Med Beds - Quantum Healing Technologies
There are off-world healing technogies that have been withheld from the earth surface-dwellers (us).
There are many indications that these may soon become available to us - the public!
The famous psychic - Utsava - who has an amazing track-record for accuracy in her predictions,
senses that these technologies may become available to the public around April-June 2021.
(not a photo, but an artist's representation of a med bed)
As incredible and "science-fiction" as these technologies sound, remember that
ALL truly-advanced technologies seem "incredible" and "hard to belieive" when first introduced.
Furthermore, Captain Randy Cramer and Jared Rand
have both been talking about these med-beds (from first-hand experience) for years!
Here, you hve a choice of:
watching a 27 minute video
reading a transcript from this video
Watch the Video
Introduction by Charlie Ward: 2:08
The actual video presentation starts at: 2:49
Read the Transcript
Transcript by Kat