I feel like a mother that just gave birth to a beautiful baby.
I just completed a new music piece, and it turned out WAY better than I had envisioned, hoped, and expected.
And it weighs in at 5 minutes 2 seconds.
The Garden of Salathooslia

This is a musical rendition of a garden on a higher dimension. This Light-filled garden is in a continuous state of broadcasting, radiating, and resonating with the frequencies of Bliss - in a sustained, uninterrupted, never-ending manner. And yet it is continuously morphing & transforming through various different "flavors" of Bliss.
(I have a close friend that described this as "a warm hug from a higher dimension".) The name of this garden is pronounced with the emphasis on the underlined section: Sa la thoo slia
Experience this music.
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I recommend listening with good headphones, and closed eyes. And playing this at a medium volume - not too loud, not too soft.