Iasos' brief informal Summary of:
A few of the Concepts of
from the Essassani Civilization

Tyler Ellison is the channel for Ryok.

Tylor Ellison

There are many YouTube videos of Tyler Ellison channeling Ryok.

Physical Reality is actually a Projection of your own Consciousness

The 10 Dimensions

Physical Reality is actually a Projection of your own Consciousness

In this video, Ryok explains the nature of how the physical reality you perceive is ALL a projection of your own consciousness.  
(That's why your subconscious BELIEFS are so instrumental in determining what you experience.)


View the Video of the Structure of Consciousness

The 10 Groups of Dimensions
Based on the Channeling in this Video

There are actually infinite dimensionns, but here they are classed into 10 "groups" of Dimensions.

Note: The external dimensions and the internal dimensions within your consciousness, are really the SAME THING.

When you are about ready to vibrate upwards to the next dimension, the dimension that you "thought" you were in, you now realize is all within your consciousness.

Dimension 0

This is ONENESS, with absolutely no separation of anything.

 It's just one homogenous Essence.  Because it has no "other" to compare itself to, it is not aware of itself.   It has no consciousness.   It has no experience.  

Dimension 10


The Level that is aware of all things and all Beings, and is also aware of itself.

Dimension 9

Angelic Beings

Angelic conciousness. This is a fequency of consciousness that organizes and coordinates the lower dimensions.

Dimension 8

This is the Macro-Reality Perspective.

This is forms of consciousness that generate actual realities, that generate a framework of Space + Time, that other beings can incarnate into.

Dimension 7


The Over-Soul generates from within itself, and links to, and is simultaneously aware, of all the many lives of itsSouls, including all past times and all future times. It is aware of and experiences all of these projections of itself simultaneously.

The Over-Soul can choose to project a part of itself, to incarnate into the 6th Dimenion or the 5th Dimension.   (energetic non-phyiscal incarnations)


The Over-Soul can choose to project a part of itself, to incarnate into the 4th Dimenion                                      (phyiscal incarnation).

Dimension 6

The Soul.     

Many many Souls are all simultaneous projections from the same Over-Soul and extensions of that same Over-Soul


Dimension 5

The Higher Self

This is a intermediary "bridge" consciousness - connecting the Soul consciousness with the incarnated consciousnsess.   
As such, it provides guidance & illumination to the incarnated consciousness, originating from the Soul.     

This guidance is often experienced (by the incarnated consciousness) as "intuition", or "gut feeling", or "the still small voice".

This is the Realm of IMAGINATION.  
is the "pipeline" through which the Higher Self communicataes with the incarnated consciousness.

Dimension 4

Physical Incarnation.  

Having the experience of living on earth.
One of its attributes is Space + Time.

This dimension links & interacts with the 3 lower dimensions of       Length + Width + Height.
It interacts its Space + Time     with the 3 lower dimensions of       Length + Width + Height.
Dimension 4 consciousness can experience Dimensions 3+2+1 as   Length + Width + Height.
Dimension 4 consciousness can also experience all the Elemental Beings on these dimensions.

Dimensions 3+2+1

The 3 lower dimensions of  Length + Width + Height.

These 3 dimensions are inhabited by Elemental Beings. (nature spirits, faires, elves, dwarfs, gnomes, etc.) that live & work in these dimensions.
These beings can also provide guidance to beings on the 4th Dimension (incarnated consciousnesses).

Vibrationally Up-Shifting

into Higher Realms

4th Dimension - expanding to include Dimensions 3+2+1

When Dimension 4 consciousness can raise its frequencies and ground more to the earth, it can then experience more of the Being in Dimenions 3+2+1,thus gaining greater perspective of Dimenions 3+2+1.

Dimensions 4+3+2+1 - vibrationally up-shifting into Dimension 5

When Dimension 4 consciousness deeply integrates with Dimensions 3 + 2 + 1, the resonance of this integration,
creates a stable platform, from which we can upshift and expand our consciousness into the 5th Dimension - the Higher Self.

Dimensions 5+4+3+2+1 - vibrationally up-shifting into Dimension 6

When Dimensions 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, deeply integrate with Dimension 5, the resonance of this integration,
creates a stable platform, from which we can upshift and expand our consciousness into Dimension 6 - the Soul.

Dimensions 6+5+4+3+2+1 - vibrationally up-shifting into Dimension 7

When Dimensions 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, deeply integrate with Dimension 6, the resonance of this integration,
creates a stable platform, from which we can upshift and expand our consciousness into the Dimension 7 - the Over-Soul.

From this level of consciousness, one can simultaneously experience any/all of the incarnations/lives of one's Over-Soul.

Dimensions 7+6+5+4+3+2+1 - vibrationally up-shifting into Dimension 8

When Dimensions 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, deeply integrate with Dimension 7, the resonance of this integration,
creates a stable platform, from which we can upshift and expand our consciousness into Dimension 8 - the Macro-Reality Perspective.

When achieving this level,
        You recognize You are the Earth.
        You recognize You are all beings on the Earth.
        You recognize You are the planets and the stars
        You recognize You are all galaxies

Dimensions 8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 - vibrationally up-shifting into Dimension 9

When Dimensions 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, deeply integrate with Dimension 8, the resonance of this integration,
creates a stable platform, from which we can upshift and expand our consciousness into Dimension 9 - the Angelic Level.

From this state of consciousness, not only do you realize that you are all places and all beings,
but you are even also simultaneously aware of all versions of all places and all beings (parallel realities).
And you also realize that you are the Underlying Structure that holds All of this together.

Dimensions 9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 - vibrationally up-shifting into Dimension 10

When Dimensions 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, deeply integrate with Dimension 9, the resonance of this integration,
creates a stable platform, from which we can upshift and expand our consciousness further - into Dimension 10 - GOD.

On this level, you experience yourself as ALL THINGS simultaneously.
Sometimes, experiencing yourself as everything, tends to dissolve one's unique awareness of self. ("ego death")
After experiencing any such "ego death", you become a new Being, with expanded awareness.

And of course, since the Universe is Infinite and Open-Ended, you can continue to ascend to even greater and greater heights ........(that's right)....... forever!


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Inter-Dimensional Music
Earth/Gaia - 3rd Dimension
Sol,  Milky Way Galaxy