintain this rotation-ratio as they both speed up together. (34 & 21 are part of the Fibonacci Sequence: 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 etc.... Much engineering-design in Nature is based on the Fibonacci Sequence.) (Different rotational frequencies and frequency-ratios access different dimensions.)
On the exhale, blow out through a tiny hole in your mouth - with great force! This causes the rotational speeds to immediately accelerate to 2/3rds THE SPEED OF LIGHT, at their outer tips. It is the sudden exhale that causes the rotation speed increase.
The 34/21 ratio allows the merkaba to go faster than 1/3rd the speed of light, as it now suddenly is rotating at 2/3rds the speed of light. The fast centrifugal spinning causes the sphere of energy to now bulge in the middle, transforming the sphere into a disk. As the spinning approaches 2/3rds the speed of light, the rotating sphere now immediately becomes a rotating disk, about 55 feet in diameter around your body, centered at the base of your spine. This disk is flying saucer shaped, and also galaxy shaped. This energy matrix is called the "Mer-ka-ba". This counter-rotating disk is not yet stable, but slowly wobbling.
"9/10ths the speed of Light ===> tuned to physical dimension"
Feel Unconditional Love for all Life.
On the inhale, give your mind the code "9/10ths the speed of Light".
9/10ths the speed of light is the speed of all electrons orbiting around their atoms, on the physical dimension. This is the speed that the 3rd dimension is tuned to. The same ratio of 34/21 will still occur, but at a higher speed - the maximum speed possible for this ratio - 9/10ths the speed of light. This speed will stabilize the counter-rotating energies.
On the exhale, you breathe out forcefully through a tiny hole in your mouth, and this causes the Merkabah to accelerate to 9/10ths the speed of light, at their outer tips.
This speed stabilizes the rotations. It is now spinning so fast that it creates a gyroscopic stability that is rock-solid. And it is spinning so fast that the centrifugal pressure spreads it out laterally even more into a flattened disk shape. You are now in your stable 3rd-dimensionally-tuned Merkaba (tuned to the physical dimension - the physical world). Now, all siddhis (special powers) are possible. Now, whatever you think and feel inside the Merkaba becomes real. Since your thoughts and feelings are now tremendously amplified, this is an exceptional time for meditating, attuning to your Higher Self, positive affirmations, and positive visualizations.
You have to get this breath from your own Higher Self, and only when your Higher Self feels you are ready for it. This breath shows you how to make a right-angle shift, so you can shift out from this 3rd dimension and into other dimensions.
The 18th breath takes you through the speed of light into the 4th dimension. There are now a series of frequency ratios that get progressively closer to the speed of light, until they take you through the speed of light, at which point you disappear suddenly from the physical dimension reality and suddenly appear in another dimension reality, which is determined by the most current frequency ratio and speed of the spins. The Merkabah can thus take you home to your higher dimensional Source and point of origin.
More about the Merkaba.
FIELDS ===> Continuity of Memory & Consciousness
When your counter-rotating fields are active and functioning, you have set-up your own internal electro-magnetic forcefields, such that, if the planet goes through a few days of an electro-magnetic "null zone", due to the shifting of the poles, this collapse of the planetary magnetic field would not cause the complete erasing of your memory (whereas this would occur without these counter-rotating fields). Thus, you become "immortal" in the sense of no more discontinuity in your memory and consciousness, as you translate to other dimensions and/or to other bodies.
Another Excellent Explanation of the Merkaba
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Inter-Dimensional Music Earth/Gaia - 3rd Dimension Sol, Milky Way Galaxy |