Celestial Soul Portraits
Erial Ali
I am proud to offer the unique *magical* service
of Erial Ali creating
a Celestial Soul Portrait of YOU!
(Erial also does "magical" versions of family portraits.)
How it Works
Here are
Before-and-After Examples
of what Erial Ali can do,
in creating Celestial Soul Portraits from "normal" photos:
Celestial Wedding - before
Celestial Wedding - after
Brenda - before & after
Dew - before
Dew - after
Jacob - before
Jacob - after
Iasos - before
Iasos - after
Elizabeth & Michael - before & after
You contact Erial Ali - letting him know that you wish to have a soul portrait done. You can leave your phone number if you wish. Let him know if this is one one person, or a couple. Greetings, Thanks for contacting me about purchasing a Celestial Soul Portrait. Here are the elements needed to begin. Number one I send you a questionnaire to fill out in order to give me a better idea of your Inner Spiritual Nature. Next you send me a good HD photo to use in the portrait that you feel represents your energy. Then you choose one or more of these possibilities: SOUL PORTRAIT SIZES & PRICES At each level there is more time spent and more details {because of the larger size} added to the portrait. 5 x 7” Facebook Avatar - 72 dpi lo resolution web file - $155 8.5 x 11” Regular Celestial Soul Portraits - HD print file - $222 12 x 18” Premium Celestial Soul Portraits - HD print file - $333 18 x 24” Premium Celestial Soul Portraits - HD Print file - $444 MORE PRODUCTS SOUL CODE & SOUL PURPOSE Soul's Code (Personal Sacred Symbol) - 8.5 x 11 - $155 Soul's Purpose (Artists Commentary) - 8.5 x 11 - This is a page that I write about what I see in the portrait and how it may be applied to your life's purpose. It's normally a co-creation between us. - $155 ULTRA PREMIUM PACKAGE of 3 CREATIONS Ultra Premium Package includes: 12 x 18 - Celestial Soul Portrait - $333 8.5 x 11 - Soul's Code ( Personal Sacred Symbol or Family Crest) -$155 8.5 x 11 - Soul's Purpose (Artist Commentary) -$155 Total: $643 Divine Ascended Couple 12 x 18 - Celestial Soul Portrait - $399 8.5 x 11 - Soul's Code ( Personal Sacred Symbol or Family Crest) -$155 8.5 x 11 - Soul's Purpose (Artist Commentary) -$155 10% Discount For All Three Total: $709.00 New Total with discount - $638.10 Celebrity Gold Portraits Celebrity Gold Portraits - My Divine Transmissions get deeper the longer I spend focusing on the person's image.The flowering of the spirit grows over time, and the secret ingredient in Celebrity Gold Portraits is the amount of timeand attention I'm able to give. Same process - more detail, depth, and bigger size. 18 x 24” Celebrity Gold Premium Soul Portraits - HD Print file - $888 24 x 36” Celebrity Gold Premium Soul Portraits - HD Print file - $999 Learn more: [email protected] PAYMENT As far as payment is concerned I prefer Paypal and require at least 50% down to begin. Paypal payment email: [email protected] Also I would appreciate it if you could make the payment a gift to a friend category. Thank you. Feel free to ask about the student discounts and discounts for more than one portrait. I then go on to create the transformation of your picture into a Celestial Refection of your Higher Self! Please allow one to two weeks for portrait completion, unless otherwise agreed upon. Print and ship prices on request , otherwise I supply you with high resolution files ready to print locally. ((All images are sent as HD Digital Files unless otherwise agreed upon.)) That's about it! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Contact: email - [email protected] or call 818-292-7506 {All images are sent as High Resolution Files and are a Co-owned Copyright between the Artist and Client unless otherwise agreed upon.} Thanks so much again for contacting me, and please ask any questions you might have about the process. Best life ever, Erial
Interested? Contact
Erial Ali Or better yet, email him his Questionnaire |
If you enjoy Erial Ali's art, Or, you can listen to his music on-line. |
by many of the contemporary available for purchase |
For your Palace
Web Site: iasos.com Email: ![]() Phone: +1 415-479-0700 |
Inter-Dimensional Music 33 Varda Landing Sausalito, CA. 94965 USA |