My dear friend from Mt. Shasta - EC Living - has released a fascinating new book:
Life On The Crystal Ray
A Firsthand Account of Living Crystalline
by EC Living
This is a totally DELIGHTFUL book, presented with Crystal Clarity .
I like to think of this book as a "handbook for being a living crystal".
This book may be of special interest to:
those working with crystals and crystal energies.
those wishing to become "crystal-clear" in their spiritual evolution.
those involved in Ascended Master teachings, or in A Course in Miracles.
I highly recommend this book for all such people.
And it also includes a host of very down-to-earth practical tips for raising your vibrations.
The author writes in an honest, direct, insightful manner.
For me, reading her book is a "refreshing" experience. Enjoy!
Love, Iasos
P.S. By the way, about this author, she is very tuned-in to the Ascended Masters realm!
And here is a preview from the Introduction of the book by the author:
"This material has come through because the Crystal Golden Age is now being ushered in, and it is time for those of us who have been in spiritual hermitage, doing our best to live as a spiritual being in a world that is not spiritual, to come together and re-cognize one another for the True Beings of Light each of us are.
The world most of us grow up in does not really assist us, in our youth especially, in cultivating our greater innate gifts which reflect the truth of that which is Spirit within, and to thence express our Spirit by first integrating a virtuous persona, and then living by the higher principles of Truth and maintain balance in the ebb and flow of natural activity.
Thus, whether you already know you are a Crystal Being, or are becoming Clear in the Crystalline Frequency, this material will help you discern the pitfalls of erroneous perception which lead you away from your purpose and fulfilling your divine plan, and distracting you (for as long as possible) from truly living as the pure Being of Light you are. It will help those of you becoming Crystalline navigate the pathway of spiritual vision, so that you can stay clear in these times of great transcendence of old outdated paradigms and denser energies ."
Website for the author - EC Living
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