Jean-Luc Bozzoli, born in France and living mostly in Hawaii, is an intriguing "visionary" in that he is artistically exploring realms where no one has gone before. His recent video "Merkabah Voyage of a Star Seed" (a computer-animated odyssey) is in my opinion (Iasos' opinion) one of the most high-consciousness video currently available! It involves computer graphics of "flying through" sacred geometry spaces within an ancient Egyptian motif. Truly consciousness-raising and consciousness-aligning to universal geometrics. He says of this video: "My most recent work, "Merkabah: The Voyage of a Star Seed," a video, takes viewers on a journey that is designed to revive our holographic memories, and facilitate a return home to our highest potentials." The implementation of these visions was faciliated by Olivier Bobst, a technical computer special effects master, and produced by James J. Hurtak. It's wonderful for people to realize they can have these journeys from home, through the power of art and that they don't have to travel to exotic locales, like going on Cancun vacations or staying at Dominican Republic all inclusive luxury resorts.
Though this page displays examples of Jean-Luc's art, keep in mind that these still images do not do justice to Jean-Luc's art, which by its nature is poetry in motion, thanks to video. These computer-generated images gives us a glimpse into the magical realms of his imagination, and display his fascination with dolphins and sacred geometry. His personal website and the Eye Within Studios website both offer this video, as well as prints and cards of his still images.
By the way, in his 3 galleries, just reading the commentary before and after his images is - in and of itself - a GREAT EDUCATION about the
spiritual-multidimensional-transformation that earth and its inhabitants are now undergoing.
Jean-Luc Bozzoli:
"The Dreamtime that I experience
becomes like a gateway, opening to a world of parallel dimensions. Venturing
into these realms with excitement, I communicate information beyond mere
rational words, touching the parts of our mind that knows the profound
simplicity of Truth and Beauty, that I believe holds the consciousness
that links us all together. Our hearts can open to the realization of who
we are, where we have been and where we are going.
Our inner and outer worlds are revealed as profoundly beautiful forms, subtle shapes and organic geometries. These are in constant motion, expanding patterns of sound and color.
My continuing quest to perfect my skills and methods has led me to the use of state of the art technology as a means to render for the viewer, a direct experience of these unseen patterns. Patterns that connect us to inner-dimensional travel via a computer animated odyssey."
My hope is that these surrealistic visions might open us to worlds within worlds and inspire us to visualize our self-realizing universe."
Representative Images
Jean-Luc Bozzoli
"The NewLife"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
The New Life - Co-Creating every single breathing moment
Any statistical graph, or data graph, has peaks and then downward curves, and the up and down curves start to repeat itself. Currently we are in an immense upward graph peaking moment, as we are being pulled ever higher into the New Earth and the much higher fifth to seventh dimensional frequency bands. This is unprecedented and thus we now literally are being pushed beyond anything known!
When we are being pulled ever upwards, as all the lower densities disintegrate increasingly, it can become very uncomfortable. For now the old road maps, the old ways of doing, being, existing are falling away, and we now need to create new ones as we step further into the unknown.
Our physical bodies have a challenging time keeping up, while our mental bodies often go into overload, as the mind is finite and needs to move into higher alignment with the heart, as the heart is directly connected to the soul, and the soul is infinite and can move in infinite space and is not bound by anything or anyone.
The emotional body is now going through intense clearing and purification, as all the old stuff which caused pain and suffering, throughout all our lifetimes including this one, affecting the great collective of humanity,
is now being released.
"The New Resonance"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
The world you are helping to create in linear time, already vibrantly exists in the continuum� thus the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty - it is all about resonance!
"Liquid Light Plasma"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
The Coming! of Wave X - Liquid Light Plasma... via our very active Sun & Earth... on this Eclipse & Equinox are opening Energy Stargates for huge Transformations... that launch us into a New Earth Field of New Paradigms and New Lives.
Like In - Like Out
As far as possible... ignore what is going on around you (theNews) ... focus on your goals and Peace... Remember Life is beyond any beliefs, Life is Infinite... in mysterious ways our Dreams link us up with Light Beings Creative Assistance....and where we realize our Souls are already One with All That Is.
"Our 5th Dimensional Time-Ship-Earth"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
Earth is a "Timeship", a structure designed to move through Space and create Time. We are the Time Travellers. We travel with and on the Earth and we create Time on the Earth both individually and collectively. We are infinite in nature and that we move through time in Spirals which are Circles of Light.
"Water Key Code"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
The Water Key Code is a geometry that unlocks the informations stored within the molecules of water of our bodies ...
revealing the Truth about who we are, where we come from and our higher purpose on Earth. For billions of years, Water has witnessed everything on the Earth.
The Water Code is the key to the recorded, transformative and healing energies of Light and Water. ~The Water Code - by
"Dragon Wave" - The Wave of Change
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
"I made this picture as an introduction to my new film - Voyage to Infinity with Whales & Dragons - that transmits how colors & geometric codes / frequencies that dolphins, whales and unknown Beings work with to hold the planet in her beauty of harmony and Life. The Dragon is also the Keeper of an higher Treasure: the flow of - Water & Light that unites all our Energy Centers, the key into the blossoming of our full potentials.. where our next journey is our multi-dimensional life."
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
" I think the next step for humanity is to release our intuition and imagination to flow to truly appreciate the beauty of living on Earth and accessing the mystery of Infinity. This Goddess is our Feminine aspect - YIN - Muse and Power of Freedom , of wisdom, INTUITION, sovereignty, inspiration, ingenuity, respect, courage, strength, justice, strategy, and the arts. And She, with the Whales and Dragons are guiding us to perceive and appreciate that we are more than our body and our mind.
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
"Galactic Waves of highly charged particles are activating our DNA : very challenging but eventually the Greatest Transmutation... Letting go of the old and embracing the New - Slow down and choose carefully what matters - Approach this transmutation with your own creativity - Let go of the � what's wrong mind " to focus and trust on your own inner truth . Use this Transmutation, for All energies are amplified... assist this in grounding, re-centering, and re-purposing your energies, to clear any residue that was brought up and release it so you can make the most of October's with more expanded potentials.
"Forest Gate"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
"Envisioning & Anchoring Harmony"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
Envisioning & Anchoring Harmony :
Every time you see something out of balance�
envision how it would work if the paradigm were set differently.
You Anchor it in your heart, by simply setting the intention for it to be harmonized.
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
"Inner EARTH and Inner HEART"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
Deep within the Realms of * Inner Earth and Inner Heart * of higher love.
The Elementals purpose was to sustain this magnificence of the Planet , but at the fall of Consciousness when the Earth was disconnected from the - Source Creator - and Archangels, the Elementals were misunderstood and now we need a bridging once again. The Elementals was able to create with the elements, the air-water-fire-earth, but the missing piece was what they lost at the fall of consciousness. They lost the "Element of Love". And the way to give and get the element of love back on Earth... is if we love ourselves... and it starts with loving our physical body... because the Earth and the elementals works with the physicalness of the Earth... Now - the Ascended Masters affirm that you are going to turn this physical body into Light this year by changing the ATP- ADP relationship of the neurone and amino acids of the brain - where nothing breaks by starting loving your body as it is - by valuing this vehicle, you're going to have a sense of this key element of love.
"Building Change"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
Building Change with Peace and Compassion� by integrating our �higher� resonance from "the subtle and the unseen" of the heart ... into new destinations.
Polarization and Discernment. The physical and non-physical are connected. "Nurturing" in your life! Are we feeding our fear, or feeding our Love!
What about that multidimensional piece of your DNA! ...this is going to bring your consciousness in line with your innate: the wisdom of your Soul.
Beneath the chaos, a desire for unity cries out within human hearts. The universe is in an elegant vibrational dance... with the Guidance of the NOW, with each wave, each breath - each fall, each smile - through you, is created anew.
The Universe has an infinite number of ways it can solve our problems and... now with a heart-tuning, our free will is our adventure.
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
Maintaining contact with Nature-Spirits!... even if it is only with our home's plants, all plants are one with nearby trees nearby, so Nature-Spirits can bring in flows of healthy Earth-Energies.
Unseen to our eyes, these little Creatures are joyfully active in freeing wellness everywhere... all they need, are untouched spots of Nature to recharge.
"Golden Seed "
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
"There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results." -Mahatma Gandhi
"Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become ." -Steve Jobs
"Purple Star"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
"Behind the Forest''s Veil"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Artist Commentary:
Life abounds everywhere around you, often out of your sight - due to the difference in vibrations.
"Star Dust"
by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
© Jean-Luc Bozzoli
"The whales have postulated the incredible idea that Whales can and do influence the minds of receptive people. Whales are only mirrors of the great Mind that human cultures recognize as God. They are not divine beings, in the supernormal sense, but are mystics who intervene between the unformed cosmic unconscious and the human conscious mind. Whales are not interested in human adoration, but are living symbols of love which they see as a pervasive energy of universal renewal, hope and peace.� © 2013-2014 Joan Ocean book
All Rights
to these images are of course Reserved by
the artist.
Attention: Art Collectors ! |
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Inter-Dimensional Music Earth/Gaia - 3rd Dimension Sol, Milky Way Galaxy |