Some of the Core Concepts of
Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
Desire vs Need |
The interactions of Belief, Faith, & Evidence |
Improving your Present, by Redefining your Past |
How strong emotions affect what you are manifesting |
Concepts from:
How to Use your GOD POWER
by Richard Lee McKim Jr.
Your GOD-Power is your ability to assign Meaning.
Your GOD Power is your Ability to Change Reality, by Assigning Meaning.A creator creates by using their GOD Power to assign Meaning.
EVERYTHING you experience is a result of a Vibrational-Match -
between the meaning you project, and
the circumstances that you then attract.
How a situation unfolds for you depends on the meaning-or-interpretation that you assign to that event
(or "project" onto that event).
All situations are extremely fluid and change-able.
Any event or situation in itself doesn't matter - Only the meaning you give it Matters.
Even actions that you take, are secondary to the meaning you give to that situation.
All events/situations are inherently meaning-less - 100% DEVOID of meaning.
They have "meaning" only after you have superimposed your meaning onto that event.
Every situation, event, place, or life in the Universe, has the “Meaning” that each of us has assigned to it.
We assign meaning so smoothly & automatically & usually unconsciously, that we do not even realize
that we are PROJECTING that meaning. We often assume that the meaning was "already out there".
MEANING is the one thing that you have control over with your GOD Power.
You have the power, the GOD Power, to change any meaning, to a better one.
You must have Faith (Belief before Evidence) in your own Meaning for it to work Powerfully.
You must believe your “Meanings” for them to be effective
Universal Resonance then activates your Meaning and attracts the appropriate responses from the Universe.
You experience your Life according to the Meanings you project.
The Result is Your Personal Reality.
Meaning creates Frequencies, which vibrates Universal Energy.
This vibrating Universal Energy then attracts circumstances
that resonate with your projected Meaning.
Meaning ==> Frequencies ==> shaping Energy ==> Resonance ==> External Circumstances
When you change the Meaning, you change the Frequencies,
and it then forms into something different from the same Universal Energy.
When you consider that the entire Universe is only energy shaped and formed into matter by Meaning (Beliefs)
and that we have the ability to alter Meanings (Beliefs),
then there isn't anything that you can't do !
MEANINGS (Beliefs) shape formless UNIVERSAL ENERGY into MATTER.
Everything in the Universe is created from the very same Energy
Different Frequencies form this Energy into different objects and circumstances.
* Meaning creates the Frequencies, which translate into Energy Forms, which materialize into Matter. *
It is Meaning (through Frequency) that is the foundation of every Creation in the Universe.
It is Meaning that shapes Energy into Matter, into Circumstances, and into Life.
Meaning is at the Core of every single aspect of the Universe.
If you change the Meaning, you change the object, the situation, and the life experience.
Meaning creates Frequencies, which then traverses the Universe,
and through the Power of RESONANCE,
those Frequencies find their own kind and elicit their kind into your experience.
Resonance not only finds its match, but then elicits and compels a response,
bringing the two Frequencies closer together, and into Mutual awareness of each other .
Freedom of Choice = your God Power = Freedom to Assign Any Meaning to Any situation.
You can change the Meanings of Situations just by Deciding to do so.
Not through “Intention” but, by DECISION !
All you have to do is Decide that, no matter what the situation appears to be,
End of discussion!
The very moment that you Decide that things are working out,
Resonance will bring to your attention evidence to confirm that conviction.
By your understanding that
1. Meaning is the basis of any and every situation
2. YOU have the power, the GOD Power, to assign any meaning at any time,
then you now can take control of all aspects of your life.
Whatever Meanings you assert, they are acted on by RESONANCE,
which will exert an Irresistible UNIVERSAL FORCE that is not limited by TIME or SPACE,
to elicit the perfect Results for you - according to your preferred Meaning.
The moment you take control and begin to assert and change the Meanings in your Life,
you can easily get what you want, and can easily be living the life of your dreams.
When you decide to alter the Meaning,
the situation MUST change,
Resonance MUST elicit new results,
and no one can stop it or keep it from happening.
BELIEF ==> creates ==> MEANING ==> which then forms vibrating ENERGY ==>
==> which RESONATES with everything in the universe required to fulfill that meaning ==>
==> and attracts the External REALITY vibrationally-aligned with that MEANING & BELIEF.
Meanings create Frequencies which causes Energy to Vibrate at certain Rates,
which then, through Resonance, attracts Objects and Circumstances
in resonance with that Meaning.
Meaning ==> Frequencies of Energy ==> Resonance ==> Circumstances
Quantum Physics is the Science of
How Observers and their Meanings Create and Affect the Outcomes of Events.
Once a Meaning has been created, it Resonates with the Universe and elicits a specific Response,
which is then called the “Result" or "Outcome.”
Resonance - the Attractive Force
Resonance is two “Similar Frequencies” interacting and mutually stimulating each other
Similarity of the Frequencies is determined by the similarity of “Meanings” that created them.
Resonance is a “Pervasive Force” that is not limited by TIME or SPACE .
Resonance is the “Action” of Creation:
Once the Frequency has been created,
Resonance goes to work Matching & Eliciting Responses aligned with those frequencies.
Resonance does not discriminate between what you want and what you don't want.
Resonance only brings you what you pay attention to and are thinking about.
Therefore, only think and pay attention to what you like and want in your experience, and forget the rest.
Do not "resist" what you do not want. (Resistance attracts that which you are resisting.)
Simply IGNORE what you do not want.
Gradients of Resonance: (varying degrees of Resonance)
Frequencies will resonate to the degree that they are “Similar" or Relevant.
The greater the similarity in meaning & vibrations, the greater the resonance.
When you FOCUS on what you DO WANT, you attract more things & events that you DO WANT.
When you FOCUS on what you DON'T WANT, you attract more things & events that you DON'T WANT.
When you IGNORE certain events or things, you attract less of those things & events.
When you practice ignoring a thought pattern, it begins to lose its Vibrational power (resonance power) with you.
The more often you think a thought, the stronger its vibrational power,
and the more powerfully it attracts a similar vibration.
REMEMBER everything that was good, in your Past .
NOTICE everything that is good, right Now .
IMAGINE everything being good, in your near Future .
Easiest way to determine if you are currently resonating with the "desired" things or the "undesired" things,
is to notice if you are feeling good or not.
Pay attention to what you want and ignore what you don't want..
Attention on Negativity (through Resonance) attracts more Negativity ("undesired")
Attention on Positivity (through Resonance) attracts more Positivity ("desired")
Whatever you draw in Life, it is NEVER a Result of Chance, but instead
always a result of your Active Vibrations, eliciting and remaking your World
to accommodate how you are vibrating - whether that is going to be in a desirable way, or an undesirable way.
When negative thoughts/feelings are the "active" thoughts/feelings in your mind/heart
you are then attracting negative experiences.
From a state of "worry", you can not see solutions or opportunities, because
solutions or opportunities do not resonate with worry and fear.
When positive thoughts/feelings are the "active" thoughts/feelings in your mind/heart,
you are then attracting positive experiences.
From a positive state, you can see solutions and opportunities, because
solutions and opportunities do resonate with a positive optimistic outlook.
What keeps a Vibration “Active” is the periodic re-thinking of that subject.
Your State of Being is more important than just feeling good.
Your State of Being is "how you are vibrating".
Your State of Being is the bases for how you are vibrating, and therefore,
what you are eliciting and attracting into your experience.
When you are feeling good, that lets you know that you are now attracting desirable things & events.
Circumstances don't matter
until you assign a MEANING to those circumstances.
The Universe and your Reality operate on vibrational-resonance (Meaning), and not on Situations.
All situations and circumstances are innately NEUTRAL - with NO built-in MEANING whatsoever.
They are devoid of meaning until you project and assign a meaning (interpretation) to them.
The Universe and your Reality operate on the Meanings you assign to situations,
and not on the situations themselves.
The actual situation is nothing (a blank slate) without your projected Meaning .
Your projected "meaning" is your interpretation, or belief, or definition of that event.
It is only through Meaning that it resonates with the Universe and produces results.
As Ektar says: Actions don't matter. Only your State of Being matters.
As Bashar says: Circumstances don't matter. Only your State of Being matters.
You have total control of the Meaning you project onto events/situations, and that is your GOD Power!
It doesn't matter how something is going to turn out,
because it hasn't turned out yet - until you give it meaning,
and you can always give it a good meaning .
Any time before any event actually "happens", you still have "time" to give it a positive meaning.
But once that event has "happened", you can not alter what has already occurred.
Giving it a positive meaning then, can only alter what it is going to transform into.
To achieve a particular reality:
1. Become aware of the idea/thought of it.
2. Transform { Wanting It} ==> to ==> { Believing It} ==> to ==> { KNOWING it}
I want it.
I believe I have it.
I KNOW I have it.
(You can have anything you want - as long as you "know" that you already have it.)
The only limits to your reality-creation, are the limits that you yourself impose upon your life.
Focus on WHAT you want,
and let the Universe focus on HOW to bring it to you.
The best way to get the results that you want from the Universe is to focus on what you want in its final form.
FOCUS on WHAT you want (in its final form),
and let the Universe FOCUS on HOW to bring it to you.
Planning, while beneficial up to a point, can sometimes limit your manifesting power.
The Universe has special abilities (tools) for creating your Experience that you do not have access to.
These are special Resonances, that you can benefit from, but you cannot plan.
Therefore, instead, try LESS PLANNING and MORE IMAGINING.
By focusing on a strict plan, you do not allow the Universe to come up with a creative unexpected way
(coincidences & synchronicities) to get you more easily to your FINAL imagined desired outcome,
- OR- even BETTER than your FINAL imagined desired outcome.
Don't limit the Universe's range of infinite possibilities.
Don't limit the Infinite Creativity of the Universe.
FOCUS on the final result, and not on the intermediary steps,
and this keeps you RESONATING with coincidences and synchronicities
that can help you most efficiently & easily achieve your final result.
* You can't plan Coincidences or Synchronicities, but the Universe can. *
Through Resonance,
you can and do ATTRACT Synchronicities,
but you can not PLAN them.
But, it is precisely these kinds of events that usually bring much more powerful results
than the straight forward "planning" approach.
Synchronicities or Coincidences never occur "randomly".
They are always caused by vibrational resonance (frequency-matching).
If you focus on WHAT you want,
and not focus on HOW the universe will provide it,
then you are not limiting the Universe's Infinite range of possibilities.
By keeping your thoughts on your final and ultimate goal,
you keep Resonance acting on your "final destination", instead of the intermediary steps.
Keep focusing on the final intended result, but be "open to anything".
Keep focusing on the final intended result, but not the intermediary steps to get there.
Positive Benefit from ANY Situation
“Every adversity has the seed of an equal and opposite Benefit.”
This means no matter how big a problem is, it has a benefit within it that is equally big.
Always expect and assume that it is working for you!
No event is so bad that it can't yield some benefit - if we project & maintain a positive meaning about that event.
Make a habit of noticing and looking for the potential benefits from ANY & EVERY situation.
ASSUME each situation has great BENEFITS - even if you can not (yet) see them.
Every situation has unlimited possibilities - infinite possible outcomes.
How you interpret any situation
will attract which experience you get.
“No matter what happens, things are always working out for me ,
and I know that eventually,
I will realize that this has served me in some beneficial way”
"I get a benefit from every situation - even if I don't know what it is yet."
"There is a solution and great benefit available in this situation, and in every situation."
“ Creation Maintenance” is to continually look for information, experiences and EVIDENCE that supports your current Meaning or Interpretation, and to practice IGNORING people, situations, evidence, and information that do not.
Maintaining your Preferred Reality is like tending a garden. You must water and nourish those Beliefs that you love, and at the same time, diligently pull out the weeds of disbelief and contradictory points of view & information.
When you decide on a positive Meaning, and yet evidence-to-the-contrary shows up, if you cave-in and think "Oh well, this is not working", then you are reverting back to the disempowered Meaning! Instead of caving-in, this as an opportunity to REMIND yourself (by contrast) of your new Meaning, and so you can then energize your new positive Meaning.
This is CREATION-MAINTENANCE: Maintaining your new meaning - even when you are presented with contradictory evidence. (This demonstrates to the Universe that you truly do belief your new Meaning.)
Faith is Belief before Proof.
Faith = Belief before Proof.
Faith = Belief without Evidence.
Belief-Evidence LOOP
Belief ==> Evidence ==> Seeing.
Seeing the Evidence ==> Reinforces Belief.
This creates a continuous self-perpetuating Loop of { BELIEF <===> EVIDENCE }.
The BELIEF produces the EVIDENCE.
The EVIDENCE reinforces the BELIEF.
The BELIEF produces even more EVIDENCE.
The EVIDENCE even more reinforces the BELIEF.
This Belief-Evidence LOOP ignores all contradictory evidence.
Animation by Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
So, if this is a continuous self-perpetuating LOOP,
HOW can you change your Beliefs ?
FAITH is BELIEF before the EVIDENCE appears.
Without Faith, nothing really much changes,
because you are stuck in a Belief-Evidence LOOP:
You BELIEVE only what you already See,
and you SEE only what you already Believe.
REALITY is created by BELIEFs
Beliefs are modified only by FAITH.
Faith = Belief before evidence or proof.
IF you DECIDE that you wish to have a particular experience,
and have FAITH that you will have this experience.
then it IS possible & likely for you to have that experience.
This is an example of
FAITH bringing in a new BELIEF before the EVIDENCE appears.
CREATION comes first.
Then EVIDENCE & PROOF of the creation exists.
even BEFORE there is any EVIDENCE or PROOF of its existence.
Nothing in the Universe was ever created on the basis of “Proof First".
It was always “Faith in Belief FIRST”,
which then resulted in the Creation,
and then PROOF of the Creation's existence.
“Anything That You Can Conceive and Believe, You Can Achieve.” - Napoleon Hill
(Every idea has built-in within it, the SEED for its own manifestation.
If you could not manifest an idea, you would not even be able to imagine it.)
If you want to expand your reality to include amazing abilities and amazing experiences,
then believe anything is possible .
Always REMEMBER: Amazing things are possible!!!
If you don't believe in anything unusual,
then nothing amazing or unusual or miraculous will ever happen in your life.
The more beliefs that you have in the extraordinary, the more extraordinary your own Life will be!
Your Emotional Guidance System
Your emotional system is an automatic guidance system that alerts you, to inform you what you are currently creating/attracting.
This guidance is “Felt” (like gut feeling) in a way that does not interfere with other inputs - from thinking, hearing, seeing, talking, etc.
Before you act, first get the approval of your emotional guidance system.
The way that you know when you are in agreement with your emotional guidance system
is that you will feel good about doing it.
Negotiate with your emotional guidance system.
The way you know that you have reached a “mutual agreement”
is that you will now FEEL GOOD about your decision.
When you are feeling good, that lets you know that you are now attracting what you want.
When you are feeling bad, that lets you know that you are now attracting what you don't want.
First you have the event, or situation. At this point it is nothing.
Second, you have the Meaning or Interpretation or Belief you are superimposing onto that situation.
If you give it a bad Meaning or Interpretation, you will have bad feelings, and then undesirable outcomes.
If you give it a good Meaning or Interpretation, you will have good feelings, and then desirable outcomes.
Your Emotions are INFORMING YOU
as to what MEANINGs you are assigning to your circumstances!
Your emotions are letting you know in advance, whether you are attracting a desirable experience or an undesirable experience.
At this point, if your Emotional feeling is on the “Bad Side,” then it is the perfect time to
change the Meaning to a good one. If you are successful, you will now feel good feelings.
Also, you have the “ INTENSITY ” of the Emotional Feeling.
If it is a very low intensity feeling, then its effect will be slow & weak
If it is a strong or very high intensity feeling, then its effect will be fast & powerful.
So Emotions not only indicate the kind of attraction that you are creating, such as good or bad, but
they are also indicating (via emotional INTENSITY) the POWER of that attraction.
The POWER of how quickly you are attracting something
is proportional to the INTENSITY of the feelings you have about it.
The MEANING (Belief) you assign
deteremines WHAT you are attracting into your life.
The EMOTIONAL INTENSITY you are feeling about it
determines HOW QUICKLY you are attracting that into your life.
Due to Emotional Momentum,
once you end up feeling good, or feeling bad, you REMAIN in that emotional space,
until something comes along to change your feeling state.
What keeps vibrations "active" is periodically re-thinking them (assigning the same Meanings),
which then causes sustained emotional states (Emotional Momentum).
Each feeling resonates with similar feelings you have had (a family of feelings).
(Birds of a feather flock together.)
So good feelings resonate with other good feelings you have had.
And bad feelings resonate with other bad feelings you have had.
Your STATE OF BEING and EMOTIONAL STATE is How you are Vibrating NOW.
Your STATE OF BEING and EMOTIONAL STATE therefore determine what you are NOW attracting into your life.
EMOTIONS are your on-board Guidance-System.
They signal whether you are attracting desirable events or undesireable events.
Your emotions are constantly checking & rechecking your actions and thoughts,
making sure that you are on track with your desired direction.
If you think a thought or make a move that is not in harmony with YOUR PLANS & BELIEFS,
your emotions lets you know immediately,
so that you can get back on track, by realigning your beliefs and meanings and plans and actions.
FEELING GOOD is important - not only because it feels good,
but also (more importantly) because it means you are then attracting Desireable Preferred events into your life.
Diametrically opposed Realities can exist simultaneously side by side -
without interfering with one another.
It matters not, what another says or thinks about any given situation.
Completely different Realities can exist side by side, and each of those realities will seem "real" to their owners.
No Realities are truly shared by anyone else.
We each have an absolutely individual Reality, that is as personal as our own Beliefs.
The only way that these Realities may seem similar is when we have similar Beliefs (over-lapping Beliefs), which result in similar experiences.
As similar as they may seem, still, they are individual experiences.
Alternative realities can and do exist.
One person may perceive X as meaning A,
while the person next to them, may perceive the same X as meaning B.
Your reality can be ABSOLUTELY MAINTAINED - despite all the contradicting evidence.
No evidence should ever be allowed in that seriously contradicts your current BELIEFS.
EVERY BELIEF is perfectly self-validating.
We have the right and the ability to create our own Reality as we see fit.
This self-created Reality should stand firm on the foundation of its own beliefs and should at all times seem to be correct.
It should NEVER experience situations and events that disprove its own validity.
This “Reality Self-Protection System” and "Belief Self-Protection System" is not only provided to you,
but it is also provided to the Skeptic, and to every other perceiver in the Universe.
The universe will not allow anyone to experience anything
that would seriously upset their own foundational beliefs.
Only you can alter your own Reality in any way that you wish.
If you value your Reality and your life goals and experiences, then
do not listen to the naysayers, or the disbelievers or skeptics, or doubters,
for they could change your World by changing your mind and causing you to doubt yourself.
Not only is there always an "out" to explain things that are incongruous with their beliefs,
but also, not only do they want you to “see it their way,”
and also, they actually can't even see it any other way.
If someone doesn't believe in your idea, or your abilities, this is not evidence that your ideas or plans, or abilities are not valid.
They just cannot see what you see, and cannot know what you know, because it is absolutely invisible to them.
Therefore, let the skeptics be - without criticism, nor contempt.
They have every right to their own reality, just as you have the right to yours.
It is not your business to “change” them, just as it is not anyone else's business to change you.
Everyone in this magnificent Universe has the God-given right, to have a reality of their own choosing and making.
The price of disbelieving your personal Dreams:
Nothing extraordinary can ever happen to those that disbelieve their own dreams,
because they do not believe they could achieve them.
If you listen to the skeptic, or those who do not believe in your dreams, ideas, or abilities,
then you run the risk of having their view point “taint” your reality.
It is not worth trying to convince anyone about anything.
If it was interesting to them, they wouldn't be fighting you on it. You would know.
Only then should you share your views and ideas .
Nothing in the Universe was ever created on the basis of “Proof First.”
It was always “Faith & Belief First”,
which then resulted in the Creation,
and then its Proof.
Everything new in the Universe, was CREATED ON FAITH & BELIEF FIRST,
because there was not yet any evidence or proof of it before it was created.
Therefore, Skeptics, can only judge and verify what already exists and nothing more.
Arguing two opposing points of view, based on very different beliefs, won't convince either side,
because they don't believe what you believe, so they can't "see" the opportunities that you can see.
They can't "see" what you see.
The possibilities of each BELIEF SYSTEM are "invisible" to the other BELIEF SYSTEM.
The skeptic is "right" in their BELIEF SYSTEM.
And the other one is also "right" in their BELIEF SYSTEM.
Opposite points of view can both be true.
===> There will always be evidence that both validates your Reality and also disproves it. <===
Skeptics demonstrate the Epitome of Reality-Creation and Reality-Maintenance:
They will stop at nothing to prove that their point of view is Correct, and to disprove opposing points of view.
We have to appreciate their dedication to their Reality-Maintenance.
Every Single Reality and Point of View will Elicit Evidence of its Validity and "Prove" its existence.
Therefore, it is of no Use and of no Value to try to prove or disprove another's Reality .
The Only Reality that should be of interest to you is your own.
You should instead Decide what your Point of View is,
and then take all measures to support it and Maintain it -
in the same way that the Skeptic Defends and Maintains his own Point of view.
Always be on the lookout for information that validates your own point of view,
and doubt & ignore any and all information that does not.
Be like the Skeptic and always give the Benefit of the Doubt to yourself and your points of view.
Have your personal "radar" continually scanning for evidence validating your personal beliefs and point-of-view.
Only confide in those who support your dreams and aspirations.
Your Reality is based on your beliefs.
There is no need to consider any other points of view that do not support your Reality .
Be very “Picky” about what you want to invite into your experience.
Do not listen to, nor care about, anything that is outside the Reality that you want for yourself.
Completely Different Realities can Co-Exist side-by-side
Completely different Realities can exist simultaneously - even side by side.
We are each functioning in our own "reality bubble", and neighboring "realitiy bubbles" do not at all interfere with each other.
We have to realize that each of us can only see that which is in "our" reality.
A hypnotized person may "appear" to be in "our reality", but they are really in a different but equally-real "reality" -
the reality created by the hypnotic suggestions.
Different people interacting in the same close time/space can each have their own "reality", due to their own "beliefs" and "meanings".
But these different realities would not interfere with each other or contradict each other,
even if they're right next to each other,
since each person sees only what his "beliefs" and "meanings" allow him/her to see.
Different people interacting with each other in the same close time/space
are still each creating their own unique "reality bubble" (their own unique "sphere of awareness").
Take responsibility for your actions and thoughts and
purposefully direct and tailor your "perfect Life Experience" .
It is just as easy to create a perfect life as it is to create a random, haphazard life.
Because of Resonance,
YOU CAN NOT NOTICE anything whose vibration you do not already have within you,
(even if that vibration is just an awareness that it exists).
“Be” exactly like the type of person you would like to see in your World, and those kinds of people will show up.
Decide that you will make every effort to be everything you want other people to be.
Don't slip up: Every time you act, act in a way that you yourself would want to experience.
(The Golden Rule)
Fill your mind (the movies & tv shows you watch, the news, and conversations you have)
ONLY with the type of events you want to have in your perfect world.
Practice noticing people, places, situations, and circumstances that you want to see more of.
To whatever extent you can, emulate (copy) that way of Being.
#3. {IGNORE everything undesired}
Ignore everything else. Don't hate it. Don't fight it. Don't resist it.
Just be neutral: Don't pay any attention to it at all.
(That way, you are not "energizing it".)
Nice attitude for undesirable things/actions:
That is someone else' creation, and their business, not mine.
NOTE: "Hate" (strong emotional charge) strongly attracts what you "hate" into your life.
LOVING something |
attracts more of that into your Life. |
HATING something |
attracts more of that into your Life. |
Being NEUTRAL & IGNORING something |
attracts less of that into your Life. |
Aging is not a physical process.
Aging is not a physical process.
It is a thought/belief/meaning process.
Your thoughts that you are aging, is why you are aging.
Your body is a holographic representation of your BELIEFS about your body.
Representations can't get "old", unless the meanings/beliefs about them are about being "old".
It's never the actual physical reality that counts. It is always what you believe about it.
Whether you used your GOD Power and decided the Meaning, or just bought into the Meaning given to you from others,
either way, it is still your Meaning, and as a result, it's your Reality, your Body.
Your physical Body is just a holographic projection which is constantly changing,
to reflect the physical state, age and experience of your continuously-changing self-concept.
Remote Viewing requires no body parts at all.
“Seeing” is a Functional Ability that operates and resides in your Energy Body, not your Physical Body.
"Seeing" is not limited to the eyes.
If people can "see" with their finger tips, you can regain the functionality of your eyes.
All of these “conscious abilities” are functioning in the Energy Realm and not in the Flesh or Brain.
Believing that certain conscious functions are directly related to certain body parts is LIMITING:
You are limiting yourself to ONLY those ways of achieving those conscious functions.
Do not LIMIT yourself to only these methods of consciousness functions.
Your MIND has access to all knowledge , but your BRAIN has limited access to information.
So if you start “Thinking With Your Mind” by saying so and Knowing so,
then your abilities and Knowing will not only soar to amazing heights,
but you will also be impervious to any Brain malfunction.
To make the “Switch”, keep thinking that you are using your MIND (not your BRAIN)
and you have access to the whole Universe, and before long you will.
Your mind can access any information in the Universe - as long as you know what you want, and know that you can.
Your Consciousness, Memories, and Sensations reside in the Non-Physical Realm
and only seem to be present in your Body and Brain.
You are a Non-Physical Being, who, for the Moment, has chosen to represent yourself in this Physical World.
Even though you have a physical representation and “Presence” here in the Physical,
you still Remain in your Non-Physical World at the same time.
Your physical body is like a remote-sensing device, that You-still-in-Spirit are using.
Since Your Body is only a “Representation,” it does not have to age or get sick.
Any changes in your body Representation MUST be a result of the combination of these 2 Meanings:
the Meanings & Intentions of your Immersed Physical-Incarnation Consciousness
the Meanings & Intentions of your Broader Non-Physical Being (your Higher Self).
We create the body that matches the way we Believe it should be.
As we think we are getting older, we create a body to match our image of what we think our body age should be.
Our body is our physical representation of what we think and believe our body should be.
Our body is our physical representation of what we think and believe our body should look like.
Our body is our physical representation of how we think and believe our body should behave.
Your body is only something that you are wearing. It is not you.
(It is like a temporary deep-sea diving suit that you are wearing - while exploring the dense physical dimension.)
Since your Body is really only a projection of a Belief-pattern,
you can change the pattern that is being projected.
Your God Power of assigning Meaning as you choose - is easily applied to your body.
Your God Power of selecting the Belief-Pattern that is being projected - is easily applied to your body.
With your God Power's ability to change Meaning-Belief-Patterns,
you can shift your entire Body at will, into a perfect state of Health.
For example: Multiple Personality people (such as those mind-controlled to have multiple personalities)
can change their Bodies instantly by “Switching” to a different set of Beliefs and Meanings.
As they change them, their Bodies instantly change to accurately “Represent” this new set of Beliefs and Meanings.
As your Beliefs and Meanings about your Body change, your Body changes its “Representation” accordingly.
You do have one significant advantage that will help you re-achieve the body you used to have years ago:
You have actually been that “Body” before,
and that should make it easier to switch back to those (still-present) past “Settings.”
It was only and always the Meaning of what those medications were supposed to do, that created the actual cure.
Drugs and their effects are a function of the Meanings we give them (what we expect of them),
and NOT what they are actually made of.
All your body parts are still available to you and can function as new.
They still exist in your original pattern, located in your energy body.
The only reason that a lizard or a salamander can grow back its tail and legs is because it knows it can.
Your big limitation is that you "know" that you can't.
Remember, your body is only a projection, and it can be adjusted in any way you believe.
If people can bi-locate and appear and disappear at will, then you can recreate a body part.
Cells Are Conscious, Intelligent and DO have communication abilities - even at a distance.
Anything in your Life is possible for you - if you DO believe that it is possible.
Anything is possible for your body - if you DO believe that it is possible.
You don't need any PROTECTION or DEFENCE, because
nothing can come into your experience UNLESS you invite it in by your thoughts, actions, & beliefs.
If you are attracting something negative, there is NO PROTECTION that will stop you from receiving this negative outcome.
No Protection can stop you from attracting whatever you are attracting.
And if you TRY to "protect" yourself from this negative outcome,
then your ATTENTION to this negative outcome will attract it even sooner.
The only solution is to attract only positive outcomes.
The only solution is to Pay ATTENTION to only desireable things.
The best "protection-like" thing you can do is to IGNORE negative meanings .
If you do some action that you realize is NOT the kind of action you want to experience in your "perfect world",
and TRANSFORM it, by giving it a POSITIVE MEANING,
before resuming whatever you were doing.
This "neutralizes" what would otherwise be a negative resonance, attracting undesirable events into your life.
Space & Time are just illusions
There is No distance in the Universe. You are where you perceive yourself to be.
It is really ALL "right Here/right Now".
All points in Space & Time are the SAME place in Space & Time.
It is only our perception of distance that causes us to experience distance.
We only travel in our perception .
The sense of distance is a function of being in a physical incarnation.
You can just “Teleport” yourself anywhere you want to be.
In order to do this, you must KNOW that:
There is no such thing as distance, only Perceived Location .
You don't have to “Go” anywhere or any distance.
You only have to “Be” where you want to be.
(If you are truly already "everwhere", then it's just a matter of
closing your eyes where you are,
and opening your eyes where you wish to be.
"Non-Locality": Atomic particles seem to be connected despite vast distances, because there really is no distance.
It is just our perception that there is.
Distance is no more "real" than Time is.
If Distance isn't "real", and it's not, then we can “Be” anywhere we want to be, in mind and/or in body.
If you are now Representing your Body as being Here, why can't you represent your Body as being there?
There are countless stories of Monks and others who can Bi-Locate.
Experiencing an Incarnation on Earth
“The Universe is Infinite Intelligence Expressing and Appreciating Itself”
You “Arrived” in the perfect Body and in the perfect setting to start your pre-planned Physical Human Experience.
Do whatever you do because you enjoy doing it, not because it needs to be done.
Nothing needs to be done .
Every single “Activity” or “Experience” here on Earth is only for your enjoyment and entertainment.
The only residual importance of your incarnation, is the experience that you had and the understanding & wisdom that you gained .
There are no "world problems", much less any personal problems that are "real".
They are only the imaginary creations of those who are causing them, and those who want to "fix" them.
The entire Universe, including Earth and everything on it, is created from Energy that does not need your assistance or help,
nor does it need to be "fixed" by you.
It is only here for your enjoyment and your playful creative manipulation during your Physically Incarnated Experience.
You are immersed in this “real-life movie-like” Experience,
and are only aware of what is relevant to this specific incarnational experience,
to the exclusion of everything else. (no past-life memories)
Good-Luck Charms & the Placebo Effect
The Placebo effect works because we assign a positive meaning to something neutral.
Good luck charms work because you BELIEVE they will work, and thus EXPECT good results.
Not because of the physical object, but because of your BELIEF in what outcomes that will produce.
If you EXPECT good things to happen to you, then you ATTRACT good experiences.
So. you can EXPECT good things - even without a good luck charm!
If you can replace the physical object with just the meaning (the underlying BELIEF) - without the physical object -
then, you can make it even MORE powerful an "attractor" of what you want,
by simply juicing it up in your imagination - to make it even more powerful.
Also, this internal "lucky charm " would be available to you at all times & in all places.
It's portable!
The Most Powerful Beliefs/Affirmations of all time
“I can Know Anything and Everything That I Decide To Know.”
“I can Be Anything and Everything That I Decide To Be.”
“I can Do Anything and Everything That I Decide To Do.”
“I can Have Anything and Everything That I Decide To Have.”
“I Can Have Every Experience That I Decide To Have”
* * * "Everything is working out just Wonderfully for me." * * *
"Everything is working out just Wonderfully for me - IF I DECIDE & KNOW that it is."
“No matter what happens, things are always working out for me ,
and I know that eventually, I will realize that this has served me in some wonderful beneficial way.”
I get a benefit from every situation, even if I don't know yet what it is.
There is a solution and opportunity available in every situation.
If you KNOW that things are working out for you, they are.
However, if you don't KNOW it, then they probably are not.
The most significant objective of this whole book is getting you to
KNOWING that everything IS working out for you - just wonderfully.
The moment that you DECIDE that THINGS ARE GOING GOOD FOR YOU,
they are, and nothing can stop it from happening.
"Is everything working out for you?"
Decide NOW That It Is !
The Moment That You Decide That It Is, It Is !
“No matter what happens, things are always working out for me,
and I know that eventually, I will realize that this has served me in some wonderful beneficial way.”
* * * "Everything is working out just Wonderfully for me." * * *
(This is Iasos' brief, unofficial, informal, paraphrased, concentrated summary of this concept by Richard McKim,
which is based on this article by Richard.)
Good-Luck Charms & the Placebo Effect
(Desire & Want are here synonymous)
Desire creates and also maintains a manifested reality.
Desire maintains the manifested result - until you STOP wanting it.
Desire is the SEED of Creation.
Desire is the Driving-Engine of Creation.
Desire is what creates everything in Creation.
Without Desire, there is no Creation!
Desire is not only the original source of creation and seed that manifests what you want,
but it is also the maintainer of the manifestation after you have it.
Desire has 2 components: "What" and "Why" .
"What" is the target-goal of Manifestation,.... such as happy life, red car, big house, or whatever.
"Why" is the reason for the Manifestation, and this provides the energy to manifest it.
Creation of anything you Desire (Want) requires both a What and a Why.
If you do not have BOTH components, then you do not really Want it, so the univerese will not manifest it for you.
All you have to do is ALLOW it to manifest. As long as there is no reason (Why) it can NOT manifest, it will automatically manifest in the best, easiest, most practical way.
The only things required for Manifestation are
Desire(What & Why) & Allowing & Expectation.
The only thing that can stop a Desire from manifesting is a negative Why:
Why it won't
Why it shouldn't
Why it can't
EVERYTHING NOT Manifested, was stopped by
an unfulfilled illusionary Criteria, such as NEED .
Criteria are man-made blocks which prevent Manifestations.
(Why it can't manifest - is because this Criteria has not been met.)
The only way a Desire won't Manifest is if YOU block it with your unfulfilled criteria.
You MUST make an effort to rid your Desires of any and all Criteria blocks, so that they can automatically Manifest.
All those limitations, criteria, blocks, and resistance only exist in your mind.
If there are criteria for manifestation, then the criteria must be net before the Desire is allowed to Manifest.
The biggest and most used Criteria or Block is NEED.
NEED is always (in all Ways) a "criteria" (block) of some Desire.
NEED is a Declaration of Deficiency (Not Enough)
The moment you insert NEED at any place in the manifestation sequence,
you stop it from manifesting.
"Desires" without Resistance (Criteria), Manifest automatically.
Desire is a Manifestation Request to the Universe.
Instead of saying "I need Money", say "I desire Money."
There isn't anything you need, to get what you want, unless you say so. So.....DON'T SAY SO!
This releases all blocks to you getting what you want, because there are no obstacles to get in the way. Since you don't need anything, you are quite literally in the right place, at the right time, with everything you need, fully capable of getting what you want. This brings you into a state of " Expectation " which is the "Go-Signal" for Manifestation.
"Expectation": You must expect it, indicating to the Universe that you have no blocks preventing it from manifesting.
Expectation means:
"All Criteria Have Been Met, so Start Manifesting"
NEED stops manifestation in its tracks. It Prevents Expectation, and thus, Prevents Manifestation.
NEED is born of Lack, while Desire is the seed and source and maintainer of all Manifestations.
Recommended thought, to remove NEED, and to empower positive Expectations:
"I am always in the right place,
at the right time,
with everything I need,
fully capable of getting what I want."
All Criteria have been met,
so I fully Expect this to happen.
The interactions of Belief, Faith, & Evidence
(This is Iasos' brief, unofficial, informal, paraphrased, concentrated summary of this concept by Richard McKim)
Belief attracts only the evidence that supports that belief.==> Belief attracts supporting Evidence ==>
==> Supporting evidence reinforces that Belief ==>
Gif by Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
If your beliefs don't support any particular information, you are not allowed to see that information. It is a natural function of the
"Reality-Go-Round", to block you from noticing and considering contrary evidence and opinions - which acts as a Reality-stabilizer for you.
This endless Loop program is a good thing if you were FIRST given REAL Evidence and Proof, or Were FIRST given a Belief in something that Was REALLY TRUE. It shows you all the evidence and experience that is congruent with your beliefs and hides that which conflicts with them.
If on the other hand, you are taught something that was a lie and untrue, then, you will see everything that supports your false belief and be automatically unaware of anything else that is contrary to it. In this case, this system literally blinds you from the truth while perpetrating the lie as truth, since it was the FIRST point of view that you learned.
This is why first impressions, first lessons, first religion, first points of view, and first beliefs are so hard to change . Once they are set, you can only see reality that reinforces that perspective.
It is the job of the Universe and your Reality to keep your beliefs supported and to deny all the rest. Once you have an opinion or a belief, you will always see it that way unless something extraordinary happens to change it, and it seldom ever does.
Faith = "Belief before Evidence"
Faith is just Belief Before Evidence and Proof. This may seem small, but it is actually HUGE!
Remember that everything that matches your Belief gets seen (Permitted to be seen and actually sought out) and considered; and all else gets excluded and hidden from awareness. So, when you have "Belief" in something you get to see all the evidence you want, that proves it is true, and all else is not noticed or just ignored (filtered out).
But when you decide to have Faith in some point of view, you have just given your Reality, the Universe, and your Mind, "PERMISSION and AUTHORIZATION" to start noticing that which supports this newly-forming Belief (still just faith so far), while at the same time beginning to ignore, and discount everything else!
because it will lead to evidence supporting this new Belief.
Gif by Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
You can use Faith to
Shift the "Belief/Evidence" Loop to an entirely different Belief/Evidence "Setting".
The Belief/Evidence Loop will now gradually become stable at this new setting!
If you want to shift your beliefs on any given subject, you have to start by having faith in the new idea. This gives your Reality, Mind, and Universe permission and authorization to change what you notice and don't notice.
Faith is the "Shifter" of your Reality
and as such is a very important tool you should rely on when a shift (change) is needed.
Being Open Minded , doesn't seek to change beliefs, but instead just gives your mind permission to consider and become aware of opposing information that it would have normally rejected automatically. You are giving the new idea a fair chance to show and prove itself. Otherwise, without considering or even being aware of the opposing information, you would not be able to say for sure, legitimately, whether it is actually true and valid or not.
The bottom line is that you will never change your mind (Beliefs) until you decide to have Faith in another Idea instead . If you decide not to have Faith in the new idea, you will be stuck (Stable) in your current Beliefs as they are, no matter if they are "true" or not. Only you can decide to alter them, and only you have the right and ability to do so.
So why not give "amazing" things the benefit of the doubt? Allow for the "possibility" that they are true. Have "Faith" that they just might be true.
Such an attitude would ALLOW much more magic and amazing things into your Life-Experience, because your beliefs would then be "allowing" them in.
"Allowing" for "magic to be real" can greatly EXPAND your reality.
Improving your Present, by Redefining your Past
(This is Iasos' brief, unofficial, informal, paraphrased, concentrated summary of this concept by Richard McKim)
You do not need to change the "facts" about your PAST.
You only need to change the meaning (interpretation) you assign to those PAST events.
When you assign your PAST a more positive meaning (interpretation),
you feel much better about that event.
And so,
you end up experiencing a more positive PRESENT, as a result.
How strong emotions affect what you are manifesting
"Emotions, Meaning, & Manifesting"
Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
Gif by Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
Emotions, Meaning, & Manifesting
This is an illustration that shows the relationship between Meaning, Emotions and Manifesting (Energy). It is based on the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale where Emotions grow in strength in both directions, Positive Direction to Love, and the Negative direction toward Fear.
The Batteries
The Red (-) and Green (+) batteries represent Manifesting energy. The more something Means, the more Energy in motion (E-Motion) there is, and thus the more powerful is the ability to manifest, whether good or bad. When there is no Meaning, there is no energy, (no Energy in Motion). So that which is Meaningless, is not likely to manifest. However, that which has Great Meaning, Has Great Energy-In-Motion (Emotion) and has more potential to Manifest. The Levels of Importance (Meaning), denotes how much something Matters. The more it matters, the more important it is, the more it means, the more Emotion (Energy-In-Motion) there is available for the Manifestation. The higher the emotion, the more Batteries (Energy) is associated with it. The batteries are Green for positive Energy, Creating Positive Emotions (Positive Creating Energy-In-Motion), where as the Red Batteries are in a Negative Polarity, Creating Negative Emotions (Negative Creating Energy-In-Motion)
Emotions can range from very low such as Matters Not, (No Emotion & No Energy), to VERY JOYFUL, Matters a lot, in a VERY Positive Way. Higher Emotions come from things that Mean More. Winning a $1 feels good, But Becoming a Trillianaire Means a Lot more and has HUGE Joyful energy associated with it. Whereas losing a $1, feels bad, but Having Stage 4 Cancer MEANS Death, and creates great Negative Emotion of Fear. In short, more meaning = More emotion = More Manifesting Energy, whether good or bad.
Where there is NO Emotion (No Energy In Motion), there is no Manifesting Energy. It is Meaningless (Without Meaning) and thus has no manifesting energy. Nothing more to say about this.
Gif by Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
How To Use This Illustration
This illustration demonstrates the relationship of the different levels of Emotion, energy, and their positive and negative effects. Notice that when you are in Great Fear, the Highest Negative Emotion, you are manifesting a really bad Reality for yourself. However, if you are in Great Joy, you are creating a really Great Reality for yourself.
If you start at Great Fear, and work your way up to Worry, you are still negatively manifesting but not as bad as your were at fear. If you can get up to Boredom, the lowest Negative emotion (lowest negative energy level) you are negatively effecting your reality, but not as bad as it was at Worry, and WAY better than it was at Fear.
If you have made it to the Positive Energy side of this scale (Positive Emotions), then your job is to keep moving yourself up to higher emotions, creating more and more positive Energy-In-Motion, which is Manifesting what you want even faster and bigger. That is why you are advised to appreciate things as often as you can. That moves up your vibration to a higher emotion level which is a higher energy level, which manifests what you want faster and bigger.
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May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams
Signed: Richard Lee McKim, Jr.
More Wisdom from Richard Lee McKim, Jr. (Right-click or Command-click to download this free PDF.) (highly recommended!) Abundance, Gratitude, Appreciation, and Transformation Reality, Miracles, and God Power Meaning, Placebos, Feelings, and Faith How to Manifest, Get on the Ride, Shape your Reality Think with your Mind & NOT your Brain Inspiration & Motivation How to Develope your Psychic Communication Ability by Resonance
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