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Testimonials & Quotes from well-known People and Organizations
Testimonials & Quotes from well-known People and Organizations
New York Times
(New York Times, Feb. 16, 2014 Sunday edition - written by Mike Ruben)
Also: Audio interview in New York Times (same New York Times, Feb. 16, 2014 issue) Ben Ratiff interviews Mike Ruben (the writer of the above article)
Comment about this article, by Kevin Kendle - another excellent new age musician. (Comment made in FaceBook on Feb. 17, 2014)
"Hehe.... Iasos as "the Duke Ellington of New Age" ;-) - he's the true pioneer of the genre... the "Creator of New Age" in my opinion....! :-) K"
Body Mind Spirit Magazine / Lee Underwood
"Uplifting, gorgeous, spiritually-attuned music from the heavens."
R. Buckminster Fuller (in a letter to Iasos)
"I find your inter-dimensional music needing new words to describe
it. I feel as though I were entering a new world - a new and very profoundly
beautiful world."
Miracles and Inspiration
"Iasos' music sounds as if it originates from another planet, perhaps another galaxy, or maybe even, another dimension of time and space......
He is infinitely fascinating to listen to, to watch and to enjoy. His vision and his focus is clearly Divinely inspired and after you listen to a Iasos CD or watch a Iasos video, you will be Divinely inspired as well."
(by Scott Mowry)
Keyboards Magazine (Paris, France) / Christian
"Iasos is one of the most authentic masters of new age meditative
music. In his visionary and psychedelic universe, where there is nothing
but light and vibrations, Iasos invites his listeners on a spiritual journey
where there is nothing but light and vibrations, Iasos invites his listeners
on a spiritual journey where the various stages are minutely illustrated.
. . . The sounds of synthesizers and acoustic instruments are treated through
countless processes, to unfurl crystal waterfalls, harmonic surf flowing
through all three dimensions, symphonic excursions, and inflections where
the electronics are as expressive as the human voice. . . . [Absolutely
deserves its sub-title of Celestial Symphonic Music. You will not believe
your ears."
GearSlutz.com (on-line magazine) (June 2020)
"I love Iasos. I think he's a genius. Every genre has its geniuses and Iasos is a genius of new age music."
Dr. Norman Shealy - Director of Self-Health Systems & one of the world's leading experts in Pain Management
Iasos is one of the great modern multisensory musicians. I have loved his music for at least 35 years. Indeed, it is capable of inducing Divine Thought Forms and expanded consciousness.
(taken from his March 17, 2010 Newsletter)
New Age Journal / Peter Simon
"Iasos is a 29 year old musical genius. While other musicians have taken
cracks at creating what might be called celestial music, Iasos has perfected
the art. 'Inter-Dimensional Music thru
Iasos' does point to a previously unheard musical wavelength . . . an excellent
vehicle for travelling toward higher planes of consciousness. In this newly
developing form of Space Age/New Age music, 'Inter-Dimensional
Music thru Iasos' has set the standard to which others must aspire or from
which they may depart."
Directions Magazine
"This man produces wonderful celestial music. His multi-media
concerts produce ecstacy in every audience."
A Guide to Experimental New Age (music)
"I'd point to Iasos as the spiritual godfather of the movement, and Inter-Dimensional Music as the more diverse and interesting record."
Aaron Stein-Chester, June 30, 2016, Earbits Blog)
L'Autre Monde (The Other World - Paris,
France) / Jean-Michel Reusser
"Even when one is listening for the very first time, the music of
Iasos resonates familiarly within the depths of each one's heart."
(translated from French)
Brad Steiger - author of over 100 books in the
metaphysical and paranormal fields:
"The music of the young genius Iasos is as fine an inspirational aid to
meditation and natural highs as I have heard. This young man is truly in tune
with a sound current of higher consciousness and the love spirit . . . one who
has created some of the most ethereal, angelic, celestial music ever channeled
for the dawning New Age."
more recently.......
"For the past twenty years, I have used the music of Iasos to inspire
me and to help me open hidden passageways of creativity in my psyche."
Jonathan Bewley - Executive Director of Snapshots
Music & Arts Foundation
"Your music stands as a singular statement in the history of this
art form."
Pulse! (the magazine for TOWER RECORDS) / Lee
"He and his music have been inspiring other new age musicians for the better
part of two decades. . . .'The Angels of Comfort' and 'Angel Play,' each nearly
30 minutes long, perhaps exemplify the best this genre has to offer."
Electronic Musician Magazine
"New Age Synthesizer King" - James Finch
"In New Age circles, Iasos is near-legend." - Robert Carlberg
Jim Hurtak, Director of the ACADEMY
of "The Book of Knowledge: THE KEYS OF ENOCH"
"Iasos' music is unlike any other music on earth.
It initiates the listener into higher step functions of Light. All of a
man's bodies - his higher Light Bodies as well as his lower bodies - are
up-shifted in unison, by this music, into greater Light." -also-
"Iasos' music inspires the quickening.
When the 'sacred sounds of glory' are rolled up in the future, the sounds
of a new humanity will be mingled with the inner music of the spheres that
Iasos awakened on this little planet called Earth...being one of the first
to sound the new trumpets."
Yoga Journal / Elizabeth Kent
The music began and within seconds I felt transported to some lofty space
inside myself, held there and sustained by exquisitely blended sounds."
Barbara Marx Hubbard, Futuristic Global
Philosopher (in a letter to Iasos)
"It's celestial and divine! I love your music."
Whole Life Network (Fall 1989) / Hassan
M. Ghandchi
"He is one of the most outstanding musicians of our times. His musical
achievements are so unique that one may search for years looking for something
Miracles and Inspiration (website) (2011)
Iasos - The Maestro of Celestial Harmony by Scott Mowry
"Iasos is a very distinctive and gifted visionary musician, video artist and speaker. He has produced a number of amazing musical masterpieces that promote healing, transformation and evolution of the human soul.
His music, perhaps best described as an electronic symphony, nonetheless is unique and highly original in its focus. Iasos' music sounds as if it originates from another planet, perhaps another galaxy, or maybe even, another dimension of time and space.
Iasos describes himself as a "Music Creator, specializing in celestial, heavenly, inter-dimensional music."
Grand, sweeping arpeggios, lilting, almost surreal melodies and otherworldly tones are generously sprinkled throughout his music like drops of fairy dust from a celestial angel.
He is, by all intents and purposes, much more than a musician. He conducts seminars, concerts and special events and also produces beautiful videos in a sort of a retro-70's-meets-the-new-millenium style.
He is infinitely fascinating to listen to, to watch and to enjoy. His vision and his focus is clearly Divinely inspired and after you listen to a Iasos CD or watch a Iasos video, you will be Divinely inspired as well.
He may well be one of the fathers of the New Age genre having released his first recording in this vein all the way back in the year 1975. And he is still going strong!"
Michael Hutchison, Author of MEGABRAIN
(the book that literally launched the brain-mind-machine revolution)
"When I listen to Iasos' music, I feel like I am tapping into the
heartbeat of the universe."
(June 1994)
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, founder of SHANTI
"We love your music."
Wege (one of Germany's primary spiritual
magazines) / Wolfgang Dahlberg, Chief Editor
"Of all the musicians that are associated with new age and the like,
there definitely is only one true interdimensional musician!
Alan Watts, Metaphysical Philosopher
"Iasos is doing the classical music of the New Age."
Alternatives Magazine / Earl Valentovic
"Iasos is indeed master of music."
Fonix Musik (Scandinavia's largest distributor
of new age music, located in Denmark)
/ S.A. Kalyana (translated from Danish from their
"Iasos is one of the most outstanding spiritual musicians in the world
New Age Media (Australia) / DeNis McCarthy,
"A multi-talented genius."
Heartsong Review (Fall 89/Winter 90) /
Ben Kettlewell
" [A] depth of expression few modern instrumental composers can duplicate."
Aeoliah, one of the leading new age musicians
(in a communication to Iasos - August 1995)
"Just want to thank you so much for bringing through some of the highest
and most evolved sound energy in form on this planet. There will come a
time when the people on this planet will thirst for this energy, and will
one day recognize the transformative value of the spiritual vibrations
that breathe life into this music."
Christopher Hills, Philosopher and Author
of Supersensonics
"Iasos manifests in sound those celestial frequencies which the wizard
Kepler called the Music of Spheres and which I call Goddess Juice. Love
shines in his tones. Divinity cascades through his musical fountains."
(February 1992)
Noel McInnis, Editor of BRAIN/MIND BULLETIN
"Your music IS heavenly!"
Cheryl Yambrach Rose, one of the great
contemporary visionary painters of our age
(in a communication to Iasos)
"When I want to go to the highest levels, to bring in those images,
I always use your music."
(August 1995)
New Age Retailer magazine:
"When I put on his Wave 1: Inter-Dimensional
Music, I thought I'd heard nectar from heaven."
(Carol Wright, July 2001)
Unsolicited Customer Feedback
This is feedback on Iasos' music that is
not referring to any particular album.
(General Feedback on the music.)
We also have customer feedback for each album in the Detailed
Listing for each album.
Iasos, when I listened to your music I sensed that Our souls, resurfaced once more from the sands of Ages sending waves of remembrance ...a knowing permeated my soul. In my eyes Iasos, you are a sacred vessel filled with the wonderments of Creation and you graciously pour this wonder on the rest of us. Thankyou once more for being You and for aiding us to effortlessly reach the Light Realms which are our heritage.. Silken Radiance,
The way I describe my experience with your music is that it plays whatever my emotions are feeling at that moment... It tunes into my inner soul and uses "me" as the instrument!! I've NEVER experienced anything like that with any other music. Another very important thing about it is that it is so full of LOVE!!! Because of that, I feel very safe with your music and I know that you will only guide me to the most beautiful places and therefore I can easily surrender! Anyway, thanks again for it all.... Love,
When I listen to your music I loose track of time.
I could be commuting home on the railroad after the rush of being in a subway with people together like sardines. I turn on your music and feel like I am in a comfortable familiar place where I belong. Your music rejuvenates me.
I listen to your music in the morning before my corporate america day starts. It gets me ready to protect myself from the negativity of this environment,
Thank you for helping me recharge my battery.
" ... heaven on earth is beautifully and swiftly accomplished for the delight and benefit of all ... "
hello my friend
I adore your music, I listen Elixir and is are extraordinary to them, your music is divine ( from God ).
Your music has uplifted and healed me (and I wish it will do it even more), your beautiful web-pages are....hmmmm... medicine for a soul, and I`m still totally gratified(hope that is the right verb!) about the very fact that You cared to personally advice me in my "sonic" problems a while back.
Best regards,
It was a pleasant surprise receiving copies of several of your albums.The harmonies of your music are like sunbeams and the center of this lighting sounds is the Higher Self. These albums help me to rediscover that my real nature is beyond my body, beyond my restless mind, beyond of all ephemeral things, but embrace the entire world. Thank you for your gift to be an instrument for the music of the spheres. I will share with my listeners this wonderful musical experience.
In harmony,
Radio Station in Romania
Beloved Sweet Eternal Infinite Source playing as this Unique Iasos,
...I honor the place in You in which the Whole Uni-Verse dwells. I honor the place in You which is of Eternal Bliss, of Perennial Truth, of Infinite Light, and Everlasting Peace. When You are in that place in You and I am in that place in me, We are One JOY... One Verse... One EUPHORIC LOVE......and the Uni-Song, the Eternal Divine Music of the Spheres was heard in the Chambers of the Heart Within... and, in rhythm with the soothing melody of the Imperishable Existence..., HERENOW I am writing to you... what a mystery!...
Laughing now: (I am in an ecstatic mood) -> Your website is so full of Enlightenment and Unconditional LOVE. I also listened to your Music many times in the past and it is truly nourishing and divine. You are Sweet. Too Sweet for the words to touch It. :) You are a wonderful Mirror of the Jewel of Jewels within all. Thank you for dancing and crossing my cosmic path, my eternal blissful self-exploration.
Your music is unique,powerfull and unforgettable.
You are truly tapping the music of the spheres and the sound current.
I wanted to say that i use your music in different rooms in the house to clear and clean the rooms---bringing higher energy there so when one walks in they can feel the difference. It's kind of an energy tuner so to speak. I figure if Doreen Virtue can say her chakras clearing tapes can cleanse the rooms of your house i say that your music can at least do that!
Monsieur, your music is a pure splendor of chrystal and the expresion of celestial thought and golden rain of love
Hello! My most favorite music EVER in ALL the world is the Iasos music. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this amazing and beautiful music. I have audio cassettes of Elixir, Timeless Sound, Angelic Music, Bora Bora 2000, Interdimensional Music and Jeweled Space...basically, everything I could ever find.
I just wanted to say I have been looking for harmonics type music like this and I really enjoyed listening to your samples. You have probably heard of the "Ganzig Effect" which is the brain's response to looking out at distant scenery and space. Your music invokes the same feelings and realaxation when I hear it....and kind of like my spirit breathes .....after being stuffed up or holding its breath....? I get the feeling of space and freedom with certain harmonics like that.
Thank you, Iasos! I have enjoyed your music ever since I first heard it at MIU in the late 1970's. It's the only "celestial music" out there that really is.
Your music is beyond words.
Your in a celestial class that no earth work can touch.
The energy that goes into the music is awesome, hard to put
into words at times.
Feels like it is nearly fourth or fifth dimensional in that it begins to line
up on a cellular level.
You have the gift my brother. I'm proud of you cause your music is the real
Dear Iasos! Thank You so much for fantastic brilliant CDs!!! Splendid works - incredibly bright impression! We were glad and proud discover for us and for our audience creation of such bright artists as You, touch Your highest culture and mastery. Thank You for joy and happiness of dealings with Your wonderful music! Much friendly love from Siberia.
Iasos - your music is in a class (or dimension) of its own. It's pure love and light. Thank you.
I am on what is called the Purusha Program which is made up of single men who have dedicated their lives to spiritual growth and the advancement of Maharishi's programs. Rarely have I come across any sonic production that has the affect that yours does.
I was just listening to some of your awesome music yesterday and recalling how inspired I've been by your artistry over the years
I just love Iasos music. My 4 year daughter stopped playing and turned to me and said, "Mommy i like your music". I think that's quite a compliment when a 4 year old says that.
I first heard this music when researching a nursing theory paper for a graduate class. It is very soothing to the soul and produces a calming environment conducive to scholarly productivity. The artwork is lovely also.
You are a master of the celestial music world. Your music is inspirational and soothing to the soul.
Thank you for sharing this incredible music of high frecuencia and i hope that the light workers continue inspiring you to continue giving us the experiencie of this beautiful and useful music!
This music has put my inner being back together on many occasions.
Iasos, You are a GENIUS! The Up-Floats is fantastic!
Your Chryst-Al highest love sounds are one of our pyramidal soul constitution conversing with our luminus brothers-sisters.
J.-F. S.
I can add these 2 items ("Crystal Vista" dvd and "Liquid Crystal Love" cd) to my Iasos collection. His music centers me and I feel more peaceful during the day.
Hello, just wanted to say respect for your nice sounds, my baby was born when some of your tracks were playing.
To say that your music is transcendent and Divine with a capital
"D" is an understatement. It compels listeners to listen with the
ears of their souls and not just their bodies.
I am not surprised that a fellow Greek has brought this cosmic torch of vibration
to heal human hearts.
How delightful to hear from the man behind the music. I accessed Sotoshi's images and they truly strike a balance between being ethereal and expansive. Postcards from a place that we can ony visit in our dreams. Much like your music which makes the heart soar like the wings of Icarus that can never melt.
I am 22 years old and I recently discovered your music. It has
touched me very deeply. I found an old vinyl copy of Interdimensional Music
and since have purchased "Angelic Music" and others. I wanted to
contact you mainly to thank you for your beautiful vision and positive energy
which touched me immediately without knowing anything about you. The calm
and focus I have been able to find through deep listening to your work has
been invaluable.
I have turned your music on to all of my friends! I really think that young people are open to your music and the time is right to expose them to it.
Some weeks ago, I found your site and downloaded some streams
of your music - and was totally knocked out!
Your Music is far beyond every thought that has ever came to life on this
And now, i would like to praise "your" music, in spite of not being yours, but from a being of light, but, you have to have a enormos knowledge of music...Thank you for the music to the soul!!!
You have created some of the most profoundly beautiful and moving music I have ever heard!
I also use your music, Kitaro, Michael Stearns, Vangelis and others in my private psycho-spiritual energy healing work. It heightens the process significantly. In any case, you and your music have been and continue to be important in my life and the lives of so many others. Music is the vehicle of your servancy. Keep it up.
In Appreciation and love,
... having followed your music for over 20 years... I experience you as one of the most inspiring composers ever. &
I understand that it is impossible to reduce to mere words the
beauty of the unearthly realm. I guess there are not alot of us who are "regular
visitors," even though it is Home to all of us and we will all return
There eventually. But in your music I clearly hear the "call to return."
It doesn't reach me in words, it reaches me in the chords and the flow, the
way the sounds unfold. There's nothing harsh or jarring, tense or frightening
in the music you make. It's all for Peace. It works. It heals. It reminds
us of where we came from: that ancient, blocked-out memory of a Being and
a Place that still lives, even though we seem to have forgotten it while we
are here, so blinded by earthly phenomena and so concentrated on our individual
No earthly medium could ever contain the magnitude of Love's message, but
music like yours POINTS TO the place where the message comes from. It is evidence
that, though invisible to the eye, Divine Love exists. We know it exists because
by your music you have shown us that you have seen and experienced It and
so it must be real. Music like this could never have come any other way. We
can hear, in this music, that the author has experienced Heaven. And so we
rest and heal because we are assured of Ultimate Comfort.
I guess I am not all that good at expressing in words what I want to say.
I seldom get a chance to thank an artist personally for his gift. I am a BIG
music lover. I have a tremendous, fantastic collection. Each recording is
like a treasure, and "Angelic Music" has long had a place of honor
on my shelf. Now "Liquid Crystal Love" joins it and there will be
others, to be sure!
Suffice it to say that I hear ya, buddy. Your work has made a real difference
in my life!!
I ll never forget what a deep impact your music had in my life and how it inspired me to create my first album...there was a magical connector there...that changed my life forever, and you were a part of that fabric...thank you ever so for that...I shall always treasure that most deeply in my heart & soul,
I realize you are probably very busy, and must hear from many people. But I wanted to respond to your message of last week: I do have an understanding of music and I know about octaves-yes. I can see what you mean about doubling and tripling the frequency of emotions. How interesting to have it described the way you do. I never thought about it like that, like there is a deliberate intent to raise the level of peace and joy a person feels by building into the music a kind of spiritual ladder. And yet, the climb is effortless. It's more like being carried up than climbing. In your music you carry me very high. You are not only a very talented artist, but also a healer. Your kind of healing is the kind that does me the most good, the kind I respond and resonate to, the kind that I understand and that means the most to me. A medical doctor can go ahead and prescribe whatever medicine he wants if I'm feeling down and out-but this is what works for ME.
I was so delighted to go to your site (as recommended by a friend), and hear
the wonderful sounds you have created! Your creations reached me on a soul-level...nothing
anything else has done. It is also "balancing" for me and the aura I perceive
to have. Anyway, I made an order immediately, and am looking forward to
receiving it.
I have a question; do you have anything with bells, or chimes?
Thanks again for the wonderful productions. You must be a highly evolved,
spiritual being.
I will be contacting you in a few weeks to get my order of your GOD inspired music that you brought down from Heaven for the rest of the world to hear.
you are the one with the sweet heart and music of the gods and angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Iasos! You have created such sublime and exquisite music. I've been into synthesizers for a long time and know that you were way ahead of your time. I can usually tell which synths and effects were used on a recording but with you I have no idea!
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your music. I play it at work
with headphones and it helps me cope with the stress of project deadlines.
Through your music my Buddhic and Christic Energy transformation had been enhanced through the remembrance processses and I have began reconnecting with the Elementals particularly the Devic Kingdom through The Energies of Shamballa. Much has been opened for me, portals and parallel travels through the Inner Realms of Light and remembering more of Who and What I Am That I Am. We have lived many lifetimes together within a close circle and during this lifetime we are simply ships sailing in this great ocean of love to welcome the Dawn of The New Age in this New Earth. Again I thank you for assisting me in my transformation process.
I first became aware of your music in 1997 and have been following your career since then (I'm in my mid-twenties now). I like the music, the work you're doing with it, and the eneriges that come through you. I also admire your authenticity, you let your heart rule.
Ever since I can remember myself, Xxxx used to talk about you. "I give you my word of honor!" he used to tell me, "This Iasos guy, is linking your soul all the way up to the heavens." In the early 90's after Xxx had taught many people in the desert from all over the world about the sensational feeling that your music had caused him & how it had inspired him to create, he decided that he should do the same!
Also, thank you for such beautiful and evocative music! It is
a welcome oasis in this chaotic and materialistic world.
I am towards the tail end of several months of intense personal healing and found your music most inspirational, really lovely.
Hi Iasos-
Sorry it has taken me so long to let you know how much I am
enjoying my (your) music! I received my CDs a couple of weeks ago and am so
happy to have them in my collection. As usual, your particular musical creations
touch me so personally. I can't really verbalize how I benefit from listening
to your melodies. . . . .it is really beyond words, and I know you understand
that. Really, the only thing I can say is THANK YOU. Once again, I love your
music and I thank God for your gifts, and I'm deeply grateful that they have
been shared with me. Life is good!
Bless you always,
During my recent health crisis, I was inspired to turn to his (Iasos') music more often. Its soothing, peaceful, and transcendental qualities heal and open my heart and awareness.
Amazingly beautiful music! I have been looking for something like this for ages! Thank you!
Dear Iassos
Finally i have the chance to expres my gratitude for you and your music. I went thru a very difficult period in my life (illness)and your music was a refuge or resort for me to turn to, where i felt safe and experienced warmth, bliss and peace, a sanqtuary. I thank you from my heart and wish you happiness and fullfilment in your life. A very warm greeting from c. from the netherlands
I (and many many others) regard Iasos as the 'main man' in dowsing the higher spheres for harmony, and what a wonderful result you create. I am honoured to be able to write to you.
your music ahhhh.....continues to blow my mind!!!! it makes me float!!! and makes me smile.
Thank You. Your music has allowed me to infuse the "stuff" I deliver with amazing healing energies. Thank You.
Dear Iasos
Much of other music that it said to be "Angelic" which other musicians
produce doesn't compare to yours which is much better and sticks in your mind
( no disrespect to other musicians). I think many people over complicate there
music but yours has an aura about it.
Dear Mr. Iasos
I am a working acoustic musician (trumpeter) living in Marrakech Morocco. I play jazz, pop - whatever the occasion demands. Usually I am averse to listening to electronic music. The reason? I find the majority of electronic keyboardists rely on the power of their various synth patches as a substitute for true emotion. After a while I just become bored and cannot listen anymore.
I just listened to your interview and program on KPFA's show Discreet Music and I am happy to say that your music does not fall into the above category. It is indeed different. I found it to be imaginative and refreshing - innovative is the word that comes to mind. Each piece you write seems different. You think in orchestral terms yet you also write as if you are accompanying a story.
Your vision to bring angelic music to the world is very interesting. I have had conversations with these beings from time to time, often in conjunction with playing music. Anyway, all to say that the world could use more people like you. You are a very good presence.
All my best to you
Hello Iasos I am so blessed that I found you and your music! Every single album you have made is superb all the way through! I really like Inter-Dimensional music cd because it is so classic. ...
Your music is just what i needed and i hold yours in my highest and most favorite of all the relaxing and healing music i own and i have a ton of it!
Keep up the good work and I truly appreciate your positive energy I receive from your music. It truly is from the heart and takes me back to where I have originated from.
I'm really enjoying this wonderful experience. Your music expands my mind.
I have purchased other tapes and DVDs of abstract graphics and "New AGE" type music but they dont give the joy or uplift of the spirit that yours does.
It’s very clear to me you been to these realms. It’s pure GENIUS your work. It is so near to what I ascended too. I would hope this is the next step on our journey of consciousness.
Have known you since I knew Frederick in NYC. Your music was the backdrop of our lives then. Totally magical! No one does what you do, Iasos. :).
So, your music may even be saving lives (!!), helping us to relax from it all, and expand our spirits.
I've been so in tune with all your musicial works ever since I began listening to them over 28 years ago and have found your music to be the most uplifting and astounding instrumentals ever created.
Iasos, just to let you know once again, thanks for music, not only is it musically rich with technicality, but so pure and blissful.
your music is amazing original when i play inter-dimensional music i see the universe in it
I will always be grateful for all that i have learned and the hours of deep enjoyment i have received from your musical works. if i told you of the many experiences i've had with your music it would fill a book.
Your music is a spiritual phenomenon. You are able to put down harmonies that take me to such a beautiful place, its almost like i recognize it, like I've heard it when I was a toddler or somethin, like I heard it in a dream when I was very young.
I've been previewing your metaphysical music at your website and LOVE it. It is such a refreshing change to all the other musical genres that leave you feeling 'empty'. Your music is so heavenly-its nourishment for the soul!!
Hi Iasos,
I'm a big fan of your music and philosophy! Its great that someone puts so much of themselves into their work and helps people across the world to experience music on a new level. So thank you for that.
The quality of your music bespeaks a pure channel. And thank God for channels too! For Gilbert Williams Paintings, Seth books, A Course In Miracles, and Iasos music!
Your music make my heart glow !
The Light shines through this Divine music ;-)
all I can say is: WOW! Your music has got to be some of the most ethereally divine music I've heard yet (and I've heard my share). Kudos!
You and your music are a gift to humanity...I am in gratitude for that
I can only say they're have been imitators of your music, but there is only one IASOS! Your music still remains unique, fresh, and original to this very day after tuning into your music and Music of the Spheres over 30 years ago.
Brother Iasos! you have made my spirit fly since i was child. if i could, i would craft your music into a woman (who would undoubtably be the most beautiful on earth or in heaven) and marry her. your gift defies description. thank you so much for sharing with the rest of us the music Spirit has graced you with.
The inner skies are always open everytime I listen to your albums.
your music existed in my dreams since i was a kid although i found out about you only three years ago..stay positive,greetings from Larissa,Greece....
your music is fantastic, truly transcendental. it brings me to tears, joyous, but perhaps best of all, it makes me want to make similair music too, since I know it's possible.
As a new age & space music devotee, I'm always looking for something new and fresh, and I must say that no one (in my 26 years of listening to this music) has equaled (much less surpassed) the truly great stuff that you have produced. I thank you for all of it! All the best.
Iasos, I recently ran into your inter-dimensional music on a blog and I can honestly say I've never been taken farther from my head through your music than through anything else. You are a true artist.
I have been listening to your music for many years. And when I was in private practice as a Psychotherapist I sometimes used your music in one-on-one session work. I love how you approach musical ideas as well as the intricacy of some of your compositions.
visionary art of high order ... the creature who's unerring musical vision has given light, not merely in the form of unalloyed musical genius, but casting a great sound wave upon this world of name and form, forming powerful reverberations of thought, deepening into conscious awareness, and creating a protective shield of consonance on higher subtle, etheric levels to inform, affirm, activate and encourage those here below...the modern master who is now placing an indelible imprint on the collective human awareness
Hi Iasos, I have to thank you again for your beautiful music. I have been noticing a lot more stress around me so I put on my headphones before I go to sleep and listen to your music and it takes me Home....Thank You!
Iasos ~
I discovered your music recently mate... I have never connected with extreme harmony as much as in your work. True celestial divinity... and mutually experienced! I had thought my reality tunnel was so narrow that my expression of the inexpressible would be impeded by pure subjectivity.
your music, especially when i heard it the first time, was just like otherworldly, beautiful and divine, it sounds so pure and angelic.
I've just been introduced to your work and immeadiely felt as though I'd come home. My entire body is vibrating from the sounds you create and share. I used to listen to meditation tapes with whale songs as a girl and the feeling I so desperately tried to grasp was dropped into me with your sounds. I am so enthralled with what you do...
I felt that it was destined for us to communicate, you see I've studied meditation and metaphysical energy since childhood. However, as I got older ( now im 35) I've slipped away from it until today when I saw your website and listen to your music has opened up my inner consciousness to reunite with my spiritual self. I thank you for this.
Your music is the perfect soundtrack to a happy life :-)
I just wanted to say that your music has made my life better in so many ways and inspired me, calmed my son, soothed our family. Thank you for your gift. One day I will see you perform!
Dear Iasos,
Every piece of your music that I have heard, is stunningly-beautiful. Your music has the ability to shine a brilliant light into the consciousness of the entire planet. I want you to know that I am truly grateful to have heard such magnificent works. Just listening to your music raises my frame of mind, my way of thinking and most-importantly, my spiritual vibration. I know that this is the music that indeed is characteristic of higher spiritual energy that exists in more lighter, ethereal planes of existence.
You are a New Age Musician taking people into the Next Age, Generations will hear your wonderful uplifting musical scores for a hundred years after your ascended. I what a felt that I was being lifted Chakra by Chakra and level by level of consciousness. This is a dynamic work that will heal souls and lift spirits into the Light. Your sound and Light is magnificent. Keep up the work for humanity. I send my Golden Circle and my friends around the world your work and website. Blessings of Light my friend.
Our young son (age 7) has been listening to your music every night his entire life ... sweet dreams! THANK YOU
i,m getting in touch to simply say thank you for your amazing music . i suffer from depression from time to time and always listen to your music as i find it very relaxing and medatative . " the angels of comfort " is one of the most beautiful pieces of music i have ever heard . i like to make relaxing ambient music myself and find yours very inspiring . i shall continue to listen to you with great affection . thank you so much for sharing we us
Currently I'm writing my thesis, I have been up for 36 hours straight, and your music has helped me with a combination of comfort, continuity, and the preservation of both my sanity and creativity (most music will only help with one of those two)
i love your music , you are a great sacred tool
Hi Iasos, i just wanted to let you know i enjoy your music and it is greatly soothing especially in a hospital setting. It relaxes me so much and i just wanted to let you know that.
I believe you're the greatest musician alive. Thank you for changing my life for the good?
I don't know why I have never contacted you before. I still have tapes that I bought in 1978 at the Real Foods store in Sausalito (at corner of Caledonia and Turney). These tapes had IMMEDIATELY resonated with me on levels that I have no words to describe. I was 18 at that time, and used to ride my bicycle up Mt. Tam every week, with your music in my head. I would stop at the Real Foods and get provision for my journey.That is when I noticed your tapes. My first was "Angelic Music". I NOW WORK AT THAT SAME HEALTH FOOD STORE! It is now called "Driver's Market".
As an aspiring synth player I formed my own music attempts to emulate YOUR creations, not to copy, but as something to aspire to.
I was an orphan at 13 years old, grew up on the streets of San Francisco alone, and had so much pain in my soul. When I first heard "Angels of comfort" my soul was indeed comforted. It was the only thing that would or could comfort me. For the first time, I felt the love of the universe. I used to listen to them in my funky depressing tenderloin hotel room in 1978. Now, 38 years later, the memories of the comfort and healing I received from your music is bringing tears to my eyes as I type these words today.
After Angels of comfort, I then focused on "Angel Play", as my soul had no idea how to play or find any joy. Your music might have saved my life, I know this.
I once tried to describe your music to my father; I said "It is what I imagine heaven might sound like". Just now, I read a description online that said " It is closest to what people who have experienced death or near death have described the other side sounds like". I was blown away! THAT is exactly what I tried to describe to my father 30 years ago!
Thank you so much for what you gave me, not even knowing me. You were meant to bring others to the light.
when I hear your music I feel as though God the composer in some sense and it's gives me hope.
I feel your music helped me realize unlimited possibilities
One aspect I am aware of with spiritualized music is that it can "hold" spiritual Light or energy which can ride upon it. That happens with your music so it is of a higher consciousness. That much I can tell. Thanks! I'm also wary of some new age music, like chakra music, some of it is disturbing to the consciousness and not good or healthy to listen to, in my experience. But your work has the higher spiritual vibration which is good for the consciousness.
very honored to have encountered your music it is truly very pure and sparkly and healing.
Dear Iasos,
I wanted to thank you for your music and DVDs. I can tell you have dedicated your whole life to your art. Your hard, hard work has helped to transport millions of people to better internal worlds and higher planes. Thanks for being committed to the spiritual awakening of the world! We are truly living an a 'new age' and I believe it is fully due to early pioneers like yourself. I am always looking forward to more.
Your music is definitely a carrier of enlightenment and universal energy flow.
I felt today, for some reason, to reach out to you and let you know how you transform the Universe with it.
Thank you so much!
May YOU be Blessed,
I just wanted to thank you for your amazing music. I'm pretty new to living in the now and face many doubts. Your creations help me to remember what's real and keep me focused and calm in the times of uncertainty. They're not only beautiful (which in itself is amazing), they actually make my life better. Thank you.
Your fellow I,
Listening to your music and interviews has given me a new idea of what music can be.
Hi Iasos,
Your music is deeply inspiring and has already made such a significant impact on helping with meditations and expanding consciousness. I am very grateful of your work and dedication to bring the audio joy of higher dimensional music to this reality. Thank you for your service, and I sincerely feel that the gift of your music is a benefit to all who are fortunate enough to hear it. Love,
Dear Iasos- I have been listened to your music since"Wave#1:InterDimensional Music". You have always been my fav artist in this genre- I also share your wonderful sound with my patients as I ease them into anesthesia for surgery- i treasure the kindred friendship I feel with you thru your music-ty!
M.C. - MD
Your music does not only raise my own frequency but also that of my clients. I do healing work with the Amazonian shamanic frog medicine Kambô but within a lightwork concept, and I just realized that your "Sacred Sonic Tools" will be a fantastic tool set to use in my sessions. Especially the violet flame :)
I bought a couple of days ago your compilation of magical music.
I just wanted to let you know how awesome it is and how happy you made me.
Have a terrific day.
May YOU be Blessed,
"Yesterday I was with the kids all day, and they were being crazy so I thought I'd play Iasos to calm them down. It actually did and they both really really liked it! Cxxxxxx asked what it was and found it to listen to. Later I was hanging out with Mxxxxxx for a while and went to go check on Cxxxxxx. I open the door to her room and there's no one in there. I hear something from the closet, open the door, and she's curled up in a ball on the floor in the closet with blankets and pillows and stuffed animals listening to Iasos."
"Your music affects my family in a brilliant way and we value your spirit in all that you do."
"your Music connects me to God"
Your music is divine!! Very uplifting and heavenly !!
Thank you for bringing paradise to this dimension. I will tell you that I played your music for my father's passing and it most definitely made it a peaceful experience for my family. Much Gratitude.
My experience with your music is that it is the most otherworldly I've heard, some of it sounds to me like something from a very alien planet and quite strange. Angels of Comfort to me is pure heavenly love and eternality. There are timbres in your work I've never heard anywhere else that are so wonderful and cosmic and etherial.
The amount of appreciation I have for your breadth of songs and the gratitude i feel EVERY night when I can finally end my day - enter into my nightly wind down routine, of shower, tea, and finally Throne Realms, Angels of Comfort, Angel Play and or Cloud Prayer to lull me to sleep as I keep it on repeat at a soft level throughout the night.
I also wake up everyday to these lovely vibratory healers. These works especially have been instrumental in helping me find solace during such a confusing and discordant time in our world. I really can't express to you enough how grateful I am.
I find it absolutely fascinating, the sounds, the sound textures and sonic landscapes that create this beautiful out of the world experience yet it enhances my awareness to frequencies that I was not attuned to before.
I have a very strong connection to music (I compose for the piano) and I could sense divine inspiration in your music right away.
I first listened to Iasos on cassette in the 70's, Wave#1: Inter-Dimensional Music. I am a Physician Anesthesiologist, and use many of your pieces as a calming influence to my patients as I gently induce general anesthesia for surgery, in addition to immensely enjoying your music myself- ty!!!
the pioneer of expressing celestial states using earthly musical tools, Iasos
Your music is a source of inspiration for me, and I thank you for transforming these paradise patterns into repeatable experiences!
I've had various spiritual experiences which have included divine love. I have heard only a small amount of Iasos music, but I get what he says about it causing us to remember where we come from. Some of the lasos music I've heard creates a longing to return to my/our spirit home.
Thank you for continuing to create beautiful music, and taking us to higher dimensions so we can bring those energies and vibrations back to our planet and effect the change so needed now.
some of your music has led me to deeper into myself. So wonderful. Thanks for all.
Hello Iasos.
Your celestial musical output and your talks are a big inspiration to me. I keep returning to your music to find inner peace and pure uplifting energy. Thank you.
Your music is pure love and many emotional bandwidths beyond, so inspirational, can't thank you enough!!
it's a real pleasure to listen to your harmonies, your compositions. Yes, i strongly believe that you recieved a special gift from above to compose all these tracks. Angelic Music is the right word for it. Your peacefullness music acts like balm to my spirit and body.
I deeply admire your gift of creating such lush incredible synth pads and chords - and your music is incredible especially when fasting
I am a Andreas Vollenweider listener when I found iasos it open my mind up to different types of intelligent sound it helped me find peace and helped my depression go away
Dear Iasos, I want to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for giving so much of yourself- your time and your soul- with such love and generosity this past Saturday in Malibu. Your music has been a source of comfort, healing and inspiration for me to channel my own sacred music in a clearer, more precise way since I first heard "Inter Dimensional Music" a number of years ago, and it opened my heart wide open in ways I didn't know possible. In the course of my friendship with Carlos, he really introduced me to the depth and breadth of your work, and the nature of your wisdom and spirituality, your work with Vesta, (should be Vista) your understanding of the teachings of Bashar, etc . Love!!
And thank you for the incredible frequencies of sound. Truly on another level. Looking forward to the new album. Your music is like the vibration of life. Thanks,
Your work is an inspiration to many! Thank you for your sonic and visual contributions to the world.
Thank you for this beautiful music, it soothes my soul. (In reference to Iasos' music "Lake Lighceous")
You are a composer well connected to intuition, I think I hear this beautiful music after my death.
Many new age/space music artists have come and gone, but Iasos has remained at the top of the pyramid for 35 years. I absolutely love his work!
(YouTube comment)
Can't think of any musicians that are as positive energy as your music to be honest
Dear Iasos,
I've been listening to your music for while now and I want to thank you for creating it! Your music has helped me expand my consciousness tremendously and raise my frequency whenever I turn it on (“Divine Passion”, “Bora Bora 2000”, and “Ubud Trance Dance” are some of my favorite releases, especially the latter). You've helped me realize that all events are neutral and can be perceived as positive if one truly chooses to see things in that way which has helped me a lot.
Dear Iasos,
Just wanted to seriously thank you for the beautiful music you make, I have dealt with addiction and depression for years and recently have gotten sober. But through my worse times your music helped me perceive a different outlook in life. Really sorting out the positive even in negativity! Thank you for what you do
Hello, I certainly would like to be added to your mailing list! I also must congratulate you on this music, which are some of the most exquisite, visionary sounds I have ever heard.
Never before have I heard music as Angelic as yours.
I want to let you know that you are an amazing messenger of this beautiful magic that we call music
I just want to express how much i am gratefull to know your music, you have been such a big inspiration in my life and my music.
Iasos saved my life
When people talk about New Age music I really think you are the embodiment of that label. Isn't music supposed to be something we get lost in? You understand this concept perfectly. Blessings to you.
Clearly you are tuned to the hum of our universe.
He uses western instruments but his direction is all directions musically! We are fortunate to have music like this very positive, uplifting and without borders. As a musician myself I find your music true art and something of an inspirational creative plateau! Thank you!
My cat loves your music and so do I
Thank you, Iasos! Your creativity continues to nourish, and your music continues to heal!
I am so truly inspired by the music you bring into this reality. It has touched me and expanded my soul in moments of astral rapture. I bought "Inter-dimensional Music " on tape many years ago! I am very grateful to contact these sounds and feel them. Everytime gives me new and exciting frequencies! Your music is a gift to this whole planet and I hope you know that! I am so truly taken away and awakened every time. It is music that helps me remember our true being in the Wholeness of One Light.
there can be no dismissing that Iasos is a gifted & visionary artist who should be recognised for not only defining, but transcending the restraints of his genre & arriving at greatness. May history look upon him with the favour & respect & acknowledgement he deserves. Sacred or secular, 'open your mind' to the music of Iasos.
Dear Iasos,
I've been meaning to get in touch with you for quite some time now, years actually. Today is the day. I'd like to express my love and gratitude to you, for bundling all this light and sharing it with the world. It's not easy to describe in words what world your musical energy opens up within myself. It's as if a gate is opening... A gate to home, to the cosmic lap, to the infinite womb. It makes me feel like I felt when I was a child. It connects me to where we all come from, to the stars, and brings me so much joy. It roots and centers me, puts me back in my natural condition, which I've been slowly drifting off from in the last ten years.
Dear Iasos,
I'm just listening to your music and it is helping me feel so peaceful, content and taking me to a higher place. I can hear the light pouring through it and it is beautiful! thank you.
I feel like your music, Iasos, connects with the light of the heart in a special way and to Celestial beings! It has a restorative and rejuvenating effect on the soul. It's amazing that you can channel these beings and that they work through you :)
Before I say goodbye, I'd like to thank you & Vista.
Elixir & Essence of Lumeria have had a profound impact on lightening my ears, heart and soul. When I go for walks in the deepest countryside near my house, your music can be heard, whether I evoke it or not. It feels like the song of the spirits around me and the spirit within me. It challenges me to embrace my fullest joy, and let go of any Wweight that hangs in my mind, body and soul.
Dear Iasos,
I recently was reminded of your first album and went to listen to it again. I had bought it when it was new after I had a diagnosis of cancer, for which I was given a very poor prognosis. Obviously, I'm still here, and I do attribute my healing to meditating to your music, among other things. Inter-Dimensional Music meant so much to me. Just wanted to say thank you.
Hello Iasos,
I was hoping it would be okay to say hello!
I came across your music a few years ago, and fortunately for me, it found it's way to me when it was needed the most. Since then, I have enjoyed exploring your music, visual art, and metaphysical teachings.
I wish to thank you (and Vista) with all of my mind, body, soul, and express my sincere gratitude for your gifts!
Greetings from Melbourne Australia.
Your music also, is gently therapeutic for lots of different moments
I want to thank you for providing a grounding healing force for myself and my life partner. Your uplifting sonic energy, and positive intentions have really risen our spirits during these times. I'm always looking forward to new music from you and I really like how you incorporated what sounds like "spiral ascensions" in your track "Ever Upwards". BRAVO! GREAT STUFF!
Keep up the astounding interdimensional work!
Hi, I hope you are well. I just wanted to tell you that your music is truly amazing and has provided endless calm to me in recent months. Thanks so much! I have your records on repeat these days. Much love,
I am happy you messaged. I first discovered your music a few years ago, but it is only recently that I was completely mind blown by it. I was meditating and listening to 'Buddhic Spherical Consciousness'- that is when I heard your music in a completely new light. I think somewhere online you mention your music creates a hologram in the mind, and that is exactly what I experienced- my mind was blown, that was the first time I had ever experienced a piece of music in that way. Since then I have been obsessed, your work is genius- way ahead of its time. In 100s of years to come, people will look back on you like Mozart, Beethoven etc. So, thank you, you have inspired me in many ways. I have a new love for New Age music and I'm super excited to hear new music from you.
I don't know how you make 10 minutes feel like eternity, yet it goes by too quickly.
(referring to "Journey to the Central Sun Throne" song on my "The Next Dimension" album.
Really would say,to me Iasos music is from beyond , it feels and hears so. Like no other even good ambient or holistic recordings, Iasos music is unique. It seems there's no any lower human expression in it - but all divine, cosmic, vibrations from the higher realms, indeed. Such a gift that we can hear those sounds because your art and abilities, dear Iasos.
hello Iasos, your music lifts my soul. Your etheric musical sounds affect my physical and spiritual health. Thank you for composing such beautiful, inspired music. .............from Quebec. LOV
Your music is soothing and healing, Iasos, and it stimulates my meditations! Thank you for bringing light to the world.
You are truly a multi-dimensional gift to humanity in this dark age, and with each new benevolence will be further exalted and revered in the centuries to come by those grateful ones with ears to hear and minds to perceive and hearts to hold the radiance contained within the shimmering strains of these transcendent transmissions.
For years now, your timeless music has given me daily purpose and whenever I'm feeling a lack of beauty or wonder in my environment, I take a walk with your music on in my headphones and immediately my surroundings morph from banal to mystical.
First of all, I'm a huge fan of your music and visuals. They're extremely therapeutic for me to listen to and watch. I just want to thank you so much for creating all of it. I think my life would be a lot different if I had never discovered your work.
Thank you again for creating some of the most beautiful music to grace this earth.
your music has brought so much joy and euphoria into my life thank you
It was very interesting to see how IASOS attained many of his unique sounds but much remains a mystery far beyond, feedback loops, slowed tapes, chorus-delays and infinite sustain. He is a composer like no other on this planet. I am glad he finally discovered a way to get the music inside his head to be now on the outside for many to experience.
As I walk around in public, all I hear is ugly music with toxic messaging. How wonderful would malls, airports, arenas and shops be if they played your music? Then I'd know I am in Heaven.
What an abundance of sonic enrichment! My ears runneth over! :-)
Your music has inspired me to reach for sounds and new timbres that transcend into the spirit.
Dear Iasos, ?
Much Galactic Love & Light to your Way. Your music healed me overnight last night.
after coming to California and finding your music and videos on YouTube, I got this mystic electric thunder in my body that was really enlightening.
The most beautiful, stunning music, dreams are made of this. I'm an artist, pure inspiration for my artwork ????? Thank you so much
Iasos: your music is always of the highest vibration. What a gift that you have contributed more sonic masterpieces.
Thank you for creating, activating & inspiring through music. We're all higher frequency for it.
Really I'm sorry, but l don't speak english very well, so l prefer to write in italian .....
{{auto-translation from Italion to English}}
Thanks with all my heart ? MYSTIC genius and creative IASOS !!! I have known your celestial ?? music since 1986, and the path I walk as a Buddhist (I practice the Lotus Sutra), is deeply enriched by your sublime ART, and I am absolutely grateful to you .... I feel your Buddhahood in everything. that you have always realized in your most precious Life. I love the immense wisdom that leads you to ?? share, with genuine generosity, everything you do and live to the full !! I love you too much great IASOS ....
{{original Italion}}
Grazie con tutto il mio cuore ❤ MISTICO geniale e creativo IASOS!!! Conosco la tua musica celestiale dal 1986, ed il sentiero che percorro in quanto buddista (pratico il Sutra del Loto), viene profondamente arricchito dalla tua ARTE sublime, e te ne sono assolutamente grato.... Percepisco la tua Buddità in ogni cosa che realizzi, da sempre, nella tua Vita preziosissima. Amo l'immensa saggezza che ti porta a condividere, con genuina generosità ogni cosa che fai e vivi appieno!! I love you too much great IASOS....
Hi Iasos Hope you are well. I just discovered your stunning music and just wanted to say thank you for making such wonderful sounds! They have helped me through a recent difficult period - especially the beautiful Inter dimensional music - and allowed me to get to a place of calm so thank you.
'Angelic Music' CD continues to be my main meditation music - going on 30 years now!!
Greetings Iasos!
Thank you for your musical gifts. They are life-changing to me. While I was visiting a town near Sedona, AZ I stumbled onto a resale shop that had a copy of your cassette tape " Angelic Music ". I purchased it as well as several other spiritual tapes. 'Angel Play' was the first side I heard. Since that experience, my life has taken a different direction now; more art focused, more love focused. I thank you.
I researched more of your music, and found inspiration in Inter-Dimensional Music, Crystal Love, and Jeweled Space. I listened to them non-stop for years.....BUT FINALLY, I branched out and gave Bora Bora 2000 a listen! What a wonderful ride :) It has so much bounce and energy and keeps me motivated while painting. I have many exotica and tiki-related albums but your creation is a magical sunwave of pure bliss.
I do feel Bora Bora 2000 has cosmic tiki energy. It stimulates my brain first before taking control of my feet and arms. I dance wildly while I'm painting to its sounds. Like a cold splash it invigorates.
(YouTube Comment on the video created fo the music "The Diamond-Heart Center of Creation", which is on my "Realms of Light - the DVD")
Interdimensional visualised music of a projected introspected vision transcribed properly in 3D images to become perceptible for the senses and ride the human mind and soul to hyperdimensional and celestial multiverses in parallel to the material one.
(YouTube Comment about the album "Bora Bora 2000")
Iasos seriously you are the best composer around. Your beats are so happy spiritual and life affirming!
Thank you for your beautiful music! I grew up listening to rock music and never thought I would enjoy this type of music, but over these last few stressful and scary years, I have derived much comfort from your music. It's been medicinal in terms of relieving anxiety, and I cannot thank you enough!
Realms of Light is a truly amazing piece of music. I'm a recent widower, and wanted to thank you in tears for the lovely, spiritual music that you have made over the years. It was nice before, and it went unappreciated until my wife passed in my arms. Now it is REQUIRED. I especially like the long, soft harmonic consistency and soothing heavenly nature of it. But the almost miraculous (epiphany) sound of waltz of the lovers just brings me joy. I only wish it were longer. Thank you!
I've been playing your album "Jeweled Space" while swimming in Clackamas River where I live in Oregon, U.S.A, with underwater headphones + goggles, and its been deeply mesmerizing and healing! Music like yours helps my anxiety become far more manageable, Thank you so much!
Hi Iasos,
... I write to you from Germany, to express my appreciation for your work, both your music and visuals, as well as your informative (and helpful) website.
I came around your music sometime in the early 1990s and in my humble opinion, "Crystal*White*Fire*Light" and "The Angels Of Comfort" are among the most beautiful music there is on the planet, and I even didin't listen to your complete discography yet. And although downloads and CDs are superior in sound, I recently bought three of your vinyl records, among them this really beautiful colored vinyl of "Interdimensional Music". A gem.
I never heard a work of yours, that I didn't like / resonate with and that couldn't be described as anything but absolute sheer beauty . You must be bored to always hear this cliché of 'beauty' and 'angelic', but since I understand you want to create exactly that, I assure you, you succeded completely.
Seeing your name pop up in my email immediately sent a wave of relaxation over me… your music has given me so much healing over the years. Please know that your sonic expressions have contributed already so much to my souls development, which apparently was able to stay relaxed, conscious and focused during the emergency of the crash
If my efforts have noticeably benefited your life or raised your spirits,
donations are lovingly accepted. Just follow your Heart.
Thank you.
(by PayPal, Venmo, Debit or Credit Card, Zelle, or Crypto)
Thank you!
Web Site: iasos.com Email: ![]() |
Inter-Dimensional Music Earth/Gaia - 3rd Dimension Sol, Milky Way Galaxy |