Erial Ali

Erial Ali


Erial does "Celestial Soul Portraits" of people.
This is what he did as a self-portrait along these lines.

Erial Ali's  art is deeply infused with both *magic* and the celestial planes.   In fact, I have found very few artists that can capture the "essence" of higher-dimensional celestial realms like Erial can.   He also creates "beings" that to me look like elemental nature beings.

By the way, if you like the magical self-portrait Erial created of himself (shown above), you might be interested to know that he does CELESTIAL SOUL PORTRAITS for others on a commission basis.     If this interests you, check it out.

Here is what Erial Ali has to say about his art:

My Spiritual Mission is to release energy/information, as art and ideas, from various realities in order to help facilitate in the viewer conscious integration at a higher level of being. We live within a sea of energy/potential and with our intentions we constantly "create", and "recreate" ourselves by what we choose to focus upon.
In the Divine imagination we navigate with the mental/emotional energy we are expressing at that particular moment. Here there are spirits and other vibrational coherent entities that resonate with that energy and can amplify it's affects.
Art that radiates from a higher plane of existence effects the viewer by sympathetic resonance.

My mission as an Artist and Storyteller is to help the emerging Planetary Civilization live in the light of Eternity.

To capture a moment of transcendental beauty, and then share it with others, is my delight and duty. To reveal Wonders, is my everlasting privilege.


Representative Images
Erial Ali


"Fountain of Creation"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
Boundless and eternal, the ever-renewing flow of life-energy pours forth from the Fountain of Creation. The resulting influence is infinite creativity and imagination. From within the Temple of Illumination springs this outpouring of spirit, which is the living essence of transformative Wonder.  To witness it's Infinite light is to feel it's presence within the immortal and unchanging part of ourselves.    Infinite creativity is the spirit of existence.

Comment by Iasos:
Purely by coincidence, I have a music piece entitled "The Fountain of Creation" from my Realms of Light album, with almost the same title. Neither Erial nor I was aware of the creation by the other artist - with almost the same title. And yet the spirit and meaning of both creations is the same:  the infinite and on-going creativity of the Eternal Spirit.

"JewelSpin Crystal Matrix"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
Zion Generator:
The power of collective thought was known on Arturus for many Centuries.
(Arturus is the "sister" planet to earth, existing at a higher frequency plane of existence.)
When the energy generated was pure enough, a level of resonance with the Temples of Illumination within Ahelios was achieved.
(Ahelios is the "mythical" Temple Realm within Arturus. It is unseen until a Spirit-quester attains enough mojo to awaken the "Eyes of the Heart" with which to see it.)

This in turn was "broadcast" to all the inhabitants of greater Arturus as a continuous source of spiritual sustenance.

As the mind flowers in moments of Illumination, it joins with other minds of a similar nature, creating fields of potential vast and exponential.

In the Soul's temple, where sacred ideas are generated, anything is possible.

"Lord of Hosts"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
In the upper tier of the Room of Rooms, the Lord of Hosts calls for a communion of kindred souls. Sharing joys and sorrows they gather together in resonance with the highest light. Matters of great consequence are discussed, and any energy not worthy of such a meeting is transmuted into the stuff of dreams. Selah.

It is love that rules the world. All else is illusion or lack of faith.

"Opal Starbeing Eschaton"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
Wellcome to your Lightbody!

Just beneath the surface of everyday reality is an "invisible" world of light. This light is what connects all things. Like water it is a perfect conductor and transducer of energy from one form to another. It is a multidimensional medium of exchange between various realms of being.

Awakening our Light-body is the experience and recognition of our shared energetic spiritual intelligence.

Multi-sensoral awareness is the perception of various mediums of intelligence as light and sound. Everything is made of light and sound vibrations. (Form is the shape of light and sound in 3rd density) They are the superconducting undergirding/gridding of all life and form in creation, connecting everything together in an unbroken fabric of light intelligence, also known as Love.




by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali






by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
The feminine archetype for Creation or the Creatrix. Isis is similar to Gaia or the female spirit of the earth. She represents, creation, rebirth, ascension, intuition, psychic powers, intuition, higher vibrations - love and compassion. The essence of feminine energy, which is part of us all. I don't regard this depiction to be a Goddess, or a being to be deified or worshipped. It is only meant as a depiction of a level of energy configuration within the earth plane.

Isis - Female spirit of soulful grace and creativity.



"Lion of God"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
This resplendent being is an Elemental Guardian of the earth's bio-sphere. Originally from Arturus, he was sent with other Ultra-terrestrials to mid-wife the earth's re-birth, and ascension. His home planet had already achieved eco-spiritual balance, and was considered by the Arturians as our sister planet. As guardian he is impartial to any one species, but resonates with our planet from the inside out as a whole system. He understands the animal, plant, insect, and mineral kingdoms as a part of himself. He knows their language, and doesn't only see them as separate physical objects, but sees their spirit bodies, radiating light, and interconnected energitically. He's able to perceive the hyper-energy weaving of the universal grid lattice, that connects everything to everything else in existence.




"Dream-Master Realm"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
Dream-Master arose seemingly out of nowhere and revealed himself to me in stages. The concept came out of a search for an Inner Temple experience within the realm called Ahelios. I was designing this scene when a figure appeared on the steps. (I made him appear) Many of the beings I "create" have a human friend as a model. I usually see this after the act of completing the painting. In this case it was my Noetic-Alchemist friend Daniel. The Dream-Masters mythology came as a revelation one night thinking about the power of dreams to evoke real feelings and emotions. In fact some dreams seem more real or primary than waking life. The Dream-Masters job as a deep-soul healer is to give just the right dream at just the right moment. An unconscious wish, desire, or need can be fulfilled within the dream-time. Time itself can be stretched out to fit the appropriate idea-visions into the time we have to process them. It's miraculous to think that virtually anything we can imagine, and even those things "unimaginable", can visit us in the dream-state. In this way, a person who has some level of control, can actually have a kind of Utopian inner-life unseen by the rest of the world, existing within one's own private world of imagination.




"Temple of Illumination"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:      Art makes the imagination real.



by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali





"Utopia Dream Starbridge"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali





"Gaian Overlord Matrix Emerald Light Body Ultra-Violet Ray"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
Awakening through several veiled senses into Supra Consciousness the Gaian Overlord beams his messages to the Universe of the Fifth Creation. Those who receive it will attune themselves to the Galactic Harmonic and begin to live the new spiritual laws into being.





"Bird of Paradise"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
Guardian Angel Seraphia raises her arms to dedicate this day to the desire of all beings to touch the Divine. In so doing she raises the vibration of everything around her. The fountain begins to flow and the rarest of birds alights into the day.  A blessed incantation of Love.


"Omega Impera"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali



"Erial Light"
by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali

Commentary by the artist:  
Erialight - Lion of God
Many years ago, as a Galactic Starship hovered over my Southern Californian home, I was given the image of an Ultra-terrestrial I called the Gaian Overlord. This being would go through many artistic permutations as the Over-soul or Guardian Spirit of a "mythical" world I call Arturus. The personification of natural and super-natural process, the Gaian Overlord is a Super-conscious, Multi-sensory Deep Ecologist for the biosphere of a planet. Depending on who is looking at him and how long, he can look very alien or warm and cuddly. Shape shifting is his specialty. As Erialight he is a luminous presence, like a warm afternoon on Utopia.

On Utopia we drink Ambrosia and Think/Dream new realities in which to play within. Always and forever knowing we are as we do, and we see as we believe.




by Erial Ali
© Erial Ali



All Rights to these images are of course Reserved by the Artist.


Erial Ali   

Visionary Art
Celestial Soul Portraits
[email protected]
(818) 292-7506


Celestial Soul Portraits
of you
on a commission basis

by   Erial Ali




If you enjoy Erial Ali's art,
then there is a good chance you might also enjoy
Iasos' music

since they are very much "on the same wavelength"
(similar consciousness or state-of-mind).  
If interested, here's a 
Brief Overview of Iasos' Music.

     Or, you can listen to his music on-line
(full version of any piece - free)     


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Web Site:    

Inter-Dimensional Music
Earth/Gaia - 3rd Dimension
Sol, Milky Way Galaxy