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Articles by Iasos
Beauty Beauty is emotionally uplifting. Beauty is spiritually inspiring. Beauty is physically relaxing and physically healing. Beauty causes the Heart to Open. Beauty causes one to feel Love. Beauty is Healing because Beauty is Love. (Universal Love is the Cause, and Beauty
is the Result. Beauty is one of the Highest Manifestations of Infinite Divinity. Beauty is one of the most "beautiful" & satisfying paths back to Infinite Divinity. |
Sound is a carrier of light waves, and as such has many possible uses - in facilitating our current collective global ascension into higher dimensions. Physical dimension sound (vibrating air) has direct resonant impact on many other dimensions - because of the Law of Octaves: As Above, So Below. An octave higher means precisely twice that frequency, an octave lower means exactly half that frequency. Resonant energy-transfer can occur between these octaves, and so through this precise harmonic link-up between dimensions, a particular frequency of vibrating air, can induce an analogous pattern within much higher octaves, thereby inducing comparable energies in the frequency ranges of color, fragrance, the emotional plane, the mental plane, and the super-consciousness plane (to name a few).
Sound can be used as a channel-tuner
for your consciousness:
By "tuning" the antenna of your light body, you can more
readily dial-in and access specifically-desired light realms. This is using
sound as a vibrational gateway. Rather than the dial of your consciousness
being "stuck" most of the time on only one station - this physical
dimension, you can exercise your ability to access different realms. The
music then functions as "training wheels", for once you familiarize
with particular realms, you can readily access them without the music.
Imagine! You can use sound as a "wave guide" to harmonically align with the higher octaves of your own being - your Higher Self. Through attention, you can even dial in and travel through the various octaves or "floors" of your own God//Goddess Self.
There are vast legions of beings, both in the angelic kingdom and in the elemental kingdom, whose specialty is The Musical Outpouring of Divinity. In the angelic kingdom there are fleets of music angels - ready and eager to instantly come where they are invoked & invited, to grace and join in with an event, adding their uniquely exquisite energies to those of the humans. Very often the humans do not hear the angels and do not even sense them, but they are emotionally moved by them - to the very core of their souls.
And in the elemental kingdom, the elohim create and eternally maintain an upward flowing energy towards higher consciousness, that is like a "consciousness-escalator" going continuously upward towards greater divinity. Beings can tap into this in their consciousness through attention, and then "ride" this flow gracefully upward towards greater expansions in awareness. This is one of their many services to the human kingdom.
And sound can be such a healer. Thoughts have to pass through the censor of your intellect before you accept them, but music simply bypasses the intellect and directly saturates the emotional body with its radiations! Sound can cleanse your emotions, like ironing out the "wrinkles" in your emotional body.
Primarily through physical resonance and emotional resonance.
PHYSICAL RESONANCE results from the vibrating air "shaking up" the molecules and causing the energy system to synchronize with itself into "standing waves", which, out of random chaos produce order, symmetry, and stability. Hans Jenny with his study of Cymatics shows innumerable photographs of beautifully symmetric shapes, formed by powders vibrating on a surface that is vibrating with sound. Sound can produce order out of randomness, by causing an energy system to synchronize with itself, producing standing waves. And increased coherency is the direction of increased health and greater life force.
EMOTIONAL RESONANCE means that music influences your feelings, and your feelings directly affect your health. All diseases are really psychosomatic (caused by the mind and feelings). You can temporarily remove the symptom, but for a permanent cure, you must remove the cause , which is always in the feelings and thinking. So one way music healing works is:
harmonious music ===> harmonious feelings ===> good health
harmonious feelings ===> positive optimistic thoughts ===> good health
So music can set up a chain reaction that begins as sound, passes through your feelings and thinking, and eventually influences your current state of health.
And for those of you that actively create and use sound in your work, remember that
Intent can modulate (ride on) a sound wave.
just as one water wave can ride on top of another larger wave. The same vowel sound of "ah" can make a plant shrivel up or thrive, depending on the intent of the singer in that moment. Clearly consciously intend the effects of the sounds you are creating or using, and watch its impact blossom right before your eyes!
Just as the note C keeps repeating throughout the piano keyboard at different octaves, emotions likewise repeat at higher octaves. Surprisingly, distorted emotions, such as hate, anger, and fear are a very limited emotional range, beginning at zero frequency (frozen in fear) and going up to the particular cut-off frequency of very subtle distortion (melancholy). Positive emotions on the other hand are an unlimited frequency range, extending up into infinity. For example, gladness an octave higher is happiness, an octave higher joy, then ecstasy, then rapture, then ..... it just keeps going(!), though the English language has no words for these higher octave emotions, since they are realms where humans seldom tread (although these higher octave emotions are "normal cruising altitude" for the angels).
As our planet continues its dimensional upshift, there will be more and more ceremonies that consciously include and combine the angelic kingdom and the elemental nature kingdom with the human kingdom. Music can be the unifying force, that resonates these 3 kingdoms into a unified worship, adoration, and alignment with the One Universal Source.
These next few years, there will be appearing many musician-light-workers specifically focusing on creating music for all these purposes. Avail yourself of their sounds. Use sound to accelerate your evolution, rather than passively allowing sound to have a sluggish effect on your growth. Take charge of your Life - what music you hear. Look for music that is coherent, emotionally uplifting, and centering. Music that feels like it is coming from a loving heart. Ask your own Heart: How is this music affecting me - on all levels? Trust what your Heart tells you, and act on it. Choose and intend to effortlessly ride these sound waves gracefully upward towards your own expansions - on waves of light.
Enthusiastically at your service, Iasos |
For any healing modality, healing is not creating something new, but merely re-aligning the body to its own already-existing Divine blue-print. Healing is re-establishing a dynamic state of balance out of a temporary state of imbalance (like a surfer adjusting his balance on the surf board). There are innumerable ways to do this, and using sound is one potent way to do this.
Primarily through these 4 means:
Physical Resonance
* Emotional Resonance
* Intent
(of the person creating the healing sounds)
Belief (of the person listening to
the healing sounds)
Resonance means:
If there are 2 energy systems capable of vibrating to the same frequency,
if one of them starts vibrating, and if it is sufficiently near the other
one, it will tend to get the other one also vibrating to this frequency.
For example, if you tune 2 strings on a guitar to the same note (same frequency),
if you pluck one of these strings, the other string will also start vibrating.
results from the vibrating air "shaking up" the molecules and causing
the energy system to synchronize with itself into "standing waves",
which, out of random chaos, produce order, symmetry, coherency, and stability.
Hans Jenny with his study of Cymatics shows innumerable photographs of beautifully
symmetric shapes, formed by randomly-arranged powder on a surface which is caused
to vibrate by sound from a speaker attached to that surface. Sound
can produce order out of randomness, by causing an energy system to synchronize
with itself, producing standing waves. Standing waves are inherently
self-reinforcing and accordingly tend to maintain their existence. Consequently,
they are a fundamental characteristic of any self-organizing system, such as
your body. And this increased coherency is the direction of increased health,
longevity, and greater life force. This means that sound can cause the various
"parts" of your body to synchronize with each other, such as your
heart beat synchronizing with your breathing and with your brain waves. Any
system that self-synchronizes into standing waves causes these waves to reinforce
each other (sustained good health), whereas in a vibrating system without standing
waves, the waves tend to randomly cancel each other out (disease & death).
"Shaking up the molecules" for sound-healing through physical resonance can occur, for example, by toning with your voice or using gongs or using Tibetan bowls that are rubbed in a circular fashion. A more esoteric example is dolphins that have been known to use their sonar to "tune up" the chakras (subtle energy centers) of humans swimming with them. This type of sound healing - physical resonance - usually does not involve a complex blend of many instruments, such as an orchestra, but usually only one potent sound by itself.
means that music influences your feelings,
and your feelings directly affect your health.
To properly understand this, one must understand how different dimensions
can influence each other. Then we can apply this understanding to your physical
body, your emotional body, and your mental body, each of which is vibrating
in a different dimension, or a different "range of frequencies". Because
of resonance, two systems tuned to the same frequency can have an energy-transfer
between them. A simple example of resonance is radio: When your radio
dial is tuned to the same carrier frequency that a particular radio station
is transmitting on, this resonance allows your radio to pick up and "hear"
the program from that radio station.
Now resonance also applies to the Law of Octaves. An octave higher means precisely twice the frequency and an octave lower means precisely half that frequency. For example, if "A" on a piano is 440 cycles per second, then 880 cycles per second is the "A" that is one octave higher and 220 cycles per second is the "A" that is one octave lower. Resonance can and does occur between octaves, simply because their frequencies are precise whole-number multiples of each other: If two strings on a guitar are tuned to 440 and 880 cycles per second, plucking either string will cause the other string to also vibrate, thanks to Resonance with the Law of Octaves.
Keeping this in mind, we can see how each of your bodies (physical, emotional, mental) can influence each other.
Now to state the obvious:
1. Sound & music influence your emotions.
This is an energy transfer from the physical plane to the emotional plane. Furthermore,
2. Your emotions influence your physical body.
This is an energy transfer from the emotional plane back to the physical plane. Therefore:
3. Harmonious music/sound ==> harmonious feelings ==> good health.
4. Your emotions influence your thinking.
This is an energy transfer from the emotional plane to the mental plane. And ...
5. Your thinking influences your physical body.
This is an energy transfer from the mental plane to the physical plane. Specifically, your cells respond to the mental pictures you hold in your mind of "how" your body is "supposed" to behave. Your beliefs about how your body is "supposed" to behave will have long-lasting effects in how your body actually does behave.
6. Harmonious music/sound => harmonious feelings => optimistic thoughts => good health.
So to summarize, sound healing through emotional resonance triggers a chain reaction between dimensions that begins as physical dimension sound and, through the Law of Octaves, passes through your emotional body and mental body, and then both your emotional and mental bodies influence the state of health of your physical body:
7. Harmonious music/sound
===> harmonious feelings ================> good health.
Harmonious music/sound ===> harmonious
feelings ===> optimistic thoughts ===> good health.
Please do not infer from this that you should repress or suppress inharmonious feelings. When you find yourself in such a state, the worst thing you can do is repress or suppress your feelings. The healthiest thing to do is to express them, release them, clear them and be done with them (study children - they�'re great at this!) ... rather than sustaining a state of inharmonious emotions. It is the long-term sustaining of inharmonious emotions that provides a supportive environment for poor health & disease. The hypothetical ideal of course would be to "create your reality" in such a way that inharmonious emotions seldom get triggered in the first place.
And for those of you that actively create and use sound in your
work, remember that
INTENT can modulate (ride on) a sound wave.
It works like this: If you are standing by a lake and a boat passing by makes long smooth waves, and if you then throw a tiny pebble in the lake, the tiny fast waves from the pebble will ride on top of the slow big waves from the boat. This is an example of one wave riding on top of (modulating) another wave. Likewise, the person who is creating healing music can "superimpose" on top of these sound waves his/her intention that these sounds will be healing. This person would then be "modulating" these sound waves with his/her intention.
For example, the same vowel sound of "ah" can make a plant shrivel up or thrive, depending on the intent of the singer in that moment. Maximize your intention when using sound. Clearly consciously intend the effects of the sounds you are creating or using, and watch its impact blossom right before your eyes! And intention creates an effect - not only when you are creating sounds yourself, but even when you are re-playing sound recordings previously created by others!
Most of us have heard of the
"placebo effect": If a doctor gives a patient a pill
that really has no active ingredient, and if that doctor also tells that patient
that this pill will cure him, if the patient believes the doctor, then in most
cases, that patient will be cured! Not because of the pill.
But because of the patient's belief in the pill! It
is truly the BELIEF of the person being healed that is creating the healing.
This same "placebo effect"
can also apply to sound healing:
If the sound healer can convince the listener that
these sounds will definitely heal him/her, then they actually will
heal that person - because of their belief that it will heal
them. Belief is so powerful that this is even true with any
sound! Even an extremely unpleasant sound (like a jack-hammer or machine gun
fire) can heal if the healer can convince the person that it
definitely will heal them. THAT
is how powerful your beliefs are!
SOUND HEALING can occur through:
* Physical Resonance
* Emotional Resonance
* Intent (of the person superimposing healing Intent over the sound waves)
* Belief (of the person listening to the healing sounds)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Here's what happens when you repress/suppress
your feelings: Your emotions are an egg-shaped energy field larger than
your physical body and surrounding and interpenetrating your physical body.
Each emotion is usually localized in one particular part of this emotional energy
field. (For example, anger might be localized in your solar plexus.) Often,
a person may decide that their emotion is "bad", "shameful",
or "too painful", and consequently decide to NOT let themselves feel
it. This causes the area where this emotion exists to "freeze-up"
or "lock-up", and basically get stuck and not flow. Since the flow
of prana or life-force is EXTREMELY interactive with the flowing of emotional
energy, if the emotional energy freezes up in one particular
area, then the flow of life force also freezes up in that area. This
means that not enough life force is flowing into that area now. So
whatever physical organ happens to occupy that same space where the emotional
energy got stuck, is now no longer receiving sufficient life force! If this
condition persists, then predictably that physical organ will begin having
serious health problems!
The solution:
= "energy in motion").
All diseases are really psychosomatic (caused
by the mind and feelings).
The physical body
is the realm of EFFECT.
The realm of CAUSE is your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. You can think of your physical body as the accumulated
repository or "record" of all your thoughts and feelings throughout
your life. The Angels of Healing make an important distinction between
a temporary healing and a permanent healing: For them, a temporary healing
is when only the symptoms (effect) are removed, not the cause. A permanent
healing is when the emotional and mental attitudes creating the disease
(cause) are changed or "corrected" as well. You can temporarily remove
the symptoms, but for a permanent cure, you must remove the cause, and
the cause is always in the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs - your emotional and mental
Furthermore, new incoming thoughts have to pass through your intellectual censor, where you decide to accept or reject those ideas. However, music is "sneaky": Sound and music by-pass any intellectual censor and totally saturate their influence on your emotions & feelings. This highlights the importance of "taking dominion" over your own world and always monitoring what music you are allowing into your emotional world (since it will profoundly influence your feelings).
One area of sound healing that is seldom regarded as such
rhythmic dance music!
How so? Rhythmic dance music can perform 3 powerful healing functions:
1. It can charge the bottom 3 chakras or energy
systems in the body -
the base
of the spine, the sex center, and the solar plexus center.
2. It can help ground the physical body.
3. It can actually vitalize the physical body by pumping energy
into it.
Rhythm is actually an energy-pump
through time. And if it is
an effective rhythm (you know ... the kind where you have to move), then
it is pumping a lot of energy! Effective rhythms tend to induce a resonance
between the pulsing sound waves and the pulsing body waves. When the resonance
is great, they have a hi-tech name for this synchronized pulsing together
of the sound waves and your body waves: dancing! Since resonance
allows for energy-transfer, in such a synchronized state, the sound
of the music you are dancing to can actually pump energy and vitality into
your body! ("I could have danced all night...") Hence,
can provide nourishment & vitality to your body.
The "trick" however is to only choose dance music that is emotionally positive - otherwise you can be polluting your emotional body while vitalizing your physical body. Be discerning: only choose dance music that you sense to be emotionally positive and uplifting. Trust your Heart. Trust your intuitive guidance on this.
Another area of sound healing is sacred music. Here's how this works: Whatever you place your attention on, your attention is like an electronic beam that instantly connects you to the target of your attention, like dialing a particular phone number. Think of this beam of your attention as a "wire" on the mental plane, connecting two points. While this electronic beam of your attention is connecting you to your attention-target, 3 things are occurring:
1. Your energy flows out to the object of your attention.
You are energizing it.
2. The energy from the object of your attention is flowing back to you.
It is energizing you with its energies (good or bad).
3. By being electronically linked up, you and this object of your attention
begin to synchronize,
and entrain, and
resonate together as "one system".
So whether your attention is focused on television reporting some horrible disaster or focused on a beautiful flower, you and the object of your attention immediately begin resonating together as one synchronized system, and you immediately begin absorbing the qualities of that reality!
Now when your attention is on the One Infininte Supreme Source
of all Life everywhere - that which makes all of us alive - then you
begin resonating with this Universal Energy. This means you begin synchronizing
with the entire universe! And since BALANCE is one of the prime qualities
of the Universal Source of All Life, this means you are getting more in
balance with the entire universe! And balance = healing!
to & resonating with the Universal Source, by any means, is the most healing thing you can
do for yourself!
However, most humans have such a short attention span, that even if their attention is on the one Universal Source, it can not solidly stay focused there more than a few seconds. Here�'s where music can help: Music can perform the function of assisting you in attuning to the Universal First Cause and in keeping your attention focused there for an extended period of time. So sacred music performs this function of facilitating your attunement to the Universal Source and sustaining your focus on the Universal Source, thereby causing you to become more healed by establishing a sustained alignment with the Infinite Eternal Source of all Life. Just think - for each second that your attention is focused on the Universal Source of all Life, there is a tremendous stream of healing balancing energy flowing into your body and energy fields!
And for those readers that professionally use sound as a healing tool, keep in mind that there are endless, innumerable, countless ways that sound can be used for healing, and no one knows them all! Know that your mind is an automatic "magnet" for ideas in any field of reality that your mind regularly focuses on. If your mind specializes in sound-healing, know that your mind is a mental "magnet" for picking up ideas for unique new ways that sound can be used for healing. So follow your hunches! Manifest those ideas - however "far out" they may seem! Dare to implement those flashes! Enrich this planet with the sound-healing techniques and ideas that you are receiving.
Now, having discussed sound as a healing modality, let me discuss some other uses of sound and music that are dear to my heart.
Sound can be used as a channel-tuner for your consciousness.
By "tuning" the antenna of your consciousness, you can more readily dial-in and access specifically-desired light realms. When sound helps you do this, the sound is functioning as a vibrational gateway to higher planes. Rather than the "radio" dial of your consciousness being "stuck" most of the time on only one station (this physical dimension), you can exercise your ability to access different realms (practice moving that dial). The music then functions as "training wheels" helping you dial in different light realms, for once you familiarize with these particular realms, you can then readily access them without the music!
Furthermore, you can even use sound as a "wave guide" to harmonically align with the higher octaves of your own being - your Higher Self - your I AM Presence. Through attention, you can dial in and travel through the various higher octaves or "floors" of your own God/Goddess Self.
There are vast legions of beings, both in the angelic kingdom and in the elemental nature kingdom, whose specialty is The Musical Outpouring of Divinity. In the angelic kingdom there are fleets of music angels - ready and eager to instantly come where they are invoked & invited, to grace and join in with any ceremony, adding their uniquely exquisite energies to those of the humans. Very often the humans do not hear the angels and do not even sense them, but their feelings are influenced by the angels - to the very core of their souls.
As our planet continues its dimensional upshift, there will be more and more ceremonies that consciously include and combine the angelic kingdom and the elemental nature kingdom with the human kingdom. Music can be the unifying force that resonates these 3 kingdoms together into one unified whole - for loving alignment with the One Universal Source that makes all of us alive.
These next few years, there will be appearing many musician-light-workers specifically focusing on creating music for all these purposes. Avail yourself of their sounds. Use sound to accelerate your evolution, rather than passively allowing sound to have a sluggish effect on your growth. Take charge of your Life: what music you listen to. Look for music that is coherent, emotionally uplifting, and centering. Music that feels like it is coming from a loving heart. Ask your own Heart: How is this music affecting me - on all levels? Trust what your Heart tells you, and act on it. Choose and intend to effortlessly ride these sound waves gracefully upward towards your own expansions - on waves of light.
Enthusiastically at your service, Iasos |
Read The Application Notes
for Sacred Sonic Tools
by Apollo
Channeled by Iasos
In Iasos' understanding, Apollo and Dianna are currently the sun-god and sun-goddesses of a nearby solar system, functioning as the divine parents for that solar system. Apollo's "specialty", as a contribution-to-Life, is the energy of Royalty and the energy of Princely Charm. Apollo and Dianna occasionally interact with humans on earth in a friendly, loving, and helpful capacity. This is the reality behind the myth.
Awake to this self-awareness:
You project differently to the universe,
And the universe reflects correspondingly back to you.
By being royalty, you project royalty. By projecting royalty, you receive - from the reflective nature of the universe - experiences all vibrating intensely with the essence and the feeling and the Beingness of royalty.
Royalty is honoring yourself as God would honor you.
Royalty is loving yourself as God would love you.
Royalty is enjoying Life with the Fullness that God would have you enjoy
Royalty is intensely resonantly Being the Magnificence God would have you be.
Why so many temples in Greece dedicated to Apollo? They sensed the radiation of Self-Honoring Magnificence - and therefore they could not help but to honor it as well.
Be so knowing with absoluteness of conviction of how God/Goddess is always infinitely honoring you, that you align with this attitude and honor yourself as God/Goddess honors you.
Royalty is your Divine Birth-Right and Heritage.
1st. God/Goddess infinitely honors your deep-most
2nd. Aligning precisely with this, you honor your own deep-most
3rd. Externally reflecting this, the universe honors your deep-most
essence, thereby eternally generating experiences of a magnificence befitting
such a resonance.
1st. God/Goddess
honors you.
2nd. You honor you.
3rd. All Life honors you.
To sense - even for an instant - God's honoring of your essence-magnificence, is to eternally abolish even the faintest traces of unworthiness.
Come - step in to the Golden Sunshine of Perpetual
Step onto the Pathway of Golden Experiences.
Walk the Path into eternally-increasing God-Self-Appreciation, and its
child - eternally-increasing Fun-Ecstacy from the Wonder of Life.
Caveat: the big "But"
the Infinite Creator does regard you as Royalty.
But, that does not mean that you can treat yourself as "special", and treat everyone else as just "common place".
That does not mean that you can act like a king or queen, and all others are merely your servants.
Yes, the Infinite Creator does regard you as Royalty. but, the Infinite Creator treats everyone else as Royalty also!
Therefore, treat everyone else as your equal!. Treat everyone else as if they are Royalty as well!
Never relate to others as if you are somehow "superior" to them. They are not here to wait on you.
And make sure that you are "giving" to others, as much as you are "taking" from others.
If your Royalty causes you to act as if you are in some way "superior" to others, they won't like it, and they will most likely let you know that.
But if your Royalty causes you to treat others as if they are Royalty also and they are also your equal,
then you are enhancing their self-image & self-worth, and ALL IS WELL.
"Another Day's Work"
(for Iasos)
Imagine or think about how different people go to work in totally different environments:
Some take a subway and work in a skyscraper. Some take a car and work in an office building. Some in a nightclub. Some on a ranch. Some in a fancy pleasure resort. Some in a tropical rain forest. Some driving trucks in the desert. Some in a little hospital in a valley. Some in a military prison. Some on a broadway musical. Some in a child-care center. Some in a high-security high-tech lab. |
And then, after a day's work, they go home, and act as if it's just been "another normal day at work".
Well, where I work is SO TOTALLY
It's SO beyond any earthly comprehension of heavenly blissful realms -
SO beyond the farthest imaginations of what Sweet-Bliss-Cosmic-Beauty
could be like. CAN be like. And IS!
It is SUCH a realm of speechless Beauty -
BEAUTY in sound.
BEAUTY in colors.
BEAUTY in movement.
And especially.......BEAUTY
The most Heavenly
and STREAMS and cosmic ribbons of streams of flowing emotional beauty!
Flowing ribbons
of Beauty-Feelings streaming through the realms.
of Beauty! Nested holograms of Beauty!
It totally BLISSES ME OUT SO MUCH, just to be "working" in
these realms of BEAUTIFUL sounds/colors/emotions,
It TOTALLY melts my Heart with blissful stunned AWE to be beholding such
{{And what exactly is my "job" there?
To FEEL and be BLISSED OUT by the most heavenly feelings imaginable, and then WHILE in this heart-melted state, to "transform" these exquisite "feelings" into earthly sounds faintly "reminiscent" of these supernal states, of which these sounds are but a dim reflection. That's my "job description" - what I actually "DO" while there.}} |
.....that, when I "return home" after "just another day's work", I walk in secluded pondering, KNOWING beyond ANY doubt, that there is NO WAY such experiences could POSSIBLY be conveyed to any earthly incarnated soul. It's hopeless.
There is NO WAY I could explain "where I work" in a way where
they really "get it"! Imagine "getting paid"
to get your Heart so ecstaticly-blissed, that most incarnated beings have
NO CONCEPT that such states even exist!
(How can you explain vast weightless perfumed realms
of unimaginable Love to incarnated beings?)
So I walk home, after a "day's work", smugly smiling, with
this grin on my face, because of this *Delicious*Incomprehensible*Secret*.
Knowing it would be hopeless to even ATTEMPT conveying this realm
where I work.
Walking home, contemplating my "private little secret", pondering the stunned awe I feel - EVERY time I RETURN to work and am first re-struck with this Bigger-Than-Life *COSMIC BEAUTY* that so effortlessly melts my Heart to tears from an Overwhelm of Beauty.
I just walk home, thinking, "Well, I guess it will just have to remain *My little secret* ", sighing with hopeless thoughts of wishing I could share this ecstatic realm with others.
God! If they ONLY knew!
Interviews with Iasos
and Articles about Iasos
==> other languages
or, other languages ==> English
until Jeff Rense gets his archived shows from 1998 back on-line.) Jeff Rense hosts his own interview show 6 days a week, 3 hours a day, which is broadcast live over a syndication of radio stations and also live over the internet via RealAudio streaming. You can also listen to these interview from his Archives page. He interviews a wide variety of interesting people, with perhaps an emphasis on ufos, government cover-ups, ecology, aliens, secret advanced technologies, and alternative health. His show is so popular that his website is averaging almost 3 million hits a month, and growing! (, until Jeff Rense gets his archived shows from 1998 back on-line.) (, until Jeff Rense gets his archived shows from 1998 back on-line.) When your RealAudio player gets there, it will be the 2nd of 2 Clips. (the first is a brief advertisement) The 2nd Clip is the 3-hour interview show. (You can use the [PAGE DOWN] key to skip the first cut.) During the first 2 hours, Jeff interviews various very interesting people and then both Iasos interviews
begin around Download the free Real Audioplayer |
Talks by Iasos
Imaginational Resonance
A Sonic Technique for Raising your Vibrations
This is a quick, easy, and playfully-challenging technique
for raising your vibrations.
How Sound can Induce
Higher Consciousness in the Listener
This is an opening talk I gave at an event on sound healing.
I was asked to explain how sound can induce expanded states of consciousness
(in 10 minutes or less). I did this in 7.5 minutes.
Using Sound for Healing & Light-Body Activation
A video of Iasos' presentation, at
The First International Symposium on the Healing Effects of Sound.
This symposium was produced by Jeff Volk,
and occurred in Epping, New Hampshire, USA on Oct. 9, 1993.
Jeff introduces Iasos at the very beginning of this video.
Iasos currently offers a workshop with this same title,
and this video can give you an approximate idea of this workshop.
Tips for Aspiring Musicians
In the Spring of 2013, the Music Technology Dept. of Foothill College ( Los Altos , California )
had a series of guest-speakers on the topic of Music Therapy. Iasos was one of those guest speakers,
and he chose to FOCUS on "Tips for Aspiring Musicians".
The first hour and a half (shown here) is the actual talk.
This was followed by an hour and a half of Questions and Answers (not shown here)
Raising your Vibrations
Time duration=flexible: Exit when you feel complete.
An audio/visual "tool" to facilitate raising your vibrations.
Though introduced by Iasos, it is primarily implemented by SOUND & LIGHT,
and is based on a sound that is continuously going upward.
Christopher Toussaint interviews Iasos
Christopher Toussaint interviewed Iasos while both were at the
Third International New Age Music Conference,
held in Santa Monica , California , on April 24, 1991 .
Iasos won the “Crystal Award” for artist in the 2 nd year,
and so in this 3 rd year, Iasos presented this artist award to this year's winner: Paul Horn.
In this interview Chris asks Iasos questions on numerous topics, including: his career,
new age music in general, rhythm and healing, etc. Sorry for the visual quality,
but this was transferred from a 1991 VHS! But the audio holds up okay.
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