Compact Disc $17
Delve into a beautiful forgotten past - the Land of Lemuria
Art Work: "Island of Hidden Animals"
by John Mason
The 1st wave of concentrated Iasos music was released in 1975 - "Inter-Dimensional Music". This is Iasos' most recent major work. |
1 Pink-Purple Lagoon 2 Smooth Sailing over Enchanted Lands 3 Kapala Moon - II 4 Buddhic Spherical Consciousness 5 Infinite Mercy & Compassion 6 Warm Tropical Rain 7 Lahanai Lagoon 8 Swahera 9 Fernua Bamboo 10 Pan - Musing 11 O-Nuam Cloud Palace TOTAL = All composing, recording, instrument-playing, & mixing by Iasos, Except: Track #4
also includes: Steve Kindler
- violin |
5:34 5:52 10:22 6:08 4:32 2:55 3:1 1:45 8:30 3:50 55:58 |
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from "Essence of Lemuria"
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Commentary by the Artist
The romantic deep-felt feelings & memories of Love - in the South-Pacific tropics. Let's hear the entire piece.
This piece represents the ecstatic experience of flying gently and silently over the most beautiful and magical landscapes - at about the height and slow-speed of a helicopter, but with the total silence of a scout ship UFO. And just so thoroughly enjoying the continuously-changing but always-captivating views below. Sustained sweetness & ecstacy! Let's hear the entire piece.
by Amiry
This piece was composed on piano - around 1973 - while staring INTENTLY at this tropical image above - by Amiry. So the entire piece was, in a sense, "inspired" by this Amiry painting. But the composition progresses through so many changes in mood, that I decided to set it aside, because I did not want to attempt recording it until I had sufficient mastery of multi-track recording to do it justice. And that time was reached in 2013 (40 years later) and this recording was completed in September of 2013. Thank you Amiry! Let's hear the entire piece.
4 Buddhic Spherical Consciousness 10:22
Image based on
"The Empyrean Buddha"
by Geoffrey Chandler
This piece is about a spiritual seeker who has an ardent desire to "sense the entire universe". Following this burning desire, the seeker goes into a serene oriental temple, and goes into a deep meditation - with the burning-focused-intention of "sensing the entire universe". Gradually, it softly, gently, slowly starts coming into view. But then this "vision" is lost and begins to recede.
Once again, the seeker goes into a very deep meditation, and focuses one-pointedly on "sensing the ENTIRE universe". Ah....but this does gradually start coming into the view of his consciousness, it starts appearing in his "mind's eye", and it gets CLOSER, and MORE VIVID, and CLOSER, and MORE VIVID, until gradually, eventually one is IMMERSED in the very center of this very ALIVE UNIVERSE!
If you listen to this with headphones and eyes-closed, you will have a very IMMERSIVE experience, and you will understand why this piece is called "Buddhic Spherical Consciousness".
I, Iasos, normally play all the instruments myself, but this piece was also graced by the wondrous musicianship of my friend, Steve Kindler, on his sublime violin. Let's hear the entire piece.
Steve Kindler - violin Email |
This piece is a state of consciousness. It is an attempt to represent the STATE OF BEING of someone, while their Heart is actually vibrating in the EXTREMELY high-frequency state of Infinite Mercy and Compassion. Let's hear the entire piece.
This piece represents the innocence and delight of a young child - experiencing for the very first time - the wonderfully-warm rain falling down from the skies - like Manna from Heaven. This piece represents the innocence and delight of a young child playing in this delightful realm of deliciously-warm tropical rain! Let's hear the entire piece.
This piece (la ha nai' lagoon) was composed while staring at a wonderful photo of a Polynesian lagoon, and represents all the beautiful feelings that flowed from actually being in this place (in projected consciousness). There were times, when composing, when I would stare at a beautiful photo so Intently, and for so Long, that pretty soon, I was there! (in projected consciousness), to such an extent - that "being there" felt more tangible and "real", then the keyboard with which I was simultaneoulsy composing - by musically "tracking my feelings" while being in this beautiful lush setting.
Yes, I was in two places at once, but the lagoon in the photo felt much more "real" than the keyboard in front of me. I was there! And it was beautiful! Let's hear the entire piece.
Swahera (swa herr' ah) is a FEELING. Swahera is a STATE OF BEING. Swahera is the state of relaxed Beauty, a state of the total relaxation that results from absolutely no problems. Swahera is a state of your Heart swooning and melting from a Happiness/Beauty/Fun over-load. (A "surprise" occurs later in this piece.) Let's hear the entire piece.
Body happiness sometimes expresses itself as a snappy rhythm. This is a playful rhythm which was the automatic natural expression of my physical body being in a state of simple, pure, "body-happiness". Let's hear the entire piece.
"The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania"
by Sir Joseph Noel Paton
When I was in the only Sanctuary for Pan in Greece - on the Island of Thasos - I went there with the STRONG CLEAR INTENTION of wanting to tune into Pan, and then ask him to please teach me some of his music. I did go there. I did tangibly "sense" his energy there. I did telepathically request that he teach me his music. But despite repeated requests, fervent requests, nothing was received. I was practically begging him to teach me his music. But after 2 and half hours of this - still absolutely nothing - even though I was tandibly sensing his Presence there. That night, I simply could not accept that I received no music ideas from Pan. So I went back again the next day - with the same intention. Again, I did tangibly "sense" his presence. Again, I was fervently requesting (telepathically) for him to teach me his music. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I kept trying to persuade him, influence him, cajole him, bargain with him - to please teach me his music! But nothing. After again, another 2 or 3 hours of this, I was at my wit's end. Finally, in my desperation, I said to him:
"Pan, if you teah me your music, I'll be your West-Coast representative."
That did it!
Once I had that thought, it started happening! Pan super-imposed his consciousness over mine - like an umbrella from above slowly coming down over my head. And as that happened, EVERYTHING around me became extremely, insanely, VERY magical! VERY enchanted!
((Please understand: The English language has no words to convey HOW "magical" or "enchanted" this experience was. If there were a word that mean 13 times more enchanted than the word "enchanted", then that would be the word to describe this experience. I am at a loss to describe this experience - extreme beauty & harmony in nature amidst extreme diversity - with all these magical beings of all sizes and colors flying about. So the best I can do is to say it was unbelievably Magical & Enchanted!))
While I was in this reverie, my Logical Mind pointed out to me, that I was now hearing music with a very unusual and magical scale, so I shoud "snap out" of this state long enough to figure out the scalae, and write it down in my notebook. But I was afaid that if I did that, I would lose this state, and not be able to re-enter it. And this state was SO wonderful and beautiful, that I just NEVER wanted to leave it! So my Logical Mind and my Magicalized Mind, were arguing with each other - about whether to stay in this state, or to pop out of it to write down the magical scale. Finally, my Logical Mind won the argument: "Remember? That's why you came here! To receive music ideas from Pan!"
So I took the chance. I popped out of this reverie state, grabbed my flute and notebook, figured out and wrote down this MOST magical scale. (Each scale produces a unique feeling, and these Pan scales were all .....profoundly entrancing.)
After writing it down, I closed my eyes, and PRAYED that I could re-enter this state. Happily, I was once again quickly immersed into this rapturous enchanted reverie.
Then this entire process repeated again - where my Logical Mind was telling me to "pop out" of this reverie, in order to note yet-ANOTHER magical scale!
Again, I popped-out, wrote down the scale, and slipped back into this reverie.
Summary: In about half an hour, Pan taught me 10 magical scales !!!!!
And he also taught me how to play 2 flutes at once (one in each hand).
And so this music piece is my VERY humble attempt to re-create - as best I can - the MAGIC of this experience I had with Pan. It is an attempt to create a musical sketch of Pan in a casual mood in the middle of the afternoon. Know that this piece falls FAR short of how Magical & Enchanted this experience actually was, but at least this is my best attempt in that direction.
This is a piece of Divine Power. This is a piece of Divine Beings living in an etheric palace on the etheric plane - high above the Clouds - with all the Magnificent Intensity of their powerful Feelings. Let's hear the entire piece.
Unsolicited Customer Feedback
For entire album
"Sheer nectar. Oh my God, just what the doctor ordered. It is so FANTASTIC to hear all the pieces in their proper order. Feel so blessed receiving this music now. Thanks!!!"
I just purchased your album "Essence of Lemuria" on amazon, after having listened to tracks from it. The album is out of this world, crystalline, ridiculously pleasant.
For "Buddhic Spherical Consciousness"
Just bought Buddhic Spherical Consciousness from Amazon. An extraordinarily beautiful piece of music and I thank you for it. Really looking forward to your new release. New age/space music performers come and go, but you always remain at the apex of the pyramid. All the best!
Hello Iasos...
Buddhic Spherical Consciousness... Exquisite. To be expected from the master. That sustained magical timbre will enchant my senses for all time.
For "O-Nuam Cloud Palace"
Iasos, What a beautiful swirl of emotions this piece creates for the listener! It truly is other-worldly - and very easily creates the impression of having ascended to Godhood - roaming about a crystal palace in the lighter, more ethereal planes of existence, where consciousness exists without physical form. I plan to listen to this many more times! Much, much light to you!
Dearest Iasos,
I have just now listened again to your latest work "O-Nuam Cloud Palace".
Delightful. Another great masterpiece from a Divinely inspired and Supremely sensitive artist.
The "synthestration" is immaculate, seamless, perfect grace and super-naturalness that feels radiantly alive in it's delicacy and dynamism.
A extraordinary example of the state of the art, and powerfully spiritually uplifting.
My warmest and most sincere congratulations.
Its again, pretty high up there. What music was meant to be. It did not take me to a temple, it took me to 1960s sci-fi movies when they finally get to the scene of the paradise-planet (scenes of beauty in sci-fi movies being as rare as your music).
Dear Iasos,
I received your new album Essence of Lemuria yesterday. Quick service, thanks!
Congratulations on another wonderful album full of spacy and spellbinding music.
Best regards from Holland.
Hello Iasos,
I have been listening to my new (very-long-awaited) CD "Essence of Lemuria" and wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying it. This is a very generous CD. It keeps giving me new gifts every time I listen. For me the centerpiece is track 4, "Buddhic Spherical Consciousness." This is, I feel, an exercise in being focused in the present moment. The music doesn't "go" anywhere, it kind of stays where it is, but always moving and deepening and happening. I think Heaven must be like this, with no past, no future, just an experience of NOW, ever-increasing eternal joy. I like that the track is so long and I can relax into it. And I love that it is followed by "Infinite Mercy & Compassion," which is another winner that just lifts me. But all of your music does that. And I have been enjoying your music ever since my mother loaned me her cassette of "Angelic Music" way back in the early 1980's.
Since I was already on a Iasos kick, I thought that it would be a good idea to also pop my "Realms of Light" DVD into the BluRay player. I have a new big-screen tv now and a sound bar with a subwoofer. The last time I viewed the DVD it was on a smaller screen with no added sound. So I was really blown away by how much more of a transporting experience watching "Realms" is on more updated equipment. The music just couldn't be any more vibrant. And the colors just EXPLODE. I put the aspect ratio in widescreen even though it is formatted for 4:3. It was like being high, but without drugs!
You just keep getting better and better, Iasos. What a wonderful experience it is for a listener to hear your music. ThankyouThankyouTHANKYOU!
Friday late, after a frantic week. And whats this I see? Whoa... Iasos released a new album? ... and yes, it is true. (yay!)
I purchased "Essence of Lumeria" while listening only a few seconds to the preview of track #1.
Ah my Brother... I clasp hands and bow to you. Thank You.
got the CD's today. listening now - exquisite, magical soundscapes!! i will enjoy & enjoy! 'sending the 2nd one to friends ...... in New Mu (Maui) - they will also appreciate it deeply. love & gratitude to u & for your many gifts, your big fan
Dearest Iasos,
Infinite Mercy and Compassion is magnificent. I am so grateful to have it. 'High frequency emotions' is a perfect description of Infinite Mercy and Compassion. I will listen over and over again.
Before I say goodbye, I'd like to thank you & Vista.
Elixir & Essence of Lumeria have had a profound impact on lightening my ears, heart and soul. When I go for walks in the deepest countryside near my house, your music can be heard, whether I evoke it or not. It feels like the song of the spirits around me and the spirit within me. It challenges me to embrace my fullest joy, and let go of any Wweight that hangs in my mind, body and soul.
Just let me just notice shortly, that the Essence of Lemuria album arrived in Lithuania safely. So, greatest thanks once again!
Probably due to all the mess in the world it to took a few months for it to travel - as if from Lemuria indeed.
Surely so worth waiting for. The closest sounds could capture that essence, such a refreshment for the soul!
I always was fascinated by the writings of Lysa Royall and other channeled stories of Atlantis, Mu and all related.
And the music seems as it should be heard from that land.
Hi Iasos!
A gift for a friend as we discussed. This album is absolutely beautiful. I had not heard all the tracks on here and it is an absolute treat to find them.
Much Love!
I also loved “Essence of Lemuria,” my personal favourite moments being the main body of “Buddhic Spherical Consciouslness” and the intoxicating sound of “Swahera” with its slide guitars – wonderfully evocative!
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