"Luminous Dimensions"

This DVD is temporarily not available - from its creator.

Produced by Michael DuBois

Music by Jeff Pearce

DVD       $20


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  Getting it


For me, this video is a dreamy reverie - a slowly-evolving, smoothly-transforming vision.  Rather than a rich variety of visual effects, Michael DuBois stays with one effect for a long, long time, and just lets in "settle in".

This creates the seductive effect of just "pulling you in" to an extended visual meditation.   With no sudden unexpected surprises to "jar" you out of your reverie, this is the most ideal video program I've discovered so far, for an extended visual meditation.    I would not be surprised if this program is effective at inducing alpha and theta brain wave states.

The visual patterns are "soft", with no sharp borders. This contributes to the tendency to just get "entranced" into the visuals.  In fact, the track I find most "entrancing" is not even the 1-hour "featured presentation", but Sacred Spaces.

The music, by Jeff Pearce, though not quite my own "cup of tea", is nevertheless very well suited for this program, because it has long sustaining sounds, and it also evolves smoothly and slowly, with no sudden changes.

If you're looking for a continuous parade of interesting visual effects, don't get this. But if you are wanting to get "entranced" into an extended visual meditation, this is it!

The creator of these visuals, Michael DuBois, has this to say about his dvd:

"The Luminous Dimensions project is a personal vision of inner luminosity.
Combining the evocative power of music with the ever-shifting play of form and color, the animations on this DVD attempt to faithfully represent the majesty and mystery of worlds within. By means of simple and often archetypal imagery and movement - such as water, sky, clouds, crystalline forms, landscapes and abstract architectural forms, subtle visionary worlds reveal their splendor. Set to Jeff Pearce’s remastered long form: “These Waters Wide”, Luminous Voyage is an exploration of color and light."


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"Luminous Dimensions" DVD


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