Correlating the Concepts
of his understanding
of the Universal Forces
Correlation of the 2 Universal Forces - {Compression & Expansion}
Walter Russell was a great "visionary"
who had an extended profound cosmic experience, after which he "understood"
the way the universe works. He understood the physics of metaphysics. In fact, Walter Russell was a tutor for Nikola Tesla, who recommended that Walter hide this wisdom from humanity for a thousand years, because they were "not ready" for such an advanced scientific/metaphysical understanding of reality. Fortunately, Walter's wife persuaded Walter to release this understanding then.
This is Iasos attempting to "understand" Walter Russell's concepts by compiling Walter's correlations.
Correlation of
Walter Russell's understanding of
The only two forces in the Universe:
Compression & Expansion
/ contraction
centripetal force spiraling in towards the center inward - north cohere integrate freeze gravitation accumulate increasing pressure decreasing volume acceleration, increasing frequencies condensation, attraction inhalation increasing density charging generating polarize life alkaline increasing potential increasing power to power-time dimension masculine heat towards the white heat incandescent white light matter / substance motion dynamic mind: thinking the moving-thinking-mind universe form matter toward that which can be concentration, increasing revolution rate decreasing orbit radius decreasing rotation rate |
centrifugal force spiraling out from the center outward - south separate disintegrate melt radiation & ionization disassemble decreasing pressure increasing volume deceleration, decreasing frequencies evaporation & ionization, repulsion exhalation decreasing density discharging discharging depolarize death acidic decreasing potential decreasing power to speed-time dimension feminine cold towards the black cold black light of expansion mind stillness static mind: knowing the still-mind universe formlessness space toward that which can be imagination & inspiration, decreasing revolution rate increasing orbit radius increasing rotation rate |
Space compressing into Matter and back again
Animation by Benjamin Groseclose
Walter Russell's Correlations of
Knowing * Thinking * Form
God | Desire in God | The Universe |
Cause | Expression of Cause | Effect |
Power | Expression of Power | Result |
Oneness | Positive-Negative | Illusion |
Sexlessness | Father-Mother | Formed Bodies |
Stillness | Action | Record of Action |
Knowing | Thinking | Form |
Knowledge | Thought | Information |
Reality | Imagination | Unreal Image |
Idea | Division of Idea | Projection of Idea |
Magnetic Light | Electricity | Reflection |
Light | Light Waves | Matter |
Fulcrum | Wave Lever attached to Fulcrum |
Motion |
Love | Giving-Regiving | Repetition |
Life | Life-Death | Rebirth |
If this information has noticeably benefited your life or raised your spirits,
donations are lovingly accepted. Thank you.
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Inter-Dimensional Music Earth/Gaia - 3rd Dimension Sol, Milky Way Galaxy |