Compact Disc $17
Cover Image by Andrew Annenberg
1 Helios and Vesta | 12:42 |
2 The Descent of Spring | 3:20 |
3 The Angels of Comfort | 10:59 |
4 Procession on the Horizon | 10:59 |
5 Blue Fire Realms | 3:27 |
6 Crystal*White*Fire*Light | 13:41 |
Total = |
56:00 |
This, along with REALMS OF LIGHT, is one of Iasos' most celestial album and combines the richness of traditional symphonic music with the creative freedom of electronic music, to produce these 6 pieces of electronic symphonic heavenly music.: Furthermore, this album is in 3-D STEREO for those listening with normal stereo headphones. The audio on this album covers the full sonic range - from thunderous lows to crystalline highs that challenge your hearing. This album is entitled "Elixir" because it is a powerful flood of only positive uplifting emotions. It is offered as a vibrational gateway, through sound, to the celestial realms of Light.
Designed for focused listening - definitely not as
"background music".
Let's Hear it!
A Collage |
Liner Notes
VIBRATIONAL GATEWAY This music is offered as a vibrational gateway to the celestial dimensions of Light. That is, through the resonance of sound, this music can function as a "bridge" to celestial realms of Light. The music is your "channel tuner" and the beam of your attention is your actual electronic "bridge", for connecting in consciousness to these realms. May your travels be with Light!
A musical model of the sun god and
sun for our solar system goddess (highly evolved beings from the human
kingdom) - Helios & Vesta - the "god parents" through whom
flows the source of all Life and Sustenance for our entire solar system.
Their combined energies offer a balanced blend of many spiritual "qualities",
rather than specializing in any one particular Divine Virtue or quality.
So, attuning to their energies provides the listener with the nurturing
of many combined spiritual qualities. The first part of this piece
is the Helios/masculine part, and the second part is the Vesta/feminine
Recommended Focus: "I
AM the Fullness of the Light."
A portrayal of the Goddess of Spring - Lady
Amaryllis (a highly evolved being from the elemental Nature kingdom) - in her
annual service of coordinating all the Nature beings (the elementals) in a concerted
group effort to bloom forth Spring, in all its full glory. Lady Amaryllis
works with a particular energy called the Resurrection Flame, whose specialty
is to re-enliven anything back into its full intended Divine Pattern.
Recommended Focus:
"I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Perfection."
The Angels of Comfort are the carriers and
distributors of a golden-pink energy called the Comfort Flame - an energy specifically
created to bring comfort to all Life, wherever it is needed. This
energy was created when humanity began experimenting with free will in a
manner wherein they began creating discomfort for themselves. These
angels "deliver" this energy wherever they are sent, whenever they
are called forth, and wherever they are requested.
(Note: This is the "original" version of "The Angels of
Comfort", from which the extended half-hour version was made and included
in Iasos' "Angelic Music" album.)
Recommended Focus:
"I AM a Comfort to all Life."
A sacred ceremony occurring on subtler angelic
dimensions, wherein vast legions of angels, in concentric rings, slowly float
in toward the glowing center. As each ring reaches the center, brilliant
Light Beings bless, consecrate, and "charge" them for enhanced future
service on yet higher Levels. These consecrated angels then float
vertically upwards, making room for the next incoming ring. This "charge"
is filled with the radiation and emotional frequency of "Reverence"
- reverence taken to passionate levels of intensity.
Recommended Focus:
"I AM Reverence for all Life."
5. "BLUE FIRE REALMS" (3:27)
A musical model of the energies of the Elohim
of the Blue Ray - Lord Hercules and Lady Amazon. ("Elohim",
in this case, refers to highly evolved beings in the elemental Nature kingdom.)
Their unique radiation specializes in the blue energies of Divine Will,
Divine Power, and Divine Strength. Strength on galactic proportions -
yet perfectly balanced with absolute calm and gentle love. Whosoever attunes
to Lord Hercules, knows the meaning of Strength. (The "Hercules"
of ancient Greece is a mythological "spin-off" from this actual
Recommended Focus:
"I AM Divine Power." "I AM Divine
A musical model of the energies of the Elohim
of the Green Ray - Lord Vista and Lady Crystal. . (Again, "Elohim",
in this case, refers to highly evolved beings in the elemental Nature kingdom.)
Their energy, emanating from the Crystal Temples and the Emerald Temples existing
on higher dimensions, has an effervescent, accelerating effect on one's force
fields, as well as a clarifying effect on one's mental body. This crystalline
energy also stimulates the third eye and inner seeing, since Vista specializes
in the quality of "Inner Vision" and "The All-Seeing Eye of God."
Recommended Focus:
"I AM the Diamond-Shining Mind of God."
In January 1986 Iasos was awarded a Grant
Council, sponsored and funded
Receiving this award was the result of submitting two of the music selections
from this album: "Helios & Vesta"
and "Procession on the Horizon".
* VICE Magazine
"Iasos' music - in particular a piece called "The Angels of Comfort"- bore a remarkable resemblance to the divine strains heard by peoples as they dipped a toe into that sun-dappled dimension between the present and the not so present." (Piers Martin, August 2013)
"Iasos is one of the most authentic masters of new age meditative
music. In his visionary and psychedelic universe, where there is nothing
but light and vibrations, Iasos invites his listeners on a spiritual journey
where the various stages are minutely illustrated. As for those listeners
who are unlikely to repeat "I AM the diamond-shining Mind of God"
while sitting in a lotus posture, they would nevertheless be glad to voyage
through a musical ether wherein the sounds of synthesizers and acoustic
instruments are treated through countless processes, to unfurl crystal
waterfalls, harmonic surf flowing through all three dimensions, symphonic
excursions, and inflections where the electronics are as expressive as
the human voice . Certain compositions are repeated two times for accompanying
a meditation. This is an impressive masterpiece, which always remains as
magic as it is mysterious , even for the most blase critics, in this re-edition
on CD of music composed in 1983, and which absolutely deserves its sub-title
of "Celestial Symphonic Music". You will not believe your
ears. " (June 1992) (by Christian Jacob) (translated from French)
* THE EAGLE'S CRY (journal for holistic experiences, wisdom, & education)
"Imagine being able to put on a piece of music that actually tones up your
body and mind, automatically. Iasos is one of the most experienced artists of
our times , having played various instruments since childhood. ...On "ELIXIR',
Iasos uses his great expertise to paint broad sweeps of synthesizer colors.
Each piece is built around spiritual affirmations included in the album notes.
These affirmations alone are useful in attaining higher state of consciousness.
When used with the music, as intended, they can add an infinite power to your
efforts. If your theology doesn't agree with his, don't worry, just enjoy the
sounds. In some ways, this could be classified more as medicine than as music,
because you won't necessarily find a lot of melody to attach yourself to. Instead,
you'll find a form of energy that has real healing power, which makes this work
an important step in the development of both medicine and music .
I've been playing it around the house,
using it for extra energy as needed. For me, this CD has been like a good medicine
that has no side effects at all. My head feels lighter, and my body feels charged
with more power after hearing it. " (May-June 1992) (by Michael Riversong)
"Whether it's "healing" or not is beside the point, although
there's no doubting the composer's sincerity. What really matters is that Angelic
Music and Elixer contains some of the most cosmic,
intricately textured electronic ambience ever to come out of America's West
Coast. It literally sparkles with life and light. Iasos' synth sounds are very
distinctive, lush without being overly glossy, and were the product of many
years development. It may get a tad cheesy at times but tracks like "The
Angels Of Comfort" and "The Decent Of Spring"
are completely lovely and make these albums a must-have."
Unsolicited Customer Feedback
About 20 years ago, I heard "Helios and Vespa" on "Music from The Hearts of Space". KPFA put me in touch with you. You kindly sold me a cassette with this track. I would listen to it often during my days of Graphic Design at California College of Arts and Crafts. Sadly that cassette disappeared sometime afterwards, taking with it music that remained only in my memory. Then yesterday (March 29), I put your name in Google, and discovered your site! I downloaded the Elixir sampler, and was immediately transported across time to experience again that creative state of mind I remembered. With gratitude, pleasure and anticipation, I am ordering the Elixir CD. Thank you for your music, and for making it available again after so many years.
Since that time, for the past eleven years, I've been working as a clinical consultant for the State of Connecticut in the children's protective service system. Over the years, I've found no other music as spiritually inspiring as yours, and I am again requesting permission to use "The Angels of Comfort" in the production of two audio programs.
Listening to the music directly from the CD, I was transported to another level of sensory awareness. Initial feelings were of rediscovery and fondness, such as when one returns to a beloved place after a long time away. But the music invites participation, exploration and reflection as the movements play out across the tracks. It is not enough to stand before the composition and contemplate. One must enter and be immersed in the tapestry of sounds. Since that first (re)discovery, I have listened to the CD several more times. It is quite beneficial in restoring my sensory awareness and balance. Your music is also a transport to other facets of my consciousness. It inspires creative energies and affirmations in me. And I must say, I did not realize how much I missed such music. I am very glad to have found your music again Iasos.
With no patronizing intended,,I listen to Elixir or Angelic Music on a regular basis...I especially like to prepare food with it on in the background!!
I certainly have absorbed the sounds and textures of Elixer, which is one of my all time favorite new age albums.
Dear Iasos
I've emailed you once or twice before and have listened right through of your
pieces of music such as "Angels of Comfort", Helios and Vesta and
Procession on the Horizon. These are my favourite pieces of music of Elixir
and I love listening to them. They always make think of astral projection
and things like that and astral travel.
Keep up the Good Work
All the Best Iasos
Kind Regards
This music really turned my head inside out (in a very good way) many years ago when I accidentally stumbled upon a tape someone left somewhere. It definitely took me to a very different place. many years later i can still go to that place just be hearing those lovely tones. Thank you for the ticket to wherever that place is!
"Angels of Comfort" is my #1
desert Island disk! (that cut specifically) you can quote me on that too.
All best to you,
Dear Iasos
Can't help myself but again i have to express that i enjoy your
music so much, was listening again to Elixer and noticed how this music was
created with such inspiration, that each time i play it, it gives wings to
my soul and i feel such warmth trough your music that i have to thank you
for your music one's more, thank you!.
When our hearts are open.......what a splendor...such a bliss...radiance........
"The Angels of Comfort" is still one of the holiest works I know, and I find myself returning to it again and again (still have the cassette!). May you continue to bless us with your heavenly art.
Beautiful Sounds... The Angels of Comfort is the epitome of stillness!!!
Dear Iasos:
May I introduce myself, my name is Michael Stuckmeyer and I live in St Louis Missouri. I am listening to your "Angels of Comfort" track and as I am, I am in tears, I'm weeping conituously through the playing of the track especially when I hold my hands over my heart chakra and close my eyes in a meditative state.
The Eternal Consciousness has made my soul/being very sweet and tender. I am able to feel the slightest whisps of etheric Energy or Pranic Wholly Spirit, Life Breath
Though this has taken many years of earnest seeking and years of poverty (according to western standards) brokeness, tribulations, "being seemingly kept in a lowely position/exsistance the majority of my my 57 year old life
Your music is so transcending, intense, deep, lush (pads) exspanding, radiating, envisioning as Eternity
Thank you for creating such deep incredible/yet sweet/yet excedeingly powerful music.
I understand the methods of music synthesis and I wish I could buy a music (some music synthesizers) but I am un able to.
I wish I could express the endless wonderful things I feel when I listen to your piece from 1978
So austonding - when I was 20 --I heard this: On a tape player from a person I used to work with in a kitchen so long ago
He was a mystic, and I was so ignorant at that time
When he started to play it-(was playing it) I was un able to grasp it at that time I said it has no rythum, turn it off.
But he prophesized speaking to me--"there will be a day that you will learn and appreciate this music--you will learn and understand"--I have actually been undertsanding by grace since 2006--- as I have been under going an incredible powerful yet subtle spiritual journay
of from being a religious christian to comprehending the deepest (really so sublime and easy--as Einstein said) mysteries of the Kabbalah--and then being able to embrace with in my consciousness the exspance of Infinity and (From Vibrational spiritually to the vastness of the Cosmic Web) From Infinity to Infinity
And a prophetess spoke over me at a Metaphysical book store in 2009 "That I would be a very great Light in the world, and that I would be used by God (and Goddess) in great and powerful ways, yet not in front of men (humans) but in secret, That I would be great spiritually secretly and not even wishing to aquire a "name" for my self."
There are many things I wish I could share with you, and would wish I fing find your grace of your time or kindness upon me--for I humbly ask, as I am very lowly
(If I do not ask I will not receive)
Im sorry I have the grammer of a fith grader (Thats what the doctor said to me--while also saying I was bi polar and having the intellect of one who holds 6 years of university when I took all the test- to please my Mother--)
Though I do not take medication, for the Divine told me not too--I seek healing through meditation.
I love you so very much, there are no words to express how much I love you dearly
I am writing this for I have been searching for your music for over one year, as I used to have your CD, but it became ruined some how (I have no idea)
And with the stress and pressure of trying to survive in the physical world I have momentarly forgot (lasped) for a period as where I have (about 4 or 5 years) I had forgotten about your music (I'm so sorry) But many periods of research diligently, I was able to find your music (and now you :-) Because I had forgotten your name--though I was able to remember some of the music in my mind
And I feel thjat it was this appointed time--through many endless sessions of listing to other music on you tube and endless spiritual seeking-- (never stops--by grace -- I say this humbly--its only by grace) There are many thing I may be able to share with you (About the future to help others - as or similuar to you --Like I'm so amazed at the incredible groups, and meetings and conferrences you have attended through the years
Totally amazing and wonderful
You are a Great Radiant Light
Thank you again Cordially
As I listen to Angels of Comfort, I experience there is a love in the music that is coming from a spiritually free place (without being bound by karma) touching to the human heart with compassion, some of the lower pitches sound to me like they are coming from a sacred immutable, beautiful truth.
Hello Iasos,
You don't know me but i want to thank you... One month ago, i 've been discovered a disease which could have been very bad. I've had surgery and it was almost bad at the end. During that difficult month, i listened at least once a day to The Angels of Comfort, a track of yours I always loved since I discovered it a few years ago. You can't imagine how It helped me. Nothing could happen to me when i listen to it and that feeling lasted sometimes all through the day. Thanks to your music, I could cope with that bad time. No music could help me that way, only The Angels of Comfort. It showed me another world ; each second of if tells me not to fear for my life. Bless you and your music, Iasos !
I wish you the best...
My experience with your music is that it is the most otherworldly I've heard, some of it sounds to me like something from a very alien planet and quite strange. Angels of Comfort to me is pure heavenly love and eternality. There are timbres in your work I've never heard anywhere else that are so wonderful and cosmic and etherial.
I think AOC ("The Angels of Comfort") is a historical piece of music and that you recognized something profound that had not been heard in that way on the earth plane (to my knowledge at least in our time) and brought it through.
Part of why I love the Elixir album is how it has unique tone colors that impart warmth and a sense of aliveness, although usually with an otherworldly feeling. Also the long stretches of stasis (is that the right word?), sustained textures which to me suggest the vastness of creation or of spiritual realms.
But when I first listened to Iasos , it was his album Angel of comfort : I felt such a relief that I quickly forgot I was listening to music. It felt like I was listening to what silence sounds like in another dimension.
I cant tell you how often I listen to Elixir and Inter Dimensional music on tape, it balances out my mood and makes me feel safe to be honest.
Before I say goodbye, I'd like to thank you & Vista.
Elixir & Essence of Lumeria have had a profound impact on lightening my ears, heart and soul. When I go for walks in the deepest countryside near my house, your music can be heard, whether I evoke it or not. It feels like the song of the spirits around me and the spirit within me. It challenges me to embrace my fullest joy, and let go of any Wweight that hangs in my mind, body and soul.
Dear Iasos,
I was just listening to The Angels of Comfort again and it brought me to a state of awe of the divine.
Hi Iasos,
... I write to you from Germany, to express my appreciation for your work, both your music and visuals, as well as your informative (and helpful) website.
I came around your music sometime in the early 1990s and in my humble opinion, "Crystal*White*Fire*Light" and "The Angels Of Comfort" are among the most beautiful music there is on the planet, and I even didin't listen to your complete discography yet. And although downloads and CDs are superior in sound, I recently bought three of your vinyl records, among them this really beautiful colored vinyl of "Interdimensional Music". A gem.
Listen to a 1
hour Radio Interview on
Jeff Rense's "SIGHTINGS"show
- Sept. 7, 1998,
where Jeff interviews Iasos, with the
focus on "Elixir".
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